Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ongwanada Hospital 2013 Sunshine List, Rankings and Analysis

Here is the 2013 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Ongwanada Hospital (released March 28th, 2014). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 9. The total salaries on the list is $1,038,485.50, with the average salary for someone on the list of $115,387.28. Last year's list available here.

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Registered Nurse / Infirmière autorisée2$107,528.50

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits
KATHERINE BUELL 2 Co-Ordinator, Psychology Services / Coordonnatrice des services de psychologie $107,878.70 $840.00
JULIE CARRIERE 3 Co-Ordinator, Pharmacy Services / Coordonnatrice des services de pharmacie $107,598.40 $840.00
TOM COLLARD 4 Assistant Executive Director, Finance and Support Services / Directeur général adjoint, responsable des finances et des services de soutien $104,977.60 $840.00
ALASTAIR LAMB 5 Assistant Executive Director, Administrative and Community Services / Directeur général adjoint, responsable des services administratifs et communautaires $104,977.60 $840.00
KAREN MENZIES-TURNER 8 Assistant Executive Director, Planning and Vocational Services / Directrice générale adjointe, responsable de planification et des services professionnels $101,645.60 $840.00
LINDA MURRAY 6 Assistant Executive Director, Residential and Client Services / Directrice générale adjointe, responsable des services résidentiels et à la clientèle $104,977.60 $840.00
ROBERT SEABY 0 Executive Director / Directeur Général $191,373.00 $47.21
JOY SULLIVAN 7 Registered Nurse / Infirmière autorisée $103,897.90 $840.00
CAREY VARGA 1 Registered Nurse / Infirmière autorisée $111,159.10 $0.00

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