Saturday, November 18, 2017

Georgian Bay General Hospital 2016 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2016 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Georgian Bay General Hospital (released March 31th, 2017). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 23. The total salaries on the list is $2,696,642.48, with the average salary for someone on the list of $117,245.33. Last year's list is available here.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,334,335.33

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Karen McGrath $208,565.44
2. John Kurvink $147,982.91
3. Kimberley Eichenblat $144,765.19
4. Liliana Canadic $139,887.09
5. Nancy Bradley $126,640.13
6. Vaughan Mallows $115,728.00
7. Sheree Noon $115,426.88
8. Jackie Mclauchlin-Welch $112,617.62
9. Jacquie Belcourt $111,548.19
10. Jan Mccutcheon $111,173.88

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Registered Nurse7$109,962.33
Manager of Nursing2$104,508.89

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
NameSalary RankingPositionSalaryBenefits
Lynne Bedard22Registered Nurse$101,278.05$354.99
Jacquie Belcourt9Manager of Pharmacy / Gerant de Pharmacie$111,548.19$453.36
Nancy Bradley5Director Geriatric Services, Rehabilitation, Quality Management / Directeur de service Geriatric, readaptation, gestion de la qualite$126,640.13$456.44
Liliana Canadic4Vice President of Patient Care and Clinical Services, Chief Nursing Executive / Le Vice-president de Soin Patient et Services Cliniques, Executif en chef de soins$139,887.09$562.32
Judy Eakley21Manager of Diagnostic Imaging / Gerant de L'Imagerie Diagnostique$102,833.70$396.84
Jacqueline Edmonds14Registered Nurse$106,165.53$354.99
Kimberley Eichenblat3Registered Nurse$144,765.19$354.99
Lorraine Harker11Registered Nurse$109,304.38$0.00
Owen Harries16Transformational Leader/Gerant de la transformation$105,658.72$430.30
Tammy Hoddy23Registered Nurse$101,234.41$354.99
John Kurvink2Vice President of Corporate and Support Services, Chief Financial Officer / Le Vice-president de D'entreprise et les Services de Soutien, directeur general des Finances$147,982.91$565.44
Lisa Ladouceur20Nurse Practitioner$102,901.96$418.72
Anne Lalonde17Registered Nurse$103,879.53$361.16
Dawn Major13Director of Performance Excellence / Directeur de L'excellence du rendement$108,203.20$440.96
Vaughan Mallows6Pharmacist$115,728.00$415.90
Shelley Marchildon18Registered Nurse$103,109.22$354.99
Jan Mccutcheon10Director of Finance/Directeur des Finances$111,173.88$452.13
Karen McGrath1President and Chief Executive Officer / Le President et le Directeur general$208,565.44$565.44
Jackie Mclauchlin-Welch8Director of Communication and Health Information Systems / Directeur de communication et systeme d'information$112,617.62$458.06
Sheree Noon7Director of Nursing / Directeur des soins infirmiers$115,426.88$469.61
Leigh Pallister19Manager of Nursing$103,045.04$0.00
Kristian Voycey15Manager of Nursing$105,972.75$410.47
Bill Whittaker12Director of Human Resources and Support Services / Directeur de Ressources Humaines et de Services de Soutien$108,720.66$511.77 

1 comment:

  1. Je recommanderai à tous ceux qui recherchent un prêt d’affaires à Le_Meridian de m’aider avec un prêt de quatre millions de dollars américains pour lancer mon entreprise de courtepointe et c’était rapide. Obtenir un prêt de leur part était surprenant de la facilité avec laquelle ils travaillaient. Ils peuvent financer jusqu'à 500 000 000 000 USD (cinq cent millions de dollars) dans toutes les régions du monde, dans la mesure où un retour sur investissement de 1,9% peut être garanti sur les projets. Le processus a été rapide et sécurisé. C’était définitivement une expérience positive. Évitez les arnaqueurs et contactez Le_Meridian Funding Service au. WhatsApp ... + 19893943740. Si vous cherchez un prêt commercial, merci.
