Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Ontario Ministry of Transportation / Transports 2017 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Homicide Canada - Information on Canadian Homicides and Statistics

Here is the 2017 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Transportation / Transports (released March 23th, 2018). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 662. The total salaries on the list is $75,921,901.70, with the average salary for someone on the list of $114,685.65.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other colleges can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,883,004.27
Total Salary earned by the top 25: $4,227,681.54

Here is the top 25 salary earners:
1. Stephen Rhodes $267,051.52
2. John K. Lieou $203,155.96
3. Wynnann Rose $195,081.21
4. Kevin S. Bentley $180,631.61
5. Kevin Byrnes $180,631.61
6. Linda L. Mcausland $180,631.61
7. Daniel L. Young $180,229.85
8. Robert W. Stephens $168,385.88
9. Paul Harbottle $165,914.98
10. Linda A. Dunstall $161,290.04
11. Peter D. Hurst $161,290.04
12. Peter Makula $161,104.47
13. Howard Bertrand $160,008.57
14. Abedakhatun J. Desai $158,589.02
15. Dino Bagnariol $154,880.47
16. Kimberley Bates $154,880.47
17. Claudio De Rose $154,880.47
18. Wilfred Doidge $154,880.47
19. Jennifer E. Graham Harkness $154,880.47
20. Shael E. Gwartz $154,880.47
21. Paul Y. Lecoarer $154,880.47
22. Steven A. Levene $154,880.47
23. Elizabeth T. Luste Dirks $154,880.47
24. Kathryn E. Moore $154,880.47
25. John P. Taylor $154,880.47

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information 32 $114,095.80
Team Leader / Chef d'equipe 32 $106,775.53
Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats 16 $115,441.30
Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure 16 $103,480.59
Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet 16 $103,941.94
Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels 16 $106,930.48
Area Manager / Chef de secteur 14 $114,596.16
Senior Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte principal de l'information et de la technologie de l'information 13 $107,958.95
Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieure principale de projet 10 $102,582.49
Regional Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur regional, contrats 10 $121,205.11
Senior Policy Advisor / Conseiller principal en politiques 9 $102,053.97
Information and Information Technology Lead Technology Specialist / Specialiste en technologie, responsable, information et technologie de linformation 8 $110,112.50
Middleware Specialist / Specialiste en intergiciel 8 $116,821.62
Senior Business Consultant / Conseillere principale en gestion des activites 7 $102,732.41
Senior Policy Advisor / Conseillere principale en politiques 7 $101,584.92
Manager, Operations / Chef des operations 6 $130,925.65
Team Lead / Chef d'equipe 6 $109,987.15
Senior Bridge Engineer / Ingenieur principal des ponts 5 $102,881.96
Information and Information Technology Senior Business Analyst / Analyste principal de gestion en matiere d'information et de technologie de l'information 5 $107,489.49
Manager, Program Planning / Chef, planification des programmes 5 $122,449.24
Senior Project Manager / Chef de projet 5 $107,024.22
Manager, Regional Operations / Chef, operations regionales 5 $114,817.94
Team Leader, Special Projects / Chef d'equipe des projets speciaux 4 $105,183.01
Head, Corridor Management / Responsable, gestion des couloirs routiers 4 $113,131.15
Manager, Solutions Portfolio / Chef, portefeuille des solutions 4 $122,129.32
Head, Planning and Design / Responsable, planification et conception 4 $123,715.82
Lead, Technical Support / Responsable, soutien technique 4 $131,670.02
Regional Services Manager / Chef des services regionaux 4 $104,697.60
Manager, Engineering / Chef, ingenierie 4 $140,838.59
Claims Engineer, Negotiator / Negociateur, demandes de reglement 4 $110,301.37
Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieure de secteur, contrats 4 $113,391.89
Senior Foundations Engineer / Ingenieur principal en fondations 3 $114,107.93
Lead, Bridge Engineer / Ingenieur principal des ponts 3 $108,874.78
Senior Business Analyst / Analyste principal de gestion 3 $105,606.48
Design and Contract Standards Engineer / Ingenieur, normes conceptuelles et contractuelles 3 $103,465.08
Senior Business Consultant / Conseiller principal en gestion des activites 3 $102,192.27
Transportation Investment Analyst / Analyste, investissement dans le transport 3 $105,899.12
Head, Information Technology Section / Responsable, Section de la technologie de l'information 3 $121,446.63
Business Advisor / Conseillere en services operationnels 3 $103,867.79
Project Manager / Chef de projet 3 $111,026.63
Information and Information Technology Senior Solutions Designer / Concepteur principal de solutions en matiere d'information et de technologie de l'information 3 $105,173.64
Traffic Supervisor / Surveillante de la circulation 3 $100,466.07
Coordinator, Financial Analysis / Coordonnateur de lanalyse financiere 3 $102,041.56
Geotechnical Engineer / Ingenieur en geotechnique 3 $103,569.71
Head, Structural / Responsable, structures 3 $118,100.34
Head, Property Section / Responsable, Section des biens immobiliers 3 $102,693.87
Area Traffic Manager / Chef regionale de la circulation routiere 2 $116,910.18
Head, Traffic / Responsable, circulation 2 $112,853.32
Head, Construction and Engineering / Responsable, construction et ingenierie 2 $123,637.62
Chief Information Officer, Transportation Cluster / Directeur de l'information, Groupement pour les transports 2 $177,544.89
Manager, Client Relations / Chef, relations avec la clientele 2 $108,606.15
Project and Change Management Agent / Agente des projets et de la gestion des changements 2 $101,219.91
Manager, Systems Development / Chef de l'elaboration des systemes 2 $116,005.52
Database Administrator / Administratrice de bases de donnees 2 $107,650.66
Senior Advisor, Rail Engineer / Conseiller principal, ingenieur du systeme ferroviaire 2 $110,110.68
Senior Manager, Correspondence and Editorial Services / Chef, correspondance et services de redaction 2 $116,115.56
Fleet Coordinator / Coordonnateur du parc automobile 2 $102,144.73
Head, Planning and Environmental / Responsable, planification et environnement 2 $109,325.05
Head, Quality Assurance / Responsable, assurance de la qualite 2 $110,146.93
Head, Geomatics Section / Responsable, Section de la geomatique 2 $115,167.91
Executive Director, Road User Safety Modernization / Directeur general du Projet de modernisation des activites de securite des usagers de la route 2 $129,359.52
Project Coordinator / Coordonnatrice de projet 2 $128,582.87
Head, Geotechnical Section / Responsable, Section des services geotechniques 2 $118,513.18
Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte de l'information et de la technologie de l'information 2 $104,593.46
Head, Operational Services / Responsable, services operationnels 2 $103,433.77
Head, Structural Engineering / Responsable, ingenierie des structures 2 $124,320.45
Manager, Application Solutions / Chef, services d'application 2 $132,334.26
Manager, Service Support / Chef, soutien aux services 2 $125,811.01
Manager, Development Services Unit / Chef, elaboration des applications et assurance de la qualite 2 $118,733.49
Head, Geomatics / Responsable, geomatique 2 $104,654.17
Contract Innovations Policy Specialist / Specialiste des politiques, innovation en gestion des contrats 2 $105,140.40
Middleware Support Specialist / Specialiste du soutien aux intergiciels 2 $102,643.87
Claims Engineer / Ingenieur, demandes d'indemnites 2 $118,926.62
Head, Licensing Administrator Office / Responsable, Bureau dadministration et de soutien pour la delivrance des permis et limmatriculation 2 $106,643.91
Manager, Business Services and Controllership / Chef, services operationnels et controle financier 2 $112,944.86
Head, Planning and Engineering / Responsable, planification et ingenierie 2 $116,923.82
Head, Driver Improvement / Chef, perfectionnement des conducteurs 2 $102,714.31
Stakeholder Relations Manager / Chef des relations avec les intervenants 2 $102,248.80
Lead, Master Data Management / Responsable, gestion des donnees principales 2 $103,375.58
Director, Service Delivery Partnerships / Directeur, partenariats pour la prestation de services 2 $111,664.94
Contract Innovations Engineer / Ingenieur, innovation en gestion des contrats 2 $108,996.79

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits
Suzanne B. Adamkowski 160 Manager, Division Services and Program Management / Chef, services divisionnaires et gestion des programmes $120,313.90 $177.80
Krista Adams 199 Manager, Goods Movement Policy / Chef, politiques du transport des marchandises $117,066.50 $170.54
Nancy Adriano 210 Area Traffic Manager / Chef regionale de la circulation routiere $116,909.26 $178.71
Vlada Agaronin 260 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $115,700.67 $176.04
Shah Q. Ahmad 269 Senior Foundations Engineer / Ingenieur principal en fondations $114,474.35 $175.29
Martin Aitkenhead 211 Head, Electrical Engineering / Chef, genie electrique $116,909.26 $178.71
Naeem Akhtar 388 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $107,854.81 $162.66
Anthony O. Akomah 317 Area Manager / Chef de secteur $111,512.26 $166.85
Rafael Albino 59 Manager, Operations / Chef des operations $134,072.14 $204.93
Andrew Alkins 347 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $108,929.15 $164.00
Franco Alulio 251 Manager, Driver Improvement / Chef, perfectionnement en conduite automobile $116,465.51 $169.82
Sudhir L. Ambekar 525 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $102,587.52 $157.08
Franca Ambrosio 602 Manager, Evaluation and Training / Chef, evaluation et formation $101,946.93 $148.44
Susan Ampleford 196 Manager, Rail Advice and Reporting / Chef, conseils et production de rapports, projets ferroviaires $117,204.52 $171.31
Ian A. Aseltine 433 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $105,238.87 $161.00
Man C. Au 458 Senior Bridge Engineer / Ingenieur principal des ponts $103,609.04 $158.40
Man-Jim Au 256 Lead, Bridge Engineer / Ingenieur principal des ponts $116,014.56 $177.63
Brenda D. Augerman 170 Manager, Customer and Traveller Information Management / Chef, gestion de l'information pour les clients et les voyageurs $119,107.42 $173.53
Jaskaran S. Aujla 619 Senior Business Analyst / Analyste principal de gestion $101,367.17 $207.48
James Austin 31 Director, Transportation Policy / Directeur, politiques du transport $143,409.88 $220.14
Mark C. Ayton 212 Senior Engineer Highway Design / Ingenieur, conception des routes $116,909.26 $178.71
Arshad Azhar 510 Design and Contract Standards Engineer / Ingenieur, normes conceptuelles et contractuelles $103,177.17 $157.86
Dino Bagnariol 15 Director, Highway Standards Branch / Directeur, Direction des normes routieres $154,880.47 $237.75
Jennifer Bailey 103 Manager, Policy Priorities and Coordination / Chef, priorites en matiere de politiques et de coordination $124,146.53 $180.06
Michele Bailey 459 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieure principale de projet $103,609.04 $158.40
Ryan J. Bailey 365 Team Leader, Special Projects / Chef d'equipe des projets speciaux $108,261.29 $165.63
Sandra Bailey 302 Head, Municipal and Highway Services / Responsable, Services municipaux et routiers $112,533.76 $163.37
Robert Bakalarczyk 348 Head, Traffic / Responsable, circulation $108,871.91 $163.98
Jeff Baker 110 Head, Construction and Engineering / Responsable, construction et ingenierie $123,746.17 $189.06
Christopher J. Balasa 146 Regional Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur regional, contrats $123,069.66 $189.06
Karen D. Baldassarra 32 Director, Strategic Human Resources Branch / Directrice, Direction de la gestion strategique des ressources humaines $143,409.88 $220.14
Daniel Barber 605 Head, Corridor Management / Responsable, gestion des couloirs routiers $101,765.84 $150.86
John M. Barber 543 Claims Negotiator / Negociateur, demandes de reglement $102,346.03 $154.59
Christopher G. Barrow 299 Manager, Application and Maintenance Support / Chef, soutien et maintenance des applications $112,696.66 $168.64
Muhammad I. Bashir 661 Bituminous Engineer / Ingenieur, materiaux bitumineux $100,048.30 $153.24
Mary Basta 183 Manager, Enterprise Services Model / Chef, Bureau des services pour la fonction publique $118,720.02 $172.85
Kimberley Bates 16 Director, Communications Branch / Directrice, Direction des communications $154,880.47 $237.75
Ioannis Batsiolas 295 Manager, Systems Integration / Chef de l'integration des systemes $113,072.70 $172.83
Andrew Bayley 142 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $123,334.62 $180.69
Andrew R. Beal 60 Manager, Traffic Management / Chef, gestion de la circulation routiere $134,072.14 $204.93
Alain Beaulieu 80 Manager, Maintenance Management / Chef, gestion de l'entretien $130,477.63 $195.23
Wayne H. Bell 460 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $103,609.04 $158.40
Higinio V. Benitez 495 Design and Contract Standards Engineer / Ingenieur, normes conceptuelles et contractuelles $103,609.03 $158.40
Leo Edward Bennett 102 Senior Manager, Business Solutions / Chef, solutions technologiques $124,574.26 $180.45
Kevin S. Bentley 4 Executive Director and Chief Engineer / Directeur general et ingenieur en chef $180,631.61 $277.26
Ronald E. Berg 153 Chief Surveyor, Manager Geomatics / Chef et arpenteur-geometre en chef, geomatique $121,755.65 $182.44
Sharon J. Berg 461 Engineer Design Process / Ingenieure, processus de conception $103,609.04 $158.40
Yefim Berkovich 101 Manager, Test and Release / Chef, essais et diffusion $124,620.08 $190.47
Jonathan F. Bernardo 622 Senior Business Analyst / Analyste principal de gestion $101,291.44 $154.92
Beth Bertone 262 Manager, Procurement Solutions / Chef, solutions d'approvisionnement $115,283.42 $167.86
Howard Bertrand 13 Chief Information Officer, Transportation Cluster / Directeur de l'information, Groupement pour les transports $160,008.57 $231.06
Jessica D. Beuning 511 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $103,173.09 $158.09
Carl J. Beyer 154 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $121,165.71 $178.14
David J. Biensch 46 Senior Manager, Enterprise Solutions / Chef, solutions d'entreprise $137,228.78 $209.64
Donna Bigelow 312 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $112,190.49 $172.89
Mark S. Binko 643 Senior Business Consultant / Conseiller principal en gestion des activites $100,668.19 $79.41
Prodyot K. Biswas 350 Senior Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte principal de l'information et de la technologie de l'information $108,607.11 $166.08
Karen A. Black 545 Senior Business Consultant / Conseillere principale en gestion des activites $102,317.69 $155.01
James D. Blackburn 73 Manager, Application Solutions / Chef des applications informatiques $131,633.84 $201.15
John A. Blair 213 Senior Soils and Aggregate Engineer / Ingenieur principal en sols et agregats $116,909.26 $178.71
Linda C. Blair 443 Senior Business Consultant / Conseillere principale en gestion des activites $104,797.53 $154.91
Dan Bogdan 245 Manager, Project Management Office / Chef, Bureau de gestion des projets $116,656.16 $178.23
Andrew G. Boldt 560 Transportation Investment Analyst / Analyste, investissement dans le transport $102,190.97 $152.45
Sylvia E. Bolton 625 Manager, Client Relations / Chef, relations avec la clientele $101,263.80 $154.00
Jonathan N. Boone 504 Regional Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur regional, contrats $103,307.40 $153.83
Susan M. Boot 115 Head, Information Technology Section / Responsable, Section de la technologie de l'information $123,715.32 $189.06
Alexander J. Booth 637 Executive Assistant / Attache de direction $100,930.32 $147.02
Jasanjeet Boparai 168 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $119,120.59 $176.40
Paul M. Botelho 87 Manager, Program Implementation / Chef, Bureau de la mise en oeuvre des programmes $126,537.88 $182.53
Karen L. Boucher 402 Senior Maintenance Contracts Office / Agente principale de gestion des contrats dentretien $106,832.50 $155.31
Kevin J. Boudreau 116 Regional Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur regional, contrats $123,715.32 $189.06
Douglas R. Boyd 391 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $107,469.72 $164.87
Natalie Boyd 366 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $108,261.29 $165.63
Andre Breau 264 Manager, Information Management / Chef de la gestion de l'information $115,175.58 $176.01
Barry Brockington 367 Senior Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte principal de l'information et de la technologie de l'information $108,261.29 $165.63
Susan Y. Brockington 507 Business Advisor / Conseillere en services operationnels $103,193.74 $157.68
Catherine A. Brooks 398 Project Manager / Chef de projet $107,055.20 $159.67
Cynthia L. Brown 201 Head, Corridor Management / Responsable, gestion des couloirs routiers $116,938.39 $178.71
Liana C. Brown 648 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $100,531.20 $152.90
Paul H. Brown 27 Director, Licensing Services / Directeur, services de delivrance des permis et d'immatriculation $153,875.36 $237.75
Barbara Brownlee 386 Head, Environmental Services / Responsable, services environnementaux $107,895.89 $155.83
Nadia Bruno 566 Coordinator, Freedom of Information and Privacy / Coordinator, Freedom of Information and Privacy $101,974.85 $156.03
Finlay S. Buchanan 521 Construction Officer / Agent de construction $102,815.80 $156.03
Melissa A. Buelow 198 Area Manager / Chef de secteur $117,125.72 $174.43
Omair N. Butt 186 Information and Information Technology Senior Business Analyst / Analyste principal de gestion en matiere d'information et de technologie de l'information $118,643.83 $156.03
Kevin Byrnes 5 Assistant Deputy Minister, Road User Safety Division / Sous-ministre adjoint, Division de la securite des usagers de la route $180,631.61 $277.26
Frederick B. Caldwell 150 Manager, Remote Northern Transportation / Chef, Transports dans les regions eloignees du Nord $122,100.13 $177.70
Bruce Cane 117 Manager, Program Planning / Chef, planification des programmes $123,715.32 $189.06
Anne M. Cargnelli 556 Project and Change Management Agent / Agente des projets et de la gestion des changements $102,217.36 $152.46
Patrick S. Carroll 449 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $104,002.62 $153.90
Michael M. Casey 171 Manager, Provincial Planning Office / Chef, Bureau de la planification a l'echelle provinciale $119,107.42 $173.53
Domenica Casola 432 Senior Business Consultant / Conseillere principale en gestion des activites $105,257.33 $155.79
Shane Cassidy 296 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $112,995.20 $148.68
David Cazes 508 Business Advisor / Conseiller en services operationnels $103,193.74 $157.68
Jonathan Cerisano 502 Senior Project Manager / Chef de projet $103,410.88 $154.20
Patty M. Cewe 314 Manager, Information Service Management Oversight / Chef, surveillance des services de gestion de l'information $111,763.52 $162.76
Lai S. Chan 307 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $112,476.98 $215.99
Peter Chan 83 Manager, Solutions Portfolio / Chef, portefeuille des solutions $129,679.68 $198.18
Robert H. Chan 214 Supervising Engineer / Superviseur des travaux d'ingenierie $116,909.26 $178.71
Serena Chan 393 Information and Information Technology Lead Technology Specialist / Specialiste en technologie, responsable, information et technologie de linformation $107,287.62 $164.43
Siu S. Chan 462 Pavement Design Engineer / Ingenieure en conception des revetements $103,609.04 $158.40
Amy H.Y. Chan-Philadelphia 286 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $113,564.47 $173.13
David W. Chant 639 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseillere principale en politiques/Conseiller principal en politiques $100,818.40 $103.53
Andrew W. Chase 152 Manager, Carrier Safety Policy Office / Chef, Bureau des politiques en matiere de securite des transporteurs $122,013.66 $177.68
Jun W. Chen 394 Information and Information Technology Senior Solutions Designer / Concepteur principal de solutions en matiere d'information et de technologie de l'information $107,287.62 $164.43
Xiaoshu Chen 315 Manager, Systems Development / Chef de l'elaboration des systemes $111,701.24 $170.42
Muralidhara R. Chenchu 166 Quality Assurance Lead / Responsable de l'assurance de la qualite $119,366.18 $179.67
Fan Cheng 47 Senior Manager, Solutions Engineer Office / Chef, Bureau des services techniques en matiere de solutions $137,228.78 $209.64
Yan B. Chi 528 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $102,532.10 $157.08
Sara K. Child 156 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $120,969.24 $180.69
Joey T. Chirico 463 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $103,609.04 $158.40
Le Le Chiu 535 Database Administrator / Administratrice de bases de donnees $102,465.97 $233.22
Megan L. Chochla 328 Executive Assistant to Deputy Minister / Attache de direction du sous-ministre $110,239.43 $159.49
Allan Chong 337 Information and Information Technology Lead Technology Specialist / Specialiste en technologie, responsable, information et technologie de linformation $109,375.54 $164.52
Kwong Yiu Chu 464 Senior Bridge Engineer / Ingenieur principal des ponts $103,609.04 $158.40
Mark E. Clancy 88 Assistant Director/Manager, Strategic Communications / Directeur adjoint et chef, Communications strategiques $126,537.88 $182.53
Cheryl A. Clarke 368 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $108,261.29 $165.63
Lionel Cole 407 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $106,671.56 $161.07
Michael H. Cole 567 Team Lead, Strategic Fleet Services / Chef d'equipe, gestion strategique du parc automobile $101,974.84 $156.03
George A. Collins 451 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $103,934.45 $158.40
Praburam V. Conjeevaram 540 Senior Systems Designer / Concepteur principal de systemes $102,380.58 $256.62
Colleen L. Conley 118 Regional Contracts Engineer / Ingenieure regionale, contrats $123,715.32 $189.06
James B. Connell 613 Lead, Bridge Engineer / Ingenieur principal des ponts $101,613.00 $148.29
Kaleen M.G. Connelly 457 Senior Contract Financial Analyst / Analyste financiere principale des contrats $103,613.26 $155.43
Aaron J. Consebido 497 Senior Advisor, Rail Engineer / Conseiller principal, ingenieur du systeme ferroviaire $103,531.03 $128.77
Doug Cooper 119 Head, Planning and Design / Responsable, planification et conception $123,715.32 $189.06
John Cooper 172 Senior Manager, Correspondence and Editorial Services / Chef, correspondance et services de redaction $119,107.42 $173.53
Roman G. Corpuz 29 Project Director, Road User Safety Modernization / Directeur, Projet de modernisation des activites de securite des usagers de la route $148,541.38 $236.94
Alfonso Corredor 568 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseiller principal en politiques $101,974.84 $156.03
Luciano Coschino 178 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $118,971.54 $182.07
Giuseppe Costantino 165 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $120,048.58 $183.29
Douglas K. Coulter 215 Manager, Highway Safety / Chef, securite routiere $116,909.26 $178.71
Brian Cowan 95 Manager, Fleet Management / Chef, gestion du parc automobile $125,157.76 $181.13
Clint D. Cranwell 569 Fleet Coordinator / Coordonnateur du parc automobile $101,974.84 $156.03
Scott D. Crawford 77 Lead, Technical Support / Responsable, soutien technique $131,519.90 $248.79
Michael D. Crowley 369 Team Lead / Chef d'equipe $108,261.29 $165.63
Bill Cung 202 Head, Geotechnical Engineering / Responsable, Genie geotechnique $116,938.39 $178.71
Calvin A. Curtis 79 Manager, Major Projects / Chef, grands projets $130,671.02 $195.63
Bronwyn M. Cuthbertson 320 Manager, High Occupancy Vehicles/High Occupancy Toll Analysis / Chef, analyse des voies reservees aux vehicules multioccupants/voies reservees aux vehicules multioccupants a acces special tarife $111,084.27 $0.00
Gillian K. Dagg 301 Head, Planning and Environmental / Responsable, planification et environnement $112,630.21 $158.68
Garfield C. Dales 43 Manager, Project Delivery Office / Chef, Bureau de la realisation des projets $138,103.59 $209.85
Sonja Dambremont 503 Head, Quality Assurance / Responsable, assurance de la qualite $103,384.61 $158.13
Sundararajan Damodaran 570 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseiller principal en politiques $101,974.84 $156.03
Sergio Danieli 273 Senior Business Analyst / Analyste principal de gestion $114,160.84 $154.20
Mark S. Darovny 370 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $108,261.29 $165.63
Glenn Darras 438 Middleware Specialist / Specialiste en intergiciel $105,128.90 $233.22
Joanne M. Das Gupta 530 Regional Services Manager / Chef des services regionaux $102,494.16 $149.21
Andrew Davidson 308 Manager, Road Safety Marketing / Chef, Promotion de la securite routiere $112,264.84 $163.48
Christopher D. Davies 430 Senior Strategic Advisor / Conseiller strategique principal $105,361.44 $157.75
Nigel Day 313 Head, Geomatics Section / Responsable, Section de la geomatique $111,770.34 $167.47
Caroline M. De Groot 500 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $103,476.42 $163.65
Sandy De Lorenzi 645 Traffic Supervisor / Surveillante de la circulation $100,617.43 $153.45
Michael D. De Michele 216 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $116,909.26 $178.71
Claudio De Rose 17 Executive Director, Road User Safety Modernization / Directeur general du Projet de modernisation des activites de securite des usagers de la route $154,880.47 $237.75
Derek R. Deazeley 107 Manager, Strategic Initiatives and Federal/Provincial Relations / Chef, initiatives strategiques et relations federales-provinciales $123,852.74 $185.28
Rita Debartolo 647 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $100,544.36 $147.32
Patricia Decal 387 Head, Environmental Section / Responsable, Section de l'environnement $107,895.89 $155.83
Bradley J. Decker 323 Maintenance Coordinator / Coordonnateur des services dentretien $110,924.13 $126.02
Assunta Defazio 552 Project Coordinator / Coordonnatrice de projet $102,285.27 $152.93
Roger E. Degannes 120 Head, Traffic Operations / Responsable, regulation de la circulation $123,715.32 $189.06
Roy Del Mistro 412 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $106,445.58 $150.33
Maria Demichele 303 Head, Planning and Controllership / Responsable, planification et controle financier $112,533.51 $163.37
William B. Denning 89 Manager, Transportation Economics / Chef, economie des transports $126,537.88 $182.53
Abedakhatun J. Desai 14 Operational Database Administrator / Administratrice des bases de donnees operationnelles $158,589.02 $233.22
Kevin Devos 558 Senior Engineering Project Manager / Chef des projets d'ingenierie $102,209.87 $156.39
Bhupinder Dhanoa 81 Manager, Business Policy Solutions Automation / Chef, automatisation des solutions en matiere de politiques operationnelles $130,046.54 $198.69
Tony Di Fabio 371 Team Lead Corridor Management Policy / Chef d'equipe, politiques de gestion des couloirs routiers $108,261.29 $165.63
Sebastiano Di Felice 571 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseiller principal en politiques $101,974.84 $156.03
Peter Dillon 400 Transportation Investment Analyst / Analyste, investissement dans le transport $107,001.94 $155.99
Elaine C. Dimitroff 565 Team Leader, Special Projects / Chef d'equipe des projets speciaux $101,985.94 $152.15
Vlado Dimitrovski 465 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $103,609.04 $158.40
Karl Doherty 564 Manager, Regional Operations / Chef, operations regionales $102,057.25 $148.35
Wilfred Doidge 18 Regional Director, Northeastern / Directeur regional, region du Nord-Est $154,880.47 $237.75
Susan Dolenec 649 Team Lead / Chef d'equipe $100,415.23 $153.43
Alfred S. Doussept 356 Manager, Carrier Sanctions and Investigations / Chef, sanctions et enquetes concernant les transporteurs $108,576.91 $158.45
Kevin W. Dowling 331 Manager, Municipal Transit Policy / Chef, politiques relatives aux transports en commun des municipalites $109,855.44 $168.01
Catherine Dranitsaris 279 Manager, Solutions Portfolio / Chef, portefeuille des solutions $113,792.12 $173.88
Glenn A. Dunphy 252 Manager, Regional Operations / Chef, operations regionales $116,366.38 $172.38
Linda A. Dunstall 10 Director, Road User Safety Modernization Project / Directrice, modernisation des activites de securite des usagers de la route $161,290.04 $246.66
Victor Dvoracek 342 Database Programmer / Programmeur de bases de donnees $109,096.87 $233.22
Dick C. Dykstra 217 Head, Geotechnical Section / Responsable, Section des services geotechniques $116,909.26 $178.71
Nancy E. Elliott 534 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieure principale de projet $102,488.80 $156.96
Yoassry M. Elzohairy 173 Manager, Road Safety Policy Office-Vehicle / Chef, Bureau des politiques de securite routiere-vehicules $119,107.42 $173.53
Kevin English 140 Head, Construction and Engineering / Responsable, construction et ingenierie $123,529.08 $184.95
Stephen W. Erwin 121 Head, Information Technology Section / Responsable, Section de la technologie de l'information $123,715.32 $189.06
Carlos Fajardo 431 Senior Business Consultant / Conseiller principal en gestion des activites $105,344.13 $154.91
Lynda Fallavollita 167 Manager, Business Liaison / Chef, liaison avec les entreprises $119,349.67 $170.67
David A. Fallows 466 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $103,609.04 $158.40
Mersad M. Fard 322 Manager, System Analysis and Forecast / Chef, analyse des systemes et previsions $110,956.57 $161.61
Hani A. Farghaly 185 Senior Engineer Hydrotechnical Design / Ingenieur principal, conception hydrotechnique $118,693.31 $178.71
Marc Faubert 419 Director, Solutions Integration Branch / Directeur, Direction de lintegration des solutions $105,879.91 $126.36
Martin R. Favell 122 Head, Planning and Design Management / Responsable, gestion de la planification et de la conception $123,715.32 $189.06
Iris K. Fawcett 336 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $109,437.46 $166.22
Luigi Finelli 531 Coordinator, Financial Analysis / Coordonnateur de lanalyse financiere $102,494.16 $149.21
Tamra L. Firby 572 Coordinator, Financial Controllership / Coordonnatrice du controle financier $101,974.84 $156.03
Linda Fischer 334 Head, Environmental Planning / Responsable, Planification environnementale $109,515.16 $157.45
Melissa Fisher 630 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $101,044.97 $153.84
Jennifer A. Fisk 573 Senior Business Consultant / Conseillere principale en gestion des activites $101,974.84 $156.03
John Fraser 61 Manager, Engineering / Chef, ingenierie $134,072.14 $204.93
Ian Freeman 33 Director, Carrier Safety and Enforcement / Directeur, securite des transporteurs et application des lois $143,409.88 $220.14
Felix Fung 265 Manager, Transit Infrastructure Policy / Chef, politiques concernant l'infrastructure des transports en commun $114,882.28 $167.37
Iain Galloway 55 Manager, Engineering / Chef, ingenierie $134,105.60 $204.93
Olga Garces Rodriguez 174 Manager, Transit Programs / Chef, programmes relatifs aux transports en commun $119,107.42 $173.53
Sean Gargaro 298 Manager, Regional Operations / Chef, operations regionales $112,705.90 $164.17
Nadia Garisto 609 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseillere principale en politiques $101,685.76 $154.47
Chris G. Georgiou 413 Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte de l'information et de la technologie de l'information $106,204.56 $159.90
Cathy P. Giesbrecht 406 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $106,697.84 $160.75
David Glass 218 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $116,909.26 $178.71
Heather Glass 467 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieure principale de projet $103,609.04 $158.40
Richard J. Gombola 261 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $115,654.25 $153.69
Sheri-Lee Graham 72 Manager, Traffic Office / Chef, regulation de la circulation $132,290.95 $198.05
Tyler M. Graham 631 Head, Operational Services / Responsable, services operationnels $101,043.23 $146.52
Jennifer E. Graham Harkness 19 Project Coordinator / Coordonnatrice de projet $154,880.47 $237.75
Debbie A. Greco 610 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseillere principale en politiques $101,685.76 $154.47
Katherine D.M. Green 436 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieure principale de projet $105,176.04 $158.40
Jeffrey E. Griffith 175 Manager, Regional Operations / Chef, operations regionales $119,107.42 $173.53
Larry B. Grimaldi 548 Fleet Coordinator / Coordonnateur du parc automobile $102,314.61 $155.73
Art Groenveld 219 Senior Engineer Drainage Design / Ingenieur principal, conception des systemes de drainage $116,909.26 $178.71
Fusheng Guo 144 Middleware Specialist / Specialiste en intergiciel $123,229.57 $233.22
Shael E. Gwartz 20 Director, Investment Strategies / Directeur, Direction des strategies d'investissement $154,880.47 $237.75
Martin A. Haalstra 468 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $103,609.04 $158.40
Jalees M. Hafeez 574 Coordinator, Financial Analysis / Coordonnateur de lanalyse financiere $101,974.84 $156.03
Eric Hakomaki 469 Transportation Systems Engineer / Ingenieur, systemes de transport $103,609.04 $158.40
Faizul A. Hamid 74 Manager, Solutions Portfolio / Chef, portefeuille des solutions $131,633.84 $201.15
Jeff D. Hammond 575 Senior Transportation Planner / Planificateur principal des transports $101,974.84 $156.03
Sandra E. Hand 263 Manager, Accommodations Management / Chef, gestion des installations $115,209.72 $167.85
David S. Hanes 615 Business Consultant / Conseiller en gestion des activites $101,582.31 $156.03
Darrin C. Hanna 626 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $101,242.56 $145.83
Hany A. Hanna 389 Claims Engineer, Negotiator / Negociateur, demandes de reglement $107,748.25 $164.25
Heather E. Hanson 641 Traffic Supervisor / Surveillante de la circulation $100,697.43 $147.94
Paul Harbottle 9 Director, Program Development and Evaluation / Directeur, elaboration et evaluation des programmes $165,914.98 $252.90
Sharon Harbottle 576 Senior Business Consultant / Conseillere principale en gestion des activites $101,974.84 $156.03
Masoud R. Hariri 604 Information and Information Technology Senior Business Analyst / Analyste principal de gestion en matiere d'information et de technologie de l'information $101,778.84 $156.03
Tom Harmantas 506 Manager, Policy and Program / Chef des politiques et des programmes $103,234.16 $153.20
Rafiq Hasan 470 Senior Bridge Engineer / Ingenieur principal des ponts $103,609.04 $158.40
Felix K.K. Hau 505 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $103,300.53 $157.89
Sanjoy S. Hazra 200 Manager, Operations / Chef des operations $117,042.12 $206.02
Lisa K. Heaton 266 Manager, Issues and Media / Chef, Gestion des questions d'interet et relations avec les medias $114,860.74 $167.26
Amanda C. Helderman 305 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $112,529.32 $165.55
Patrick Helferty 410 Regional Services Manager / Chef des services regionaux $106,529.42 $154.43
Fred M. Hemstock 601 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $101,947.76 $147.10
Doug H. Herbrand 520 Head, Regional Traffic Section / Responsable, Section de la circulation regionale $102,927.78 $155.74
Juliette Heung 28 Lead, Database Administrator / Responsable, administration des bases de donnees $152,165.89 $150.75
Tom W. Hewitt 220 Head, Corridor Management / Responsable, gestion des couloirs routiers $116,909.26 $178.71
Glenn Higgins 577 Project Manager / Chef de projet $101,974.84 $156.03
Kevin Ho 515 Information and Information Technology Lead Technology Specialist / Specialiste en technologie, responsable, information et technologie de linformation $103,009.32 $253.13
Frank M. Hochstenbach 471 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $103,609.04 $158.40
Gregory J. Hofsink 523 Team Lead, Maintenance Service / Chef d'equipe, service d'entretien $102,649.05 $254.82
Stephen M. Holmes 221 Team Lead, Information Management / Chef d'equipe, gestion de l'information $116,909.26 $178.71
Anne L. Holt 163 Head, Laboratory Services / Responsable, services de laboratoire $120,200.94 $178.61
Raymond Hong 416 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $106,161.04 $161.56
Jihong Huang 384 Senior Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte principal de l'information et de la technologie de l'information $108,051.84 $165.09
Jeffrey P. Hudebine 34 Director, Regional Operations / Directeur operations regionales $143,409.88 $220.14
Jungsuck Huh 343 Lead, Bridge Engineer / Ingenieur principal des ponts $108,996.79 $166.89
Daniel H. Hui 351 Senior Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte principal de l'information et de la technologie de l'information $108,607.11 $166.08
Dianne M. Hultay 557 Manager, Driver Programs / Chef, programmes relatifs aux permis de conduire $102,213.88 $156.44
Peter D. Hurst 11 Director, Enforcement Strategy / Directeur, strategie dapplication des lois $161,290.04 $288.78
Philip A. Hutton 56 Manager, Design and Contract Standards / Chef, conception et normes de contrats $134,105.60 $204.93
Jawoong Hwang 82 Information and Information Technology Lead Technology Specialist / Specialiste en technologie, responsable, information et technologie de linformation $129,826.91 $164.10
Nunzia F. Iannetta 660 Senior Strategic Advisor / Conseillere strategique principale $100,051.39 $152.94
Frank Iannuzzi 578 Project Coordinator / Coordonnateur de projet $101,974.84 $156.03
Mike Iannuzzi 254 Head, Modern Controllership / Responsable, nouvelles methodes de controle financier $116,346.66 $169.40
Richard M. Inman 357 Senior Project Manager / Chef de projet $108,526.77 $154.69
Dawn Irish 92 Manager, Environmental Policy / Chef, politiques environnementales $125,843.72 $181.82
Christopher J. Irwin 287 Manager, Improvement Hub / Chef, centre pour l'amelioration $113,412.54 $166.23
Mark Irwin 359 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $108,441.60 $184.53
Reynaldo L. Isip 538 Senior Surveyor / Arpenteur-geometre principal $102,406.72 $150.63
Salah Ismail 123 Head, Structural Engineering / Responsable, ingenierie des structures $123,715.32 $189.06
Sejal Jain 270 Manager, Financial Planning and Strategies Office / Chef, Bureau des strategies et de la planification financieres $114,369.07 $166.57
Bernard R. James 424 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $105,660.12 $158.17
Gary J. Jamieson 338 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $109,362.86 $163.74
Muhammad N. Jamshed 247 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $116,591.55 $178.38
Jodi A. Janzen 75 Manager, Application Solutions / Chef, services d'application $131,633.84 $201.15
Kristina A. Jason 509 Business Advisor / Conseillere en services operationnels $103,193.74 $157.68
Muhammad S. Javaid 49 Lead, Technical Support / Responsable, soutien technique $136,788.50 $249.09
Linda Jefferson-Kotack 372 Team Leader, Special Projects / Chef d'equipe des projets speciaux $108,261.29 $165.63
Ayvun Jeganathan 472 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $103,609.04 $158.40
Shawn A. Jemmett 187 Head, Geomatics Section / Responsable, Section de la geomatique $118,565.48 $174.48
Keith Johnson 50 Director, .NET Service Delivery Centre / Directrice, Centre de livraison des solutions .NET $135,583.50 $207.27
Marlo Johnson 418 Head, Planning and Environmental / Responsable, planification et environnement $106,019.89 $158.19
Carolyn Johnstone 96 Manager, Strategic Human Resources Planning and Organiztional Development / Chef, planification strategique des ressources humaines et developpement organisationnel $125,103.55 $182.39
Stuart H. Jones 124 Regional Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur regional, contrats $123,715.32 $189.06
Sasa Jovanovic 69 Manager, Service Management / Chef de la gestion des services $132,848.92 $169.77
James Jung 579 Information and Information Technology Strategic Planner / Planificateur strategique, information et technologie de l'information $101,974.84 $156.03
Hasina Kalam 70 Middleware Specialist / Specialiste en intergiciel $132,799.77 $233.22
Arun Kapur 222 Senior Electrical Engineer / Ingenieur electricien principal $116,909.26 $178.71
Manal Kasim 86 Manager, Program Planning / Chef, planification des programmes $127,603.36 $188.09
Elizabeth Kay-Zorowski 35 Director, Strategic Policy and Transportation / Directrice, Politiques strategiques et economie des transports $143,409.88 $220.14
Katarina Keanie 161 Manager, Systems Development / Chef de l'elaboration des systemes $120,309.80 $183.87
Steven A. Keanie 364 Information and Information Technology Lead Technology Specialist / Specialiste en technologie, responsable, information et technologie de linformation $108,295.89 $164.10
Kevin R. Keith 85 Manager, Service Support / Chef, soutien aux services $129,059.84 $197.19
Paula J. Kelly 360 Manager, Freedom of Information and Information Management / Chef, acces a linformation et gestion de linformation $108,359.04 $157.68
Dean A. Kemper 473 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $103,609.04 $158.40
Walter W. Kenedi 111 Head Bridge Design / Responsable, etude des ponts $123,746.17 $189.06
Kris Kernaghan 311 Head, Corridor Management and Property / Responsable, gestion des couloirs routiers et biens immobiliers $112,263.99 $163.48
David K. Kerr 148 Regional Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur regional, contrats $122,931.14 $186.07
Faisal N. Khan 104 Project Manager / Chef de projet $124,049.84 $184.11
Moin M.A. Khan 549 Area Manager / Chef de secteur $102,301.19 $156.48
Muhammad I. Khan 600 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseiller principal en politiques $101,974.83 $155.49
Saqib M. Khan 78 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $131,020.67 $170.05
Teepu Khawja 71 Regional Director, Central Region / Directeur regional, region du Centre $132,783.68 $203.85
Riaz Khimany 105 Manager, Modernization Solutions / Chef, solutions de modernisation $123,918.34 $189.30
Sergey Khudoyarov 352 Senior Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte principal de l'information et de la technologie de l'information $108,607.11 $165.84
Phuong T. Khuu 330 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $109,898.28 $167.13
Yoomi A. Kim 45 Lead, Technical Support / Responsable, soutien technique $137,334.22 $241.08
Catherine E. King 657 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseillere principale en politiques $100,188.21 $152.80
Laura Kingston 580 Land Information Coordinator / Coordonnatrice de linformation sur les terres $101,974.84 $156.03
James Kirchner 632 Program Standards Manager / Chef de l'application des normes relatives aux programmes $100,988.03 $147.14
Jason Kline 581 Senior Operational Policy Advisor / Conseiller principal en politiques operationnelles $101,974.84 $156.03
Mariusz Kobiela 474 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $103,609.04 $158.40
Robert E. Kohlberger 475 Geotechnical Engineer / Ingenieur en geotechnique $103,609.04 $158.40
Brian E. Kope 188 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $118,465.88 $177.96
Novica Kovacevic 76 Manager, Development Services Unit / Chef, elaboration des applications et assurance de la qualite $131,633.84 $201.15
David A. Kovacs 448 Head, Geomatics / Responsable, geomatique $104,110.99 $156.26
Bernarda Krasowski 179 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $118,971.54 $182.07
Rina M. Kulathinal 125 Area Manager / Chef de secteur $123,715.32 $189.06
Sanja Kuzmanovic 409 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $106,565.32 $162.60
Minkyung Kwak 426 Foundations Engineer / Ingenieure en fondations $105,618.86 $161.85
Cheryl C. Lacasse 627 Senior Operational Policy Advisor / Conseillere principale en politiques operationnelles $101,151.27 $153.81
David Lai 126 Head, Bridge Rehabilitation / Responsable, remise en etat des ponts $123,715.32 $189.06
Joseph Lai 203 Area Manager / Chef de secteur $116,938.39 $178.71
Peter Lamb 603 Deputy Chief Surveyor / Sous-arpenteur-geometre en chef $101,900.67 $155.46
Jeremy Landry 546 Contract Innovations Policy Specialist / Specialiste des politiques, innovation en gestion des contrats $102,315.44 $153.04
Becca C. Lane 62 Manager, Materials Engineering and Research / Chef, recherche et genie en matiere de materiaux $134,072.14 $204.93
Christopher Langford 554 Manager, Greater Toronto Hamilton Area Transit Policy / Chef, politiques relatives aux transports en commun de la region du grand Toronto et de Hamilton $102,257.78 $161.61
Ann Langridge 306 Manager, Controllership and Divisional Support / Chef, controle financier et soutien a la Division $112,493.11 $163.85
Jamie Lauzon 335 Manager, Strategy Hub / Chef, centre strategique $109,459.34 $167.13
Karen Law 223 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieure de secteur, contrats $116,909.26 $178.71
Thomson H.C. Law 339 Lead, Database Administrator / Administrateur principal de bases de donnees $109,306.77 $150.75
Paul Y. Lecoarer 21 Director, Alternative Delivery / Directeur, Direction de la diversification des modes de prestation des services $154,880.47 $237.75
Jeannie Lee 547 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseillere principale en politiques $102,314.85 $155.91
Quee S. Lee 197 Head, Pavements and Foundations / Responsable, revetements et fondations $117,192.82 $175.42
Shung M. Lee 476 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $103,609.04 $158.40
Yiu Sun W. Lee 513 Quality Assurance Engineer / Ingenieur en assurance de la qualite $103,096.81 $157.77
Suzanne Lefebvre 385 Contract Innovations Policy Specialist / Specialiste des politiques, innovation en gestion des contrats $107,965.35 $165.21
Audrey H. Lemieux 455 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $103,745.36 $158.20
Matthew W. Leung 155 Lead, Technical Support / Responsable, soutien technique $121,037.46 $221.07
Tyatt Leung 527 Middleware Specialist / Specialiste en intergiciel $102,564.74 $214.26
Steven A. Levene 22 Director, Rail Coordination and Advisory / Directeur, services de coordination et de consultation pour le reseau ferroviaire $154,880.47 $237.75
Bei Li 304 Middleware Specialist / Specialiste en intergiciel $112,531.92 $233.22
Clarence A. Li 559 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $102,201.58 $154.73
Guang Li 145 Manager, Production Support Services / Chef, services de soutien a la production $123,172.92 $188.25
Guofang Li 224 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieure de secteur, contrats $116,909.26 $178.71
Ningyuan Li 225 Senior Pavement Management Engineer / Ingenieur principal en gestion des revetements $116,909.26 $178.71
Brenda L. Liegler 100 Manager, Contract Innovation / Chef, innovation en gestion des contrats $124,652.01 $190.53
John K. Lieou 2 Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy and Planning Division / Sous-ministre adjoint, Division des politiques et de la planification $203,155.96 $310.62
Candace B. Lim 399 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $107,045.08 $163.20
Teng-Leong Lim 477 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $103,609.04 $158.40
Paul Lim Hing 478 Senior Systems Engineer / Ingenieur principal, systemes $103,609.04 $158.40
David L. Lindensmith 479 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $103,609.04 $158.40
Angela Litrenta 274 Manager, Road Safety Policy / Chef, politiques de securite routiere $114,156.55 $166.20
Weitong Liu 644 Middleware Support Specialist / Specialiste du soutien aux intergiciels $100,623.60 $233.22
Alexander G. Lofthouse 456 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseiller principal en politiques $103,691.47 $154.89
Steve J. Logan 258 Claims Engineer / Ingenieur, demandes d'indemnites $115,761.25 $177.18
Vadym Loginov 363 Information and Information Technology Lead Technology Specialist / Specialiste en technologie, responsable, information et technologie de linformation $108,320.74 $164.52
Joanna Long 425 Head, Structural / Responsable, structures $105,660.12 $158.17
Eva S. Lopes 429 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $105,390.99 $156.70
Huating Lu 340 Information and Information Technology Application Architect / Architecte des applications, information et technologie de l'information $109,142.36 $165.00
Cynthia K. Lucas 90 Manager, Division Services Office / Chef, Bureau des services divisionnaires $126,537.88 $182.53
Frank S. Lucente 421 Head, Operational Services / Responsable, services operationnels $105,824.31 $153.69
Raymond Lui 480 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $103,609.04 $158.40
Wei Luo 481 Design and Contract Standards Engineer / Ingenieur, normes conceptuelles et contractuelles $103,609.04 $158.40
Wen H. Luo 541 Senior Solutions Designer / Conceptrice principale de solutions $102,380.58 $256.62
Xiaolu Luo 267 Middleware Specialist / Specialiste en intergiciel $114,718.70 $233.22
Elizabeth T. Luste Dirks 23 Director, Transportation Planning Branch / Directrice, Direction de la planification des transports $154,880.47 $237.75
Joseph J. Lynch 442 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $104,913.46 $160.98
Tim Lynch 447 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $104,254.67 $153.06
John A. Mac Kinnon 341 Area Manager / Chef de secteur $109,121.77 $165.23
Deborah C. Macarthur 659 Traffic Supervisor / Surveillante de la circulation $100,083.34 $152.93
Carole A. Macdonald 514 Petrographer / Petrographie $103,047.26 $258.15
Karen Macneil 193 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $117,768.82 $180.24
Marilyn Macsephney 403 Head, Licensing Administrator Office / Responsable, Bureau dadministration et de soutien pour la delivrance des permis et limmatriculation $106,768.57 $154.65
Loretta N. Madden 638 Senior Traffic Design Engineer / Ingenieure principale de la circulation $100,898.69 $154.50
Keith Madill 553 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $102,273.64 $156.44
Annarita Magagna 176 Manager, Service Management and Business Integrity / Chef, gestion des services et integrite operationnelle $119,107.42 $173.53
Joel A. Magnan 275 Head, Soils and Aggregates / Responsable, sols et agregats $114,118.53 $172.93
Yen S. Mah 127 Manager, Strategic Highways Management Office / Chef, Bureau de gestion des routes strategiques $123,715.32 $189.06
Geddes Mahabir 226 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $116,909.26 $178.71
Barbara A. Maher 36 Director, Organization Development and Controllership / Directrice, developpement organisationnel et controle financier $143,409.88 $220.14
David Main 373 Senior Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte principal de l'information et de la technologie de l'information $108,261.29 $165.63
Peter Makula 12 Manager, Engineering / Chef, ingenierie $161,104.47 $237.75
Predrag Maric 452 Executive Director, Road User Safety Modernization / Directeur general du Projet de modernisation des activites de securite des usagers de la route $103,838.58 $124.98
Zeljka Markovic 48 Senior Manager, Information Technology Planning, Architecture and Management Services / Chef, architecture de planification des technologies de l'information et services de gestion $137,228.78 $209.64
Pamela J. Marks 128 Head, Bituminous / Responsable, materiaux bitumineux $123,715.32 $189.06
Elizabeth A. Marles 182 Manager, Vehicle Program Office / Chef, Bureau des programmes relatifs a l'immatriculation $118,764.79 $172.13
Sherry A. Marr 441 Head, Contract Award / Responsable, attribution des contrats $104,983.70 $152.93
Frank M. Martins 227 Manager, Construction / Chef, construction $116,909.26 $178.71
Ricky S. Marwaha 524 Senior Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte principal de l'information et de la technologie de l'information $102,632.20 $157.26
Anna M. Masi 271 Manager, Architect Project Planning / Chef, architecture et planification de projets $114,294.44 $174.63
Theo Mastorakos 108 Manager, Regional Operations / Chef, operations regionales $123,852.74 $185.28
Paul Mathur 41 Manager, Operations / Chef des operations $140,628.54 $202.81
Dennis G. Matte 228 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $116,909.26 $178.71
Ann May 309 Manager, Business Services and Controllership / Chef, services operationnels et controle financier $112,264.84 $163.48
Patrick J.W. Mcadam 396 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $107,157.21 $155.24
Neville A. Mcanuff 190 Senior Project Manager / Chef de projet $118,217.06 $133.01
Linda L. Mcausland 6 Assistant Deputy Minister, Provincial Highways Management Division / Sous-ministre, Division de la gestion des routes provinciales $180,631.61 $266.34
Svetlana Mcbirnie 249 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $116,572.27 $177.75
Heather L. Mcclintock 113 Head, Maintenance and Operation / Responsable, entretien et activites $123,717.31 $189.06
Tara Mccord 283 Team Lead / Chef d'equipe $113,633.28 $163.68
Michael S. Mccormick 482 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $103,609.04 $158.40
Jean C. Mcdermott 608 Senior Business Consultant / Conseillere principale en gestion des activites $101,735.65 $153.22
Ryan Mcdonald 652 Corporate Submissions Coordinator / Coordonnateur des presentations ministerielles $100,366.77 $150.27
Michele L. Mcgrath 281 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieure de secteur, contrats $113,646.56 $170.05
R Scott. Mcgregor 353 Senior Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte principal de l'information et de la technologie de l'information $108,607.11 $166.08
Amy Mcguire 617 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieure principale de projet $101,430.97 $155.34
Steven M. Mcinnis 57 Manager, Operations / Chef des operations $134,105.60 $204.93
Sophia Mckenna 640 Manager, Passenger and Municipal Policy / Chef, politiques du transport des voyageurs et des relations avec les municipalites $100,767.50 $178.62
Virginia C. Mckimm 109 Director, Finance Branch / Directeur, Direction des finances $123,826.78 $186.75
Wendy J. Mclandress Stanley 582 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseillere principale en politiques $101,974.84 $156.03
Clifford S. Mcleod 614 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $101,595.06 $155.23
Lynn M. Mclure 358 Transportation Investment Analyst / Analyste, investissement dans le transport $108,504.46 $155.98
Stephen J. Mcmullen 255 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $116,345.13 $154.20
Marvin D. Mcnabb 158 Manager, Program Planning / Chef, planification des programmes $120,604.48 $180.99
Adeeb S. Meer 280 Information and Information Technology Senior Business Analyst / Analyste principal de gestion en matiere d'information et de technologie de l'information $113,699.20 $156.03
Yolibeth D.V. Mejias De Pernia 607 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieure principale de projet $101,744.49 $149.00
Magdy Meleka 192 Head, Bridge Standards / Responsable, normes relatives aux ponts $117,788.37 $178.17
Jyothi L. Menezes 620 Information and Information Technology Senior Business Analyst / Analyste principal de gestion en matiere d'information et de technologie de l'information $101,350.73 $155.07
Anthony J. Merlo 58 Manager, Bridge Office / Chef, Bureau de la gestion des ponts $134,105.60 $204.93
Konstantinos K. Mermigas 143 Head, Bridge Management / Responsable, gestion des ponts $123,272.27 $183.98
Tiffany A. Metcalfe 583 Team Lead, Organizational Effectiveness / Chef dequipe, efficacite organisationnelle $101,974.84 $156.03
Norm D. Meyers 129 Head, Planning and Design / Responsable, planification et conception $123,715.32 $189.06
Martin Michalek 204 Head, Planning and Engineering / Responsable, planification et ingenierie $116,938.39 $178.71
Boris D. Mihov 483 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $103,609.04 $158.40
Margaret Mikolajczak 623 Corridor Management Senior Project Manager / Chef de projet, gestion des couloirs routiers $101,278.77 $148.78
Stephen Miller 453 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $103,830.16 $150.40
Michele A. Mills 653 Head, Driver Improvement / Chef, perfectionnement des conducteurs $100,365.45 $146.21
Alex Milton 354 Information and Information Technology Lead Technology Specialist / Specialiste en technologie, responsable, information et technologie de linformation $108,607.11 $166.08
Barbara D. Mino 656 Project and Change Management Agent / Agente des projets et de la gestion des changements $100,222.46 $144.52
Dina Miron 130 Head, Structural / Responsable, structures $123,715.32 $189.06
Yaaqub Mohamed 584 Stakeholder Relations Manager / Chef des relations avec les intervenants $101,974.84 $156.03
Saeed Molai-Shargh 484 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $103,609.04 $158.40
Alejandro A. Mondragon 189 Data Administrator / Administrateur des donnees $118,408.85 $233.22
Robert Monster 131 Senior Vehicle Standards Engineer / Ingenieur principal, normes des vehicules $123,715.32 $189.06
Allan H. Moore 374 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $108,261.29 $165.63
Kathryn E. Moore 24 Regional Director, Eastern Region / Directrice regionale, region de l'Est $154,880.47 $237.75
Marcia R. Mora 164 Head, Geotechnical Section / Responsable, Section des services geotechniques $120,117.11 $177.34
Allison Morland 550 Team Lead, Finance and Procurement / Chef d'equipe, finances et approvisionnement $102,295.20 $156.03
Andrea M. Morley 434 Business Advisor / Conseillere en services operationnels $105,215.90 $158.31
Sergiy Morozevych 454 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $103,801.52 $158.40
Kevin G. Morphet 53 Manager, Operations / Chef des operations $135,048.18 $200.75
Stephen Morris 532 Head, Property / Responsable, biens immobiliers $102,494.16 $149.21
Neil G. Morrissey 397 Senior Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte principal de l'information et de la technologie de l'information $107,073.13 $163.02
Ken D. Mossop 132 Regional Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur regional, contrats $123,715.32 $189.06
Robert T. Mount 423 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $105,702.57 $161.68
Marco Mucciarelli 405 Team Lead / Chef d'equipe $106,719.46 $156.03
Iqbal Muhammad 485 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $103,609.04 $156.15
Janice Munro 208 Area Traffic Manager / Chef regionale de la circulation routiere $116,911.10 $178.71
Bonnie Murphy 612 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieure principale de projet $101,615.54 $158.40
Duane Myers 285 Head, Ontario Provincial Standards Administration / Responsable, administration des normes ontariennes $113,604.88 $165.56
Michael Nadeau 63 Manager, Engineering / Chef de l'ingenierie $134,072.14 $204.93
Muhammad Naeem 486 Engineer Drainage Design / Ingenieur, conception des systemes de drainage $103,609.04 $158.40
Syed Zia-Ul H. Naqvi 355 Senior Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte principal de l'information et de la technologie de l'information $108,607.11 $166.08
Sonu Narang 300 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $112,652.40 $172.65
Chethiya S. Narangoda 395 Information and Information Technology Senior Solutions Designer / Concepteur principal de solutions en matiere d'information et de technologie de l'information $107,287.62 $164.43
Andrew Nau 585 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseiller principal en politiques $101,974.84 $156.03
Helene Nault 333 Ministry of Transportation Inclusion Coordinator / Coordonnatrice de linclusion du ministere des Transports $109,590.13 $154.72
Faith Navarro 529 Stakeholder Relations Manager / Chef des relations avec les intervenants $102,522.77 $156.51
Stephen P. Needham 586 Senior Contract Innovation Analyst / Analyste principal de l'innovation en gestion des contrats $101,974.84 $156.03
Tyler S. Neill 445 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $104,351.60 $153.90
Dustin J. Nelissen 636 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $100,933.57 $154.65
Leah Nemirovski 51 Senior Manager / Chef $135,583.50 $207.27
Robert Neron 427 Head, Airport Operations / Responsable, operations aeroportuaires $105,611.03 $153.79
Raymond Ng 487 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $103,609.04 $158.40
Susan Nichol 133 Head, Investment Planning / Responsable de la planification des investissements $123,715.32 $189.06
Yongxin Nie 522 Lead, Master Data Management / Responsable, gestion des donnees principales $102,767.14 $157.14
Goran Nikolic 229 Head, Traffic Modelling and Analysis / Responsable, modelisation de la circulation et analyse $116,909.26 $178.71
Vesna Nikolic 67 Senior Manager, Project Management Office / Chef, Bureau de gestion des projets $133,532.43 $223.38
Wen Ning 518 Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte de l'information et de la technologie de l'information $102,982.36 $257.76
Jolanta Nowak 539 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $102,391.94 $156.66
Lorie Oblak 324 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $110,617.29 $168.66
John A. Pace 291 Production Control Co-ordinator / Coordonnateur du controle de la production $113,229.99 $233.22
Rebecca E. Palys-Cecco 488 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieure principale de projet $103,609.04 $158.40
Craig Pan 375 Senior Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte principal de l'information et de la technologie de l'information $108,261.29 $165.63
Karen Panetta 169 Manager, Controllership / Chef, controle financier $119,107.43 $173.53
George Papafotis 244 Senior Advisor, Rail Engineer / Conseiller principal, ingenieur du systeme ferroviaire $116,690.32 $177.97
Bill L. Parish 376 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $108,261.29 $165.63
Bruce Parker 435 Head, Geomatics / Responsable, geomatique $105,197.35 $153.82
Allison K. Partington 257 Manager, Client Relations / Chef, relations avec la clientele $115,948.50 $172.05
Stephen E. Paslawski 362 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $108,346.93 $153.18
Michelle Pasqua 37 Director, Corporate Business Services Branch / Directrice, Direction des services operationnels generaux $143,409.88 $220.14
Douglas Pateman 64 Manager, Contract Management Office / Chef, Bureau de gestion des contrats $134,072.14 $204.93
Michael E. Pearsall 134 Head, Design Standards Section / Responsable, Section des normes de conception $123,715.32 $189.06
David Pearson 106 Regional Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur regional, contrats $123,909.48 $184.53
Paul D. Pehora 655 Superintendent Information Technology Service Maintenance / Chef d'etablissement, gestion des services de technologie de l'information $100,310.50 $141.01
Lawrence Philadelphia 248 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $116,578.65 $174.21
Roch Pilon 135 Head, Planning and Design / Responsable, planification et conception $123,715.32 $189.06
Frank B. Pinder 205 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $116,938.39 $178.71
Robert W. Piper 319 Team Lead Property Policy / Chef d'equipe, politiques en matiere de biens immobiliers $111,087.24 $165.63
Michael Pisano 157 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $120,969.24 $180.69
Michael D. Plant 136 Manager, Program Planning / Chef, planification des programmes $123,715.32 $189.06
Stavros Platis 68 Manager, Application Solutions / Chef, services d'application $133,034.68 $201.15
Renee F. Pollett 662 Communications Account Coordinator / Coordonnatrice des comptes, communications $100,017.23 $153.00
Frank Pravitz 243 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $116,794.40 $164.87
Gregory A. Psarologos 414 Information and Information Technology Lead Technology Specialist / Specialiste en technologie, responsable, information et technologie de linformation $106,176.85 $181.57
Logan Purdy 147 Director, Service Delivery Partnerships / Directeur, partenariats pour la prestation de services $122,949.54 $188.76
Ali Qureshi 587 Business Analyst / Analyste de gestion $101,974.84 $156.03
M Ataur. Rahman 628 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $101,077.29 $154.74
Gp Rai 611 Coordinator, Financial Analysis / Coordonnateur de lanalyse financiere $101,655.68 $154.61
Aashish Rajhans 621 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $101,346.73 $156.03
Gayatri Ramasethu 496 Lead Enterprise Risk Management / Responsable, gestion des risques organisationnels $103,586.34 $155.22
Keith H. Ramdial 642 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $100,691.39 $154.08
Jason Ranger 230 Area Manager / Chef de secteur $116,909.26 $178.71
Mark Rankie 588 Senior Analyst, Design Application / Analyste principal, application de la conception $101,974.84 $156.03
Vereen M.D. Rattigan 489 Signals Engineer, Traffic Signals / Ingenieure, feux de circulation $103,609.04 $158.40
Christopher M. Raymond 112 Head, Maintenance Performance / Chef de la maintenance $123,746.17 $189.06
Dennis G. Regan 246 Manager, Program Planning / Chef, planification des programmes $116,607.73 $172.57
Scott Reid 290 Area Manager / Chef de secteur $113,280.09 $168.11
Danny Remollino 44 Manager, Investment Planning and Performance / Chef, planification des investissements et de la performance $137,675.51 $203.26
David R. Rhead 344 Senior Concrete Engineer / Ingenieure principale en technologie du beton $108,996.79 $166.89
Stephen Rhodes 1 Deputy Minister / Sous-ministre $267,051.52 $10,109.79
Leni Ricci 646 Senior Business Consultant / Conseiller principal en gestion des activites $100,564.50 $154.14
Grant Ridley 231 Chemical Engineer / Ingenieur chimiste $116,909.26 $178.71
Elizabeth J. Ritza 589 Coordinator, Procurement / Coordonnateur des services d'approvisionnement $101,974.84 $156.03
Aftab Rizvi 180 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $118,971.54 $182.07
Mary L. Robertson 30 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $145,713.01 $182.07
Kenneth C. Rogers 551 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $102,285.43 $156.60
Gustavo Rojas 345 Contract Innovations Engineer / Ingenieur, innovation en gestion des contrats $108,996.79 $166.89
Robert M. Rollings 232 Head, Quality Assurance / Responsable, assurance de la qualite $116,909.26 $178.71
Wynnann Rose 3 Chief Information Officer, Transportation Cluster / Directeur de l'information, Groupement pour les transports $195,081.21 $299.40
Martin Rosen 512 Senior Economics Analyst / Analyste economique principal $103,141.30 $258.48
Rinaldo Rossi 233 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $116,909.26 $178.71
Wilfred A. Roy 137 Head, Design Innovation / Responsable, innovation en matiere de conception $123,715.32 $189.06
Francine L. Rubin 555 Team Leader, Special Projects / Chef d'equipe des projets speciaux $102,223.53 $156.10
Harish Rupal 536 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $102,446.59 $152.55
Katherine A. Ruston 377 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $108,261.29 $165.63
Fabio Saccon 234 Head, Information Technology Section / Responsable, Section de la technologie de l'information $116,909.26 $178.71
Marco Sanchez 93 Manager, Third Party Product Integration and Management / Chef, integration et gestion des produits de tiers $125,653.58 $192.00
Tony J. Sangiuliano 289 Senior Foundations Engineer / Ingenieur principal en fondations $113,374.24 $173.55
Ljubomir Scepanovic 181 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $118,971.54 $182.07
Melanie Schade 624 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseillere principale en politiques $101,270.15 $154.11
John R. Schaefer 544 Weight and Load Engineer / Ingenieur, poids et charges $102,343.63 $156.66
Hannah C. Schell 65 Head, Concrete / Responsable, beton $134,072.14 $204.93
Erin S.B. Schenk 519 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $102,947.29 $155.42
Kelly Schmid 242 Head, Traffic / Responsable, circulation $116,834.72 $177.94
Daniel Schutte 138 Regional Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur regional, contrats $123,715.32 $189.06
Marsha Seca 42 Chief of Staff / Chef de cabinet $139,520.94 $177.69
Bruce W. Sedgwick 235 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $116,909.26 $178.71
Adrian Sgoifo 498 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $103,506.56 $158.25
Nasser W. Shahatto 390 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $107,498.62 $147.54
Yuqin Shan 297 Database Administrator / Administratrice de bases de donnees $112,835.35 $233.22
Vinay Sharda 38 Director, Transit Policy Branch / Directeur, Directeur des politiques de transport en commun $143,409.88 $220.14
Munish R. Sharma 378 Senior Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte principal de l'information et de la technologie de l'information $108,261.29 $165.63
Ousama Shebeeb 490 Signals Engineer, Traffic Signals / Ingenieur, feux de circulation $103,609.04 $158.40
Clement Shim 293 Lead, Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $113,097.49 $173.19
Valeria Shklyar 277 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $113,968.00 $88.32
Joseph N.Y. Sidarous 329 Claims Engineer, Negotiator / Negociateur, demandes de reglement $110,210.39 $168.75
Fayyaz A. Siddiqui 606 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $101,752.88 $155.79
Sherif A. Sidky 97 Head, Structural Engineering / Responsable, ingenierie des structures $124,925.58 $185.48
Colin T. Simons 516 Regional Services Manager / Chef des services regionaux $102,998.26 $149.25
Nancy E. Sinclair 635 Head, Property Section / Responsable, Section des biens immobiliers $100,939.97 $147.02
Sanjay K.V. Singh 561 Lead, Business Intelligence Support / Responsable, soutien a la veille strategique $102,187.20 $212.52
Udai Singh 141 Manager, Data Management and Operations Services / Chef de la gestion des donnees et des operations $123,363.41 $179.24
Michael B. Sit 236 Area Manager / Chef de secteur $116,909.26 $178.71
Dalibor Skakic 91 Manager, Applied Architecture Services / Chef, services d'application de l'architecture $126,078.94 $192.60
John A. Slobodzian 379 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $108,261.29 $165.63
Allan R. Smith 310 Manager, Business and Point Solutions / Responsable, solutions technologiques et ponctuelles $112,264.84 $163.48
Christopher R. Smith 401 Claims Engineer, Negotiator / Negociateur, demandes de reglement $106,895.95 $158.44
James D. Smith 151 Claims Engineer / Ingenieur, demandes d'indemnites $122,092.00 $187.05
Karen M. Smith 162 Regional Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur regional, contrats $120,256.84 $179.93
Louise Smith 380 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $108,261.29 $165.63
Kelly Smith-Lackner 590 Team Lead, Information Management Services / Chef dequipe, services de gestion de linformation $101,974.84 $156.03
Susan A. Soldan 404 Regional Services Manager / Chef des services regionaux $106,768.57 $154.65
Mark Sorge 444 Middleware Support Specialist / Specialiste du soutien aux intergiciels $104,664.13 $233.22
Vincenzo Sorgente 259 Manager, Driver Services / Chef, services d'examen de conduite $115,757.45 $168.67
Foluso Soroye 237 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $116,909.26 $178.71
Darryl Soshycki 194 Manager, Sustainable and Innovative Transportation / Chef, durabilite et innovation en matiere de transport $117,549.16 $173.90
David Staseff 268 Senior Foundations Engineer / Ingenieur principal en fondations $114,475.21 $175.29
Joe Stea 361 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $108,347.25 $163.25
Paul V. Steckham 381 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $108,261.29 $165.63
Robert W. Stephens 8 Head, Road User Safety Application Solutions / Responsable des solutions technologiques pour la securite routiere $168,385.88 $257.34
Darren R. Stephenson 206 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $116,938.39 $178.71
Robert W. Stephenson 114 Head, Planning and Design / Responsable, planification et conception $123,717.31 $189.06
Dawn L. Stevely 159 Team Lead / Chef d'equipe $120,448.59 $175.45
Joanne Stevens 415 Head, Property Section / Responsable, Section des biens immobiliers $106,173.42 $158.96
Andrew John Stewart 284 Manager, Business Services and Controllership / Chef, services operationnels et controle financier $113,624.89 $163.92
Gregory Strachan 654 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseiller principal en politiques $100,361.96 $152.13
Hong Ming Sun 332 Senior Information and Information Technology Architect / Architecte principal de l'information et de la technologie de l'information $109,628.48 $167.55
Damian Sura 420 Manager, Development Services Unit / Chef, elaboration des applications et assurance de la qualite $105,833.13 $264.24
Selva Sureshan 591 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseiller principal en politiques $101,974.84 $156.03
Stephen P. Sutch 207 Area Manager / Chef de secteur $116,938.39 $178.71
Stanley E. Sutter 292 Senior Manager, Correspondence and Editorial Services / Chef, correspondance et services de redaction $113,123.70 $164.22
Rhonda T. Sutton 326 Manager, Carrier Enforcement Program Office / Chef, Bureau de l'application des lois relatives aux transporteurs $110,421.55 $160.85
Brian P. Swan 177 Manager, Commercial Vehicle Projects / Chef, projets de promotion de vehicules utilitaires $119,107.42 $173.53
Michael Swim 238 Area Manager / Chef de secteur $116,909.26 $178.71
Seyed M. Tabib 321 Senior Bituminous Engineer / Ingenieur principal, materiaux bitumineux $110,965.18 $169.92
Michael J. Tache 149 Manager, Service Support / Chef, soutien aux services $122,562.18 $187.29
Arthur S. Tai 382 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $108,261.29 $165.63
Kenneth Tai 491 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $103,609.04 $158.40
Felix Tam 492 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieur principal de projet $103,609.04 $158.40
Fouad Tannous 493 Geotechnical Engineer / Ingenieur en geotechnique $103,609.04 $158.40
Shelley Tapp 26 Assistant Deputy Minister, Corporate Services Division / Sous-ministre adjoint, Division des services ministeriels $154,860.53 $237.72
Robert Tardif 383 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $108,261.29 $165.63
Louis Tay 209 Head, Corridor Management / Responsable, gestion des couloirs routiers $116,911.10 $178.71
John P. Taylor 25 Regional Director, Northwestern / Directeur regional, region du Nord-Ouest $154,880.47 $237.75
Maria Tejeda 39 Director, Ministry of Transportation Ontario 100 / Directrice, restructuration associee au centenaire du ministere des Transports de l'Ontario $143,409.88 $220.14
Marjorie Tepina 592 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseillere principale en politiques $101,974.84 $156.03
Dennis Tessarolo 428 Intelligent Transportation Systems Policy Specialist / Specialiste des politiques, systemes de transport intelligents $105,497.53 $158.76
Maureen G. Tetzlaff 40 Director, Safety Policy and Education Branch / Directeur, Direction de la sensibilisation et des politiques en matiere $143,409.88 $220.14
Bradley Thom 139 Regional Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur regional, contrats $123,715.32 $189.06
Derek R. Thompson 499 Geotechnical Engineer / Ingenieur en geotechnique $103,491.06 $157.86
Colin Timms 651 Director, Service Delivery Partnerships / Directeur, partenariats pour la prestation de services $100,380.34 $63.35
Bettina Toenig 593 Senior Project Manager / Chef de projet $101,974.84 $156.03
Robert S. Togawa 276 Middleware Specialist / Specialiste en intergiciel $114,086.79 $204.72
Gregory A. Tokarz 316 Director, Indigenous Relations / Directeur, relations avec les Autochtones $111,690.72 $161.64
Cathy Tropiano 594 Lead, Business Analyst / Analyste de gestion principale $101,974.84 $156.03
Doug M. Trussell 253 Claims Engineer, Negotiator / Negociateur, demandes de reglement $116,350.88 $178.05
Shirley Tse 327 Senior Information and Information Technology Project Manager / Chef de projet principal, information et technologie de l'information $110,341.07 $168.21
Tony Tuinstra 54 Director, Construction Management and Operations / Directeur, gestion des contrats et operations $134,827.12 $206.17
Aimee-Rose Tupaz 440 Standards Engineer / Ingenieur, normes $105,002.89 $160.50
Ronald L. Turcotte 191 Head, Safety and Information Management / Responsable, securite et gestion de linformation $118,060.35 $176.71
Andrew F. Turnbull 98 Head, Structural / Responsable, structures $124,925.58 $185.48
Jeffery E. Turner 616 Vehicle Standards Engineer / Ingenieur, normes des vehicules $101,544.68 $155.55
Seraj Uddowla 562 Senior Bridge Engineer / Ingenieur principal des ponts $102,151.95 $156.61
Pauline Van Roon 239 Head, Planning and Engineering / Responsable, planification et ingenierie $116,909.26 $178.71
John Van Voorst 494 Senior Drainage Engineer / Ingenieur principal en drainage $103,609.04 $158.40
Kevin E. Vanasseldonk 195 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieur de secteur, contrats $117,356.00 $180.11
Reinier L. Vandenbosch 526 Senior Policy Advisor / Conseiller principal en politiques $102,583.23 $156.03
Frank J. Vanderlaan 240 Area Manager / Chef de secteur $116,909.26 $178.71
Erika D. Varga 294 Senior Engineer Business Process Innovations / Senior Engineer Business Process Innovations $113,097.49 $173.19
Lola M. Vaz 94 Head, Engineering Specification and Standards Management / Responsable, gestion des specifications techniques et des normes $125,340.95 $185.95
Rita M. Venneri 349 Area Manager / Chef de secteur $108,866.85 $166.89
Josie Vergura 629 Senior Business Consultant / Conseillere principale en gestion des activites $101,068.96 $154.89
Daniela Vetere 411 Head, Licensing Administrator Office / Responsable, Bureau dadministration et de soutien pour la delivrance des permis et limmatriculation $106,519.25 $154.62
Amy L. Viragos 633 Head, Property Section / Responsable, Section des biens immobiliers $100,968.23 $147.02
Nikola Vukelich 595 Senior Specialist Signs and Markings / Specialiste principal, signalisation $101,974.84 $156.03
Jian Wang 422 Senior Structural Engineer / Ingenieur principal en structure $105,768.71 $161.23
Jin Wang 318 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $111,450.79 $165.62
Li Qiu Wang 542 Lead, Developer / Developpeuse principale $102,380.58 $256.62
Roger A. Ward 241 Area Manager / Chef de secteur $116,909.26 $178.71
Earl W. Warren 272 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $114,215.55 $153.06
Brent G. Warriner 446 Team Lead, Organizational Development / Chef dequipe, developpement organisationnel $104,267.99 $156.03
Darren Waters 346 Contract Innovations Engineer / Ingenieur, innovation en gestion des contrats $108,996.79 $166.89
Audrey L. Watterson 596 Senior Contract Innovation Analyst / Analyste principale de l'innovation en gestion des contrats $101,974.84 $156.03
Gary W. Weiss 99 Manager, Operations / Chef des operations $124,657.29 $186.59
Lee Weiss 501 Advisor, Civil Engineering / Conseillere, genie civil $103,439.19 $132.97
Kara Wells 392 Team Leader / Chef d'equipe $107,329.07 $158.20
Adam Weremi 658 Contract Services Administrator / Administrateur des services contractuels $100,153.21 $151.10
Colleen M. West 184 Manager, Regional Licensing / Chef, delivrance regionale des permis $118,720.02 $172.85
Jason White 66 Manager, Engineering / Chef, ingenierie $134,072.14 $204.93
Lija A. Whittaker 563 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieure principale de projet $102,151.95 $156.26
Brendan Wilson 325 Team Lead / Chef d'equipe $110,445.04 $164.25
Paul D. Wilson 597 Head, Claims / Chef, demandes d'indemnites relatives aux contrats $101,974.84 $156.03
Ronald W. Witjes 517 Senior Project Manager / Chef de projet $102,991.57 $155.09
Hoi Y.Y. Wong 282 Head, Control Systems Development and Management / Responsable, elaboration et gestion des systemes de controle $113,644.81 $174.00
Kathy Wood 437 Team Lead, Estimating / Chef d'equipe, devis $105,150.10 $165.63
Raymond P. Wubs 278 Manager, Strategic Human Resources Issues Management and Programs / Chef, gestion strategique des ressources humaines, gestion des questions d'interet et programmes $113,836.37 $165.83
Weihui Xu 450 Lead, Master Data Management / Responsable, gestion des donnees principales $103,984.03 $156.03
Yongming Xu 618 Senior Bridge Engineer / Ingenieur principal des ponts $101,430.72 $158.40
Ludmila Yakubov 288 Manager, Solutions Portfolio / Chef, portefeuille des solutions $113,411.64 $173.19
Daniel L. Young 7 Director, Architecture, Information Management and Labour Solutions / Directeur, architecture, gestion de l'information et solutions pour le travail $180,229.85 $204.54
Hing Fung Yu 634 Information and Information Technology Senior Solutions Designer / Concepteur principal de solutions en matiere d'information et de technologie de l'information $100,945.69 $154.74
Wei-Li Yu 250 Manager, Systems Development / Chef, elaboration des systemes $116,489.18 $174.88
Alexander Yutkin 537 Senior Solutions Designer / Concepteur principal de solutions $102,407.19 $256.62
John Zajac 408 Head, Traffic Information Management / Responsable, gestion de l'information sur la circulation $106,567.32 $163.08
Annamarie R. Zboch 533 Coordinator, Financial Analysis / Coordonnatrice de l'analyse financiere $102,494.16 $149.21
Joe Zeagman 439 Head, Driver Improvement / Chef, perfectionnement des conducteurs $105,063.17 $152.95
Wei Zhang 598 Information and Information Technology Senior Business Analyst / Analyste principal de gestion en matiere d'information et de technologie de l'information $101,974.84 $156.03
Xujian Zhang 84 Middleware Specialist / Specialiste en intergiciel $129,512.57 $233.22
Miao Zhou 650 Senior Project Engineer / Ingenieure principale de projet $100,389.99 $158.40
Miriam S. Ziegler-Goldberg 599 Senior Transportation Planner / Planificatrice principale des transports $101,974.84 $156.03
Lori N. Zimak 417 Area Contracts Engineer / Ingenieure de secteur, contrats $106,102.47 $158.76
Neil E. Zohorsky 52 Regional Director, West Region / Directeur regional, region du l'Ouest $135,244.61 $206.79

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