Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here
Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,401,308.92
Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Nicola Mercer $301,340.14 |
2. Rob Thompson $149,110.34 |
3. Andrea Roberts $141,713.25 |
4. Rita Sethi $141,713.25 |
5. Janice Tigert Walters $123,038.99 |
6. Justin Brown $108,878.59 |
7. Thomas Craig $108,878.59 |
8. Chuck Ferguson $108,878.59 |
9. Tricia Hardy $108,878.59 |
10. Rosalyn Larochelle $108,878.59 |
Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Manager | 10 | $110,294.63 |
Director | 2 | $145,411.79 |
Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name | Salary Ranking | Position | Salary | Benefits |
Justin Brown | 6 | Manager | $108,878.59 | $316.68 |
Thomas Craig | 7 | Manager | $108,878.59 | $316.47 |
Chuck Ferguson | 8 | Manager | $108,878.59 | $316.68 |
Tricia Hardy | 9 | Manager | $108,878.59 | $316.68 |
Rosalyn Larochelle | 10 | Manager | $108,878.59 | $316.68 |
Jennifer Macleod | 11 | Manager | $108,878.59 | $316.47 |
Jennifer Mccorriston | 12 | Manager | $108,878.59 | $316.68 |
Nicola Mercer | 1 | Medical Officer of Health/Chief Executive Officer / Medecin-hygieniste/Directrice generale | $301,340.14 | $5,379.40 |
Shanna O'Dwyer | 13 | Manager | $108,878.59 | $316.47 |
Andrea Roberts | 3 | Director | $141,713.25 | $479.58 |
Rita Sethi | 4 | Director/Chief Nursing Officer / Directrice/Infirmiere en chef | $141,713.25 | $411.58 |
Rob Thompson | 2 | Director | $149,110.34 | $832.43 |
Janice Tigert Walters | 5 | Manager | $123,038.99 | $357.50 |
Shawn Zentner | 14 | Manager | $108,878.59 | $316.68 |
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