Thursday, October 12, 2017

United Counties of Leeds and Grenville 2016 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2016 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for United Counties of Leeds and Grenville (released March 31th, 2017). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 17. The total salaries on the list is $2,020,082.24, with the average salary for someone on the list of $118,828.37.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other municipalities can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,304,400.18

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Andrew Brown $171,647.08
2. Leslie Shepherd $150,172.45
3. Alison Tutak $136,988.43
4. Kristen Argue $131,425.95
5. Chris Lloyd $130,186.39
6. Brian Huels $122,659.58
7. Pat Huffman $119,199.70
8. Jeffrey Carss $117,328.65
9. Linda Chaplin $115,447.04
10. Kirsten Pollock $109,344.91

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Paramedic Supervisor 2 $100,562.99

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits
Kristen Argue 4 Director of Corporate Services $131,425.95 $1,433.28
Allan Brown 12 Financial Services Manager $102,963.12 $1,125.68
Andrew Brown 1 Chief Administrative Officer $171,647.08 $7,068.28
Jeffrey Carss 8 Deputy Chief of Paramedic Service $117,328.65 $5,610.14
Linda Chaplin 9 Administrator $115,447.04 $940.33
Jo-Ann Hendry 15 Commander of Paramedic Service $102,500.90 $5,352.76
Brian Huels 6 Manager of Information Technology $122,659.58 $630.84
Pat Huffman 7 Treasurer $119,199.70 $1,297.94
Michael Lehman 17 Paramedic Supervisor $100,010.37 $1,122.91
Kimberly Little 13 Integrated Program Delivery Manager $102,963.12 $1,125.68
Chris Lloyd 5 Chief of Paramedic Service $130,186.39 $2,559.84
Chris Morrison 14 Manager of Social Housing $102,963.12 $1,125.68
Jonathan Parker 11 Paramedic $103,165.83 $0.00
Steven Pinkney 16 Paramedic Supervisor $101,115.60 $1,041.22
Kirsten Pollock 10 Director of Care $109,344.91 $1,119.48
Leslie Shepherd 2 Director of Public Works $150,172.45 $1,568.60
Alison Tutak 3 Director of Community and Social Services $136,988.43 $1,502.02

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