Sunday, January 28, 2018

Timmins and District Hospital 2016 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2016 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Timmins and District Hospital (released March 31th, 2017). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 60. The total salaries on the list is $6,984,942.80, with the average salary for someone on the list of $116,415.71.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,576,406.95

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Blaise Macneil $281,211.22
2. Joan Ludwig $161,727.93
3. Bryan Bennetts $151,484.27
4. Carlo Delorenzi $150,615.65
5. Mike Resetar $149,607.88
6. Lee-Anne Larocque $138,092.17
7. Natalie Torrens $137,543.54
8. Natalie Roy $135,700.50
9. Diane Lawrence $135,431.70
10. Guy Guindon $134,992.09

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Registered Nurse 31 $106,458.16
Program Manager 8 $113,365.12
Pharmacist 5 $132,413.31
Information Technology Specialist 2 $108,612.26

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits
Kelley Amodeo 30 Registered Nurse $108,015.45 $379.23
Kim Bazinet 37 Program Manager $105,936.96 $442.54
Bryan Bennetts 3 Chief Financial Officer $151,484.27 $651.60
Vicky Bernard 33 Program Manager $106,761.48 $449.37
Chris Bertrand 46 Registered Nurse $103,301.89 $372.78
Shawn Best 24 Physician Assistant $113,359.44 $0.00
Tammy Brown 31 Registered Nurse $106,956.03 $372.78
Natalie Carle 14 Program Manager $119,480.69 $511.38
Wayne Caron 36 Registered Nurse $106,025.73 $372.78
Linda Clayton-Mcgillis 15 Registered Nurse $117,334.01 $379.23
Michelle Cote-Guay 38 Registered Nurse $105,231.48 $372.78
Kristine Cumming 40 Registered Nurse $104,930.16 $370.57
Carlo Delorenzi 4 Chief, Clinical Support Services / chef service de consultation medico-sociale $150,615.65 $625.25
Melany Dupuis 55 Picture Archive-Diagnostic Imaging Computer System Administrator / Administration Systeme Informatique d'Imagerie Diagnostic $102,101.19 $0.00
Estelle Fernandes 35 Registered Nurse $106,250.44 $372.78
Eric Filion 42 IT Specialist / Specialiste en Informatique $104,340.52 $416.46
Denise Fiset 21 Registered Nurse $114,396.07 $0.00
Lise Fleury 59 Staff Educator / Educatrice $100,648.20 $387.81
Bobbie Lynn Foley 34 Registered Nurse $106,251.68 $0.00
Lia Fontana 16 Program Manager $117,252.68 $453.15
Cindy Gainsford 60 Registered Nurse $100,526.74 $379.23
Natalie Garwah 20 Pharmacist $115,298.62 $551.76
Renee Gauthier 54 Registered Nurse $102,161.54 $379.23
Claire Geoffroy 28 Program Manager $109,180.49 $453.15
Lorna Green 29 Program Manager $108,908.51 $453.15
Guy Guindon 10 Manager Diagnostic Imaging, Cardio and Picture Archiving Communication System / chef des systemes DI,Cardio&PACS $134,992.09 $571.80
Anu Harju-Panula 58 Registered Nurse $100,670.87 $372.78
Linda Hocevar 27 Registered Nurse $109,220.97 $379.23
Josee Jean 11 Program Manager $123,511.13 $511.38
Lee-Anne Larocque 6 Pharmacist $138,092.17 $551.76
Diane Lawrence 9 Pharmacist $135,431.70 $551.76
Aline Letourneau 17 Program Manager $115,889.00 $494.13
Anne Ludgate 44 Registered Nurse $104,126.46 $376.36
Joan Ludwig 2 Chief Nursing Officer / chef de services infirmieres $161,727.93 $696.93
Blaise Macneil 1 President and Chief Executive Officer $281,211.22 $1,210.56
Leslie Mann 22 Information Technology Specialist $114,288.43 $474.06
Gregory G. Martin 49 Information Technology Specialist $102,936.10 $402.66
Susan Mcgaghran 43 Registered Nurse $104,321.88 $379.23
Diane Meunier 26 Manager $110,389.88 $468.30
Tara Miller 50 Registered Nurse $102,881.69 $379.23
Lorna Moreau 23 Registered Nurse $114,070.88 $0.00
Janice Nadeau 32 Registered Nurse $106,813.63 $372.78
Marilea Niskanen 19 Registered Nurse $115,347.67 $152.23
Caron E. Page 47 Registered Nurse $103,241.76 $0.00
Vera Perron 53 Registered Nurse $102,217.30 $372.78
Christine Pettefer 51 Registered Nurse $102,768.36 $372.78
Brigitte Ms Potvin 52 Registered Nurse $102,731.97 $384.99
Melanie Proulx 48 Registered Nurse $103,126.96 $372.78
Mike Resetar 5 Chief Human Resources Officer / chef general des ressources humaines $149,607.88 $645.12
Ray Rivard 25 Finance Supervisor $111,477.44 $474.66
Brenda Robertson 41 Registered Nurse $104,390.41 $379.23
Natalie Roy 8 Pharmacist $135,700.50 $551.76
Deborah-Lynne Scobie 57 Registered Nurse $100,996.94 $379.23
William P. Scobie 45 Registered Nurse $103,785.68 $372.78
Brenda Smith 12 Unit Manager $121,350.94 $506.66
Kaitlin Smith 56 Registered Nurse $101,455.24 $0.00
Lee-Ann Spence 13 Registered Nurse $121,300.05 $0.00
Angel St-Amour 18 Registered Nurse $115,353.01 $372.78
Natalie Torrens 7 Pharmacist $137,543.54 $551.76
Claudette Yungwirth 39 Registered Nurse Coordinator $105,221.20 $398.04

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