Monday, April 6, 2015

City of Pembroke 2014 Sunshine List, Rankings and Analysis

Here is the 2014 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for City of Pembroke (released March 28th, 2015). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 13. The total salaries on the list is $1,478,233.19, with the average salary for someone on the list of $113,710.25. Last year's list is available here.

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,168,375.08

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. TERRY LAPIERRE $159,194.56
2. DANIEL HERBACK $121,539.08
3. MCINTYRE LEEANN $118,913.75
4. DOUG SITLAND $114,628.28
5. PHILLIP CORRIVEAU $114,255.67
6. GARY LOWE $111,711.66
7. COLLEEN SAURIOL $109,171.12
8. STACY GRAVELINE $107,169.71
9. EDWARD FARRELL $105,913.39
10. DARRELL ANDREWS $105,877.86

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits
DARRELL ANDREWS 9 Firefighter $105,877.86 $666.12
EDWARD BEAUPRE 11 Firefighter $103,024.63 $666.12
WILLIAM CLAYTON 10 Firefighter $104,199.61 $689.48
PHILLIP CORRIVEAU 4 Firefighter $114,255.67 $783.64
SUSAN ELLIS 12 Manager of Economic Development, Tourism, and Recreation $102,633.87 $744.66
EDWARD FARRELL 8 Firefighter $105,913.39 $760.76
STACY GRAVELINE 7 Firefighter $107,169.71 $783.64
DANIEL HERBACK 1 Fire Chief $121,539.08 $915.98
TERRY LAPIERRE 0 Chief Administrative Officer $159,194.56 $1,180.92
MCINTYRE LEEANN 2 Treasurer $118,913.75 $897.00
GARY LOWE 5 Firefighter $111,711.66 $759.32
COLLEEN SAURIOL 6 Manager of Planning and Building $109,171.12 $821.34
DOUG SITLAND 3 Manager of Operations $114,628.28 $863.20

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