Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board 2014 Sunshine List, Rankings and Analysis

Update: Click here for the 2015 Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board Sunshine List (released March 2016)

Here is the 2014 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board (released March 28th, 2015). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 29. The total salaries on the list is $3,583,155.01, with the average salary for someone on the list of $123,557.07. Last year's list is available here.

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,469,107.65

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. BRUCE MACPHERSON $244,500.05
3. GERALD CASEY $146,656.12
4. CATHY COLTON $146,656.12
5. SUZANNE WHITE $143,744.88
6. GLEN MILLER $130,200.80
7. FRANCINE PILON $126,547.20
8. MURRAY KUNTZ $124,237.88
9. STEPHEN NEWELL $120,971.56
10. KEITH WALSH $120,300.96

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Elementary School Principal10$118,318.14
Superintendent of Education3$134,468.04
Secondary Vice-Principal2$110,521.06
Director of Education2$204,896.07

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits
MICHAEL BETHUNE 11 Elementary School Principal $119,301.00 $562.90
DENISE BUTTENAAR 25 E-learning Contact $103,542.55 $361.92
JANEY CAMPBELL 18 Elementary School Principal $118,587.15 $562.90
GERALD CASEY 3 Superintendent of Education $146,656.12 $576.68
THERESA COBURN 12 Elementary School Principal $119,301.00 $562.90
NOLA COLLINS 13 Elementary School Principal $119,301.00 $562.90
CATHY COLTON 4 Superintendent of Business $146,656.12 $528.06
LAURIE FISCHER 19 Secondary Vice-Principal $110,521.06 $562.90
KRISTEN FRY 29 Teacher $100,729.38 $361.92
MARIA T. HARRIETHA 23 Instructional Leadership Consultant $104,069.87 $361.92
WILLIAM KING 21 Teacher $109,870.80 $339.56
MURRAY KUNTZ 8 Secondary Principal $124,237.88 $562.90
PAULETTE LIPPERT 28 Teacher $101,324.04 $361.92
BRUCE MACPHERSON 1 Director of Education $244,500.05 $264.03
MARION MASSALOUP 14 Elementary School Principal $119,301.00 $562.90
GLEN MILLER 6 Superintendent of Education $130,200.80 $567.40
CATHERINE MONTREUIL 2 Director of Education $165,292.08 $574.60
ANNA MORRISON 24 Teacher $103,596.97 $361.92
STEPHEN NEWELL 9 Teacher $120,971.56 $339.56
CHRISTINE PFEFFER 22 Elementary School Principal $109,186.33 $421.17
FRANCINE PILON 7 Superintendent of Education $126,547.20 $567.40
DANIEL PITRE 26 Consultant $103,542.55 $372.85
MELISA STRIMAS 15 Elementary School Principal $119,301.00 $573.66
MARION TURCOTTE 27 Teacher $103,448.60 $339.56
MONIQUE VANALPHEN-FLEAR 16 Elementary School Principal $119,301.00 $566.88
ALEX VANWIERINGEN 20 Secondary Vice-Principal $110,521.06 $563.58
KEITH WALSH 10 Elementary School Principal $120,300.96 $562.90
VALEETA WALSH 17 Elementary School Principal $119,301.00 $562.90
SUZANNE WHITE 5 Superintendent of Human Resources $143,744.88 $574.60

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