Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here
Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,801,252.32
Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Dr. David Hurlbut $269,428.57 |
2. Dr. David Pichora $257,373.02 |
3. Steve Miller $192,050.59 |
4. Dr. Marosh Manduch $180,502.40 |
5. Dr. Christopher Davidson $166,896.60 |
6. Mike McDonald $166,752.00 |
7. Scott MacInnes $156,012.98 |
8. Dr. Michael Fitzpatrick $155,250.79 |
9. Janine Schweitzer $128,492.70 |
10. Elizabeth Bardon $128,492.67 |
Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Nurse Practitioner | 5 | $107,181.26 |
Laboratory Pathologist | 3 | $205,609.19 |
Psychologist | 3 | $123,335.40 |
Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name | Salary Ranking | Position | Salary | Benefits |
Elizabeth Bardon | 10 | Chief of Public Relations and Community Engagement/Directrice des relations publiques et de la mobilisation communautaire | $128,492.67 | $486.56 |
Tanya Beattie | 30 | Program Manager | $101,561.70 | $0.00 |
Karen Bright | 32 | Speech Language Pathologist - Professional Practice Leader, Allied Health/Orthophoniste Chef de pratique professionnelle, Allied Health | $100,900.02 | $346.12 |
Kristine Canty | 21 | Nurse Practitioner | $108,290.88 | $449.88 |
Dr. Christopher Davidson | 5 | Laboratory Pathologist | $166,896.60 | $696.84 |
Wendy Earle | 20 | Nurse Practitioner | $108,709.69 | $449.88 |
Larry Erwin | 13 | Director, Facilities Management/Directeur de la gestation des installations | $123,868.20 | $455.96 |
Dr. Michael Fitzpatrick | 8 | Chief of Staff/Medecin-chef | $155,250.79 | $0.00 |
Elizabeth Hill | 19 | Nurse Practitioner | $108,919.68 | $449.88 |
Dr. David Hurlbut | 1 | Laboratory Pathologist | $269,428.57 | $618.72 |
Marina Kanellos-Sutton | 23 | Nurse Practitioner | $105,356.62 | $449.88 |
Karen Lollar-Baird | 25 | Nurse Practitioner | $104,629.42 | $432.30 |
Bradly Mac Neil | 12 | Psychologist | $125,215.32 | $463.44 |
Scott MacInnes | 7 | Chief Human Resources Officer/Dirigeant principal des ressources humaines | $156,012.98 | $591.48 |
Dr. Marosh Manduch | 4 | Laboratory Pathologist | $180,502.40 | $753.24 |
Mike McDonald | 6 | Chief of Patient Care and Chief Nursing Executive/Directeur des soins aux patients et directrice des soins infirmiers | $166,752.00 | $605.16 |
Mary McKay | 28 | Gestionnaire de programme | $101,649.56 | $414.20 |
Steve Miller | 3 | Chief Operations Officer and Chief Financial Officer/Dirigeant principal des operations et dirigeant principal des finances | $192,050.59 | $696.84 |
Kelly Monaghan | 17 | Director, Patient and Staff Safety, Infection Prevention and Control and Occupational Health/Directrice de securite des patients et du personnel et de la prevention des infections et de la sante et de la securite au travail | $111,298.11 | $455.96 |
Dr. David Pichora | 2 | Chief Executive Officer/Directeur general | $257,373.02 | $933.72 |
Caroline Reid | 15 | Director of Finance/Directrice du Service des finances | $111,941.25 | $455.96 |
Midge Rouse | 18 | Director, Weeneebayko Patient Services/Directrice du Programme de services aux patients de Weeneebayko | $109,341.80 | $400.96 |
Robert Rowe | 11 | Psychologist | $125,886.48 | $463.44 |
Vic Sahai | 31 | Director, Research Institute and Business Development/Directeur de lInstitut de recherche et du developpement | $100,940.56 | $421.56 |
Nancy Savage | 26 | Registered Nurse | $103,572.02 | $366.04 |
Janine Schweitzer | 9 | Chief of Quality Management and Organizational Improvement/Chef de la gestion de la qualite et de lamelioration organisationnelle | $128,492.70 | $486.56 |
Kerry Smith | 22 | Director, Strategic Alliances and Logistics/Directeur ou directrice des alliances strategiques et de la logistique | $105,706.35 | $430.84 |
Patricia Staples | 27 | Clinical Nurse Specialist/Infirmiere clinicienne specialisee | $101,837.87 | $343.53 |
Margaret van Beers | 24 | Director, KidsInclusive/Directrice de EnfantsInclus | $105,079.12 | $433.92 |
Paula Varette-Cerre | 29 | Director, Audiology and Speech Language Pathology/Directrice, audiologie et orthophonie | $101,647.69 | $414.20 |
Jane Warner | 33 | Director - Professional Practice/Directrice de la pratique professionnelle | $100,869.92 | $410.06 |
Christine Wasson | 14 | Psychologist | $118,904.40 | $463.44 |
Clarence Willms | 16 | Director of Human Resources and Payroll/Directeur du Service des ressources humaines et de la paie | $111,941.25 | $455.96 |
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