Total Salary earned by the top ten: $2,914,868.44
Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. SHEILA JARVIS $480,649.61 |
2. DR. GOLDA MILO-MANSON $359,704.21 |
3. DARCY FEHLINGS $317,521.74 |
4. DR.PETER RUMNEY $282,459.40 |
5. TOM CHAU $264,985.62 |
6. ROB CARMICHAEL $255,874.07 |
7. LAURA C. MCADAM $246,888.40 |
8. DR.SHARON SMILE $238,912.16 |
9. RYAN HUNG $238,451.80 |
10. EVDOKIA ANAGNOSTOU $229,421.43 |
Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Physician / Médecin | 9 | $191,604.37 |
Operations Manager / Gestionnaire, Exploitation | 5 | $106,576.84 |
Nurse Practitioner / Infirmière praticienne | 2 | $107,225.30 |
Psychologist / Psychologue | 2 | $109,313.13 |
Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name | Salary Ranking | Position | Salary | Benefits |
KEITH ADAMSON | 21 | Senior Director, Collaborative Practice / Directeur principal, Pratique collaborative | $133,355.95 | $406.42 |
EVDOKIA ANAGNOSTOU | 10 | Clinician Scientist / Scientifique clinicienne | $229,421.43 | $655.59 |
JERZY ANTCZAK | 45 | Coordinator, Interface / Coordinateur des interfaces | $106,637.06 | $300.07 |
JESSICA A. BRIAN | 28 | Clinician Investigator / Investigatrice clinicienne | $117,037.95 | $369.26 |
ROB CARMICHAEL | 6 | Chief Of Dentistry / Chef de la médecine dentaire | $255,874.07 | $648.43 |
TOM CHAU | 5 | Vice-President of Research and Director of the Bloorview Research Institute/Vice-président de la recherche et directeur de l'Institut de recherche Bloorview | $264,985.62 | $7,967.44 |
CYNTHIA J. CURRAN | 52 | Operations Manager / Gestionnaire, Exploitation | $102,502.95 | $326.17 |
LINDA DAVENPORT | 19 | Senior Director, Information Systems / Directrice principale, Systèmes d'information | $141,963.05 | $404.07 |
ENZA DININIO | 26 | Director, Finance / Directrice, Finances | $125,241.12 | $398.24 |
DARCY FEHLINGS | 3 | Physician Director / Médecin directrice | $317,521.74 | $815.49 |
PAMELA GREEN | 40 | Nurse Practitioner / Infirmière praticienne | $109,991.06 | $340.48 |
ROBERT HANCOCK | 25 | Senior Director, Facility Management / Directeur principal, Gestion des installations | $127,121.88 | $398.24 |
NATHAN HO | 50 | Manager, Pharmacy / Gestionnaire, Pharmacie | $103,187.34 | $321.69 |
DR.ANDREA HOFFMAN | 17 | Physician / Médecin | $173,766.21 | $519.48 |
RYAN HUNG | 9 | Physician / Médecin | $238,451.80 | $575.64 |
JUDY HUNTER | 14 | Vice President, Human Resources and Organization Development / Vice-présidente, Ressources humaines et Développement organisationnel | $204,267.54 | $7,791.55 |
SHEILA JARVIS | 1 | President and Chief Executive Officer / Présidente-directrice générale | $480,649.61 | $18,588.34 |
ELIZABETH JIMENEZ | 16 | Physician / Médecin | $177,897.47 | $473.33 |
NICHOLAS JOACHIMIDES | 54 | Manager, Patient Safety / Gestionnaire, Securité des patients | $100,625.43 | $308.42 |
ANNE KAWAMURA | 13 | Physician / Médecin | $204,922.92 | $486.07 |
NANCY KILLEY | 35 | Director, Organization Development and Learning / Directrice, Développement organisationnel et Apprentissage | $112,634.41 | $358.85 |
DONNA KLINE | 18 | Chief, Communications and Strategy / Chef des Communications et Stratégie | $144,396.70 | $4,100.38 |
LOUISE KUBLICK | 39 | Operations Manager / Gestionnaire, Exploitation | $111,076.73 | $303.19 |
ANDREA LAUZON | 48 | Nurse Practitioner / Infirmière praticienne | $104,459.54 | $330.91 |
ANDREA MACDONALD | 53 | Operations Manager / Gestionnaire, Exploitation | $102,145.02 | $326.17 |
JUDY A. MAHEU | 30 | Director, Quality and Risk Management / Directrice, Gestion de la qualité et des risques | $115,961.42 | $358.85 |
LAURA C. MCADAM | 7 | Physician / Médecin | $246,888.40 | $591.63 |
LORI MCKINNON | 41 | Director, Decision Support and Information / Directrice, Système d'aide à la décision and Information | $109,727.59 | $346.72 |
TRACEY MILLAR | 37 | Director, Human Resources / Directrice, Ressources humaines | $112,634.38 | $358.85 |
DR.GILBERT MILLER | 27 | Physician / Médecin | $124,750.57 | $319.80 |
DR. GOLDA MILO-MANSON | 2 | Vice President, Medicine and Academic Affairs / Vice-présidente, Médecine et Affaires universitaires | $359,704.21 | $8,111.35 |
ANGELINA ORSINO | 15 | Physician / Médecin | $190,462.56 | $2,060.48 |
SONIA PAGURA | 22 | Senior Director, Quality, Safety and Performance / Directrice principale, Qualité, Sécurité et Rendement | $132,518.29 | $406.42 |
KATHRYN PARKER | 29 | Director, Academic Affairs and Simulation Lead / Directrice, Affaires universitaires et responsable de l'apprentissage par simulation | $115,964.29 | $358.85 |
LISE QUIRIN | 36 | Director, Volunteer Resources / Directrice, Ressources bénévoles | $112,634.39 | $358.85 |
DR.PETER RUMNEY | 4 | Physician Director / Médecin directeur | $282,459.40 | $719.55 |
STEPHEN RYAN | 46 | Senior Scientist / Scientifique principal | $106,607.41 | $331.40 |
DIANE SAVAGE | 20 | Senior Director, Participation and Inclusion / Directrice principale, Participation et Intégration | $133,431.49 | $406.42 |
JACQUELINE SCHLEIFERTAYLOR | 11 | Vice President, Programs and Services / Vice-présidente, Programmes et services | $224,161.59 | $7,849.14 |
IRENE SIMPSON | 44 | Operations Manager /Gestionnaire, Exploitation | $106,798.50 | $340.48 |
NAOMI SLONIM | 47 | Psychologist / Psychologue | $105,198.00 | $333.56 |
DR.SHARON SMILE | 8 | Physician / Médecin | $238,912.16 | $575.64 |
ANDREA SNIDER | 34 | Psychologist / Psychologue | $113,428.26 | $361.22 |
DARRYL STERE | 49 | Manager, Technical Services/Gestionnaire, Services techniques | $104,105.98 | $322.43 |
IAN STEVENSON | 38 | Director, Centralized Equipment Pool/Directeur, Parc central d'équipement | $112,122.42 | $356.27 |
MARY STEWART | 32 | Clinical Neuropsychologist/Neuropsychologue clinicienne | $115,035.46 | $366.80 |
BEN SYBRING | 12 | Vice President, Corporate Services/Vice-président, Services généraux | $212,637.73 | $7,792.34 |
DR.JONATHAN TOLKIN | 24 | Physician / Médecin | $128,387.23 | $0.00 |
RICARDO TORRES-MORENO | 33 | Director, Clinical Technology / Directeur, Technologie clinique | $114,884.38 | $358.85 |
ANDREA L. TSUJI | 31 | Business Development Consultant and International Project Lead/Consultante en développement et responsable d'un projet international | $115,671.28 | $326.17 |
SHAWNA E. WADE | 23 | Senior Director, Inpatient Rehabilitation and Complex Continuing Care/Directrice principale, Réadaptation pour patients hospitalisés et Soins continus complexes | $131,253.00 | $406.42 |
KAREN WARD | 42 | Operations Manager / Gestionnaire, Exploitation | $109,703.04 | $1,742.65 |
ELAINE WIDGETT | 43 | Operations Manager / Gestionnaire, Exploitation | $107,456.45 | $342.86 |
VIRGINIA WRIGHT | 51 | Senior Scientist / Scientifique principale | $103,001.66 | $325.68 |
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