Sunday, April 19, 2015

Town of Midland 2014 Sunshine List, Rankings and Analysis

Here is the 2014 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Town of Midland (released March 28th, 2015). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 15. The total salaries on the list is $1,714,306.95, with the average salary for someone on the list of $114,287.13. Last year's list is available here.

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,186,057.11

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. MICHAEL GAGNON $126,384.90
2. ALAN HAMELIN $125,098.37
3. ROBERT WILSON $123,789.57
4. SHAWN BERRIAULT $120,979.05
5. MARC VILLENEUVE $120,424.16
6. DONALD HEBNER $118,028.68
7. JAMES IRONSIDE $116,589.73
8. CAROLYN TRIPP $113,046.81
9. BRYAN PETER $111,364.20
10. WESLEY CROWN $110,351.64

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Fire Suppression Captain4$122,965.64

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits
SHAWN BERRIAULT 4 Director of Public Works $120,979.05 $551.98
KENNETH CORRIVEAU 12 Fire Prevention Officer $107,818.60 $485.19
WESLEY CROWN 10 Director of Planning and Building Services $110,351.64 $468.52
KEVIN FOSTER 11 Director of Fire Services (Fire Chief) and Emergency Management $108,890.60 $505.44
MICHAEL GAGNON 1 Fire Suppression Captain $126,384.90 $499.15
JAMIE GALLOWAY 13 Town Engineer $106,652.00 $497.38
ALAN HAMELIN 2 Fire Suppression Captain $125,098.37 $488.96
DONALD HEBNER 6 Fire Training Officer $118,028.68 $471.40
JAMES IRONSIDE 7 Fire Suppression Captain $116,589.73 $499.15
JAMES MARK 15 Firefighter $102,366.93 $399.06
BRYAN PETER 9 Director of Parks and Recreation $111,364.20 $468.52
CAROLYN TRIPP 8 Chief Administrative Officer $113,046.81 $498.26
MARC VILLENEUVE 5 Director of Finance/Treasurer $120,424.16 $524.16
DOUGLAS WARD 14 Firefighter $102,521.71 $399.06
ROBERT WILSON 3 Fire Suppression Captain $123,789.57 $485.19

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