Thursday, January 4, 2018

Ross Memorial Hospital 2016 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2016 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Ross Memorial Hospital (released March 31th, 2017). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 41. The total salaries on the list is $4,756,204.56, with the average salary for someone on the list of $116,004.99.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,475,942.15

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Albert Lauwers $279,199.82
2. Leo Boyle $164,858.10
3. Veronica Nelson $159,220.01
4. Mary Ellen Schellenberg $134,429.36
5. Anne Overhoff $125,422.23
6. Jodi Dunn $125,352.62
7. Susan Grant $124,771.76
8. Michael Vandenbroek $122,899.04
9. Thomas Jones $120,840.41
10. Jacqueline Reid $118,948.80

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Registered Nurse20$107,117.98

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
NameSalary RankingPositionSalaryBenefits
Tina Bertino29Registered Nurse$103,461.95$549.27
Leo Boyle2Regional Chief Financial Officer$164,858.10$963.04
Lynn Brooks36Registered Nurse$101,038.21$539.97
Catherine Brumwell34Unit Manager, Peri-operative Suite and Ambulatory Care Unit$102,055.97$632.07
Donna Cabell12Registered Nurse$115,273.17$549.27
Karen Callaghan14Registered Nurse$110,921.23$539.97
Megan Cameron40Registered Nurse$100,093.12$539.97
Debbie Cox27Registered Nurse$105,624.54$549.27
Steve Cranley11Registered Nurse$115,435.84$539.97
Angela Dekoker30Registered Nurse$103,144.51$545.36
Pam Druce32Director, Support Services$102,472.13$634.77
Jodi Dunn6Program Director - Continuing Care, Health First, and Rehabilitation$125,352.62$748.49
Susan Fockler15Senior Pharmacist$110,679.97$685.70
Cynthia Formica35Registered Nurse$101,868.17$549.27
Tracey Gillis-Macey38Registered Nurse$100,600.81$549.27
Susan Grant7Director - Pharmacy, Risk, and Professional Practice$124,771.76$748.49
Lisa Green21Unit Manager, Surgical and Obstetrics$107,217.20$642.61
Beverlee Groves-Foley18Unit Manager, Mental Health and Dialysis$107,716.06$642.61
Karen Hannivan22Registered Nurse$107,046.38$539.97
Martin Harrington39Registered Nurse$100,253.15$539.97
Amanda Heydon26Pharmacist$106,445.58$632.58
Sheila Hobbins20Registered Nurse$107,376.35$539.97
Thomas Jones9Director, Integrated Mental Health Services$120,840.41$748.49
Wendy Kane17Registered Nurse$108,816.31$542.28
Kathleen Kenning24Pharmacist$106,963.37$632.58
Heide Kraus25Pharmacist$106,525.71$632.58
Carolyn Laporte31Registered Nurse$102,893.49$0.00
Albert Lauwers1President and Chief Executive Officer$279,199.82$2,538.11
Carole Mcbride23Unit Manager - Intensive Care Unit, Emergency, and Respiratory$107,039.96$642.61
Veronica Nelson3Vice President - Diagnostics, Procurement, and Special Projects$159,220.01$938.30
Anne Overhoff5Program Director, Critical Care and Medical$125,422.23$748.49
Dorothy Reeson28Registered Nurse$104,513.61$503.27
Jacqueline Reid10Registered Nurse$118,948.80$549.27
Gabrielle Sadler19Unit Manager - Continuing Care Program 2, Rehabilitation, and Therapies$107,415.10$642.61
Mary Ellen Schellenberg4Registered Nurse$134,429.36$539.97
Kim Stephens-Woods16Vice President Patient Care and Chief Nursing Officer$109,615.38$0.00
Victor Tavaszi33Director, Engineering and Maintenance$102,472.10$634.77
Michael Vandenbroek8Program Director - Surgical, Women, and Child$122,899.04$734.31
Jennifer Wilkens41Registered Nurse$100,006.32$539.97
Brian Winder13Director, Finance$114,662.43$685.70
Susan Wynne37Registered Nurse$100,614.29$549.27 

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