Sunday, September 24, 2017

County of Wellington 2016 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2016 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for County of Wellington (released March 31th, 2017). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 34. The total salaries on the list is $4,338,948.14, with the average salary for someone on the list of $127,616.12.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other municipalities can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,610,729.97

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Scott Wilson $215,396.45
2. Gordon Ough $159,672.02
3. Andrea Lawson $159,669.53
4. Eddie Alton $159,669.51
5. Gary Cousins $159,669.51
6. Kenneth DeHart $159,669.46
7. Murray McCabe $159,669.45
8. Janice Hindley $159,669.44
9. Laura Holtom $143,097.64
10. Kevin Mulholland $134,546.96

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Senior Planner 2 $103,375.31

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits
Eddie Alton 4 Social Services Administrator $159,669.51 $2,057.80
Susan Aram 16 Manager of Financial Services $119,664.64 $1,790.44
Luisa Artuso 19 Director of Children's Early Years $117,728.62 $1,802.92
Stuart Beumer 21 Director of Ontario Works $117,728.60 $1,611.56
Harry Blinkhorn 26 Housing Operations Manager $108,372.95 $1,387.64
Mark Bolzon 24 Manager of Purchasing and Risk Management Services $110,248.22 $1,736.20
Donna Bryce 11 County Clerk $132,242.11 $1,891.00
Tricia Burrough 25 Resident Care Manager $109,154.50 $692.16
Gary Cousins 5 Director Planning and Development $159,669.51 $1,543.48
Kenneth DeHart 6 County Treasurer $159,669.46 $2,057.80
Mark Eby 20 Construction Manager $117,728.61 $1,802.92
David Etherton 28 Technology Service Manager $106,670.55 $1,736.20
Sean Farrelly 27 Employment Planning and Strategic Operations Leader $107,286.40 $1,736.20
Susan Farrelly 18 Assistant Director of Human Resources $117,728.65 $1,802.92
Chanda Gilpin 22 Assistant Chief Librarian $117,556.75 $742.44
Judith Goodall 29 Registered Nurse $105,059.76 $583.92
Janice Hindley 8 Museum and Wellington Place Administrator $159,669.44 $999.60
Laura Holtom 9 Home for the Aged Administrator $143,097.64 $899.08
J. Paul Johnson 17 Operations Manager $119,379.22 $1,802.92
Andrea Lawson 3 Director of Human Resources $159,669.53 $2,057.80
Murray McCabe 7 Chief Librarian $159,669.45 $999.60
Peg Muhlbauer 12 Director of Care $126,143.53 $796.32
Kevin Mulholland 10 Construction and Property Manager $134,546.96 $13,446.36
John O'Donnell 34 Roads Superintendent $101,596.26 $12,572.20
Gordon Ough 2 County Engineer $159,672.02 $1,962.49
Mark Paoli 14 Manager of Policy Planning $121,029.85 $1,721.52
Linda Redmond 33 Senior Planner $102,225.72 $1,654.12
Aldo Salis 13 Manager of Development Planning $123,942.71 $1,802.92
Suzanne Schwartzentruber 31 Assistant Administrator Terrace $102,867.73 $655.90
Ram Das Soligo 32 Manager Solid Waste Services $102,790.73 $1,411.44
Mark Van Patter 15 Manager of Planning and Environment $120,932.91 $1,696.61
Doug Waram 23 Director of Information Technology $115,614.25 $1,789.24
Sarah Wilhelm 30 Senior Planner $104,524.90 $1,654.12
Scott Wilson 1 Chief Administrative Officer $215,396.45 $15,438.00

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