Monday, January 22, 2018

South Bruce Grey Health Centre 2016 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2016 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for South Bruce Grey Health Centre (released March 31th, 2017). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 13. The total salaries on the list is $1,508,614.56, with the average salary for someone on the list of $116,047.27.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,205,831.54

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Paul Rosebush $205,393.72
2. Chris Cartwright $124,995.00
3. Maureen Rydall $122,873.25
4. Michelle Kennedy $117,051.27
5. Mary Ellen Macrobert $113,250.60
6. Tabitha Behm $110,379.32
7. Cindy Jo Bray $103,969.00
8. Karen Rhody $103,204.46
9. Rhonda Ridgeway $102,952.77
10. Laurie Edey $101,762.15

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Registered Nurse 7 $107,298.91

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits
Tabitha Behm 6 Registered Nurse $110,379.32 $278.41
Cindy Jo Bray 7 Registered Nurse $103,969.00 $451.32
Chris Cartwright 2 Vice President Finance and Corporate Services $124,995.00 $653.67
Laurie Edey 10 Registered Nurse $101,762.15 $468.87
Taralee Elzinga 12 Manager Pharmacy $100,871.40 $523.62
Trevor Filsinger 13 Manager Diagnostic Imaging $100,436.07 $621.86
Michelle Kennedy 4 Registered Nurse $117,051.27 $451.32
Lee-Anne King 11 Registered Nurse $101,475.55 $451.32
Mary Ellen Macrobert 5 Registered Nurse $113,250.60 $459.15
Karen Rhody 8 Registered Nurse $103,204.46 $459.15
Rhonda Ridgeway 9 Director of Patient Care $102,952.77 $534.99
Paul Rosebush 1 President/Chief Executive Officer $205,393.72 $9,474.66
Maureen Rydall 3 Chief Nursing Officer/Director of Clinical Services $122,873.25 $639.21

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