Sunday, August 23, 2015

Breakdown of Hamilton's Five Murders in 2015, Lori Constable Added

Breakdown of Hamilton 2015 homicides to this date with the fifth murder, Shariek Douse. All murders have been in the lower city apart from the latest one in Waterdown. There have been three male victims and two female victims. All suspects are males. Of the five killings, two are shootings. You can find a list of the seven 2014 murders in Hamilton here.

Date of MurderVictim Victim's Age Cause of Death City Ward Suspect
January 8th, 2015Nathan Miller 20 Shooting 3 (28 Madison Avenue) Male 15, Jemaal Wilson, 20, Shamoiey Akindejoye 21
March 25th, 2015Renee Neganiwina 26 Fire? 4 (561 Kenilworth Avenue) Joseph Snelgrove, 38
May 15th, 2015William McConville 40 Beating 2 (Stinson and Victoria) Gordon Eugene O'Hara, 33, and Joshua Vernon O'Hara, 27
August 12th, 2015Shariek Douse 18 Shooting 2 (MacNab Street North and Simcoe Street) N/A
August 13th?, 2015Lori Constable 55 Asphyxiation 15 (Riley Street, Waterdwon) Wayne Constable, 55 (husband, deceased, murder suicide

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