Sunshine lists and statistics for other municipalities can be found here
Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,403,537.38
Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Edward Brennan $174,027.65 |
2. Wayne Kalinski $155,954.30 |
3. Christopher Dryden $144,727.69 |
4. Douglas Fry $137,360.38 |
5. Michael Richardson $137,181.49 |
6. Lindsay White $131,783.93 |
7. Douglas Jones $131,239.59 |
8. Susan Greatrix $131,239.40 |
9. Nancy Tuckett $131,239.40 |
10. Daniel Maloney $128,783.55 |
Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
1st Class Constable | 18 | $104,435.05 |
Fire Fighter | 8 | $111,248.73 |
Police Sergeant | 6 | $123,200.25 |
Staff Sergeant | 2 | $130,283.74 |
Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name | Salary Ranking | Position | Salary | Benefits |
Colleen Adams | 32 | Fire Fighter | $105,067.56 | $766.32 |
Mary Lou Archer | 25 | Police Sergeant | $110,592.46 | $884.01 |
Chris Barlas | 17 | 1st Class Constable | $115,800.43 | $783.48 |
Bruce Beatty | 26 | Training Officer | $109,252.15 | $955.04 |
Edward Brennan | 1 | Chief Administrative Officer | $174,027.65 | $1,376.79 |
Hugh Brennen | 41 | 1st Class Constable | $103,682.71 | $741.58 |
Charles Cosgrove | 27 | Manager of Facilities and Parks | $108,941.96 | $861.57 |
Shane Cunningham | 34 | Fire Fighter | $104,683.45 | $766.32 |
Scott Davis | 53 | 1st Class Constable | $100,340.86 | $783.48 |
Thomas Dellelce | 19 | 1st Class Constable | $113,528.16 | $783.48 |
Christopher Dryden | 3 | Police Sergeant | $144,727.69 | $884.01 |
Stephen Fisher | 36 | 1st Class Constable | $104,243.77 | $783.48 |
Darla Fraser | 11 | Chief Librarian | $126,216.20 | $1,030.40 |
Douglas Fry | 4 | Police Sergeant | $137,360.38 | $884.01 |
Thomas Gillies | 24 | Fire Fighter | $110,679.97 | $877.92 |
James Giovannetti | 51 | 1st Class Constable | $100,827.34 | $783.48 |
Del Godin | 15 | Fire Fighter | $119,045.89 | $766.32 |
Jennifer Gohn | 21 | Human Resources Manager | $111,469.14 | $882.08 |
Susan Greatrix | 8 | Clerk | $131,239.40 | $1,039.88 |
Jason Hall | 22 | Information Technology Manager | $111,346.86 | $912.32 |
Jeffrey Hardy | 49 | Supervisor Wastewater | $101,219.02 | $737.24 |
Douglas Jones | 7 | Director of Public Works | $131,239.59 | $1,070.12 |
Matthew Kachik | 18 | Police Sergeant | $114,577.41 | $884.01 |
Wayne Kalinski | 2 | Police Chief | $155,954.30 | $1,116.60 |
Jonathan Kennedy | 47 | 1st Class Constable | $101,617.95 | $783.48 |
Ryan Kett | 42 | 1st Class Constable | $103,244.45 | $783.48 |
R. John Lackey | 13 | Manager Operations and Development | $119,873.88 | $0.00 |
Troy Larose | 35 | 1st Class Constable | $104,618.12 | $783.48 |
Trevor Little | 45 | 1st Class Constable | $101,984.11 | $783.48 |
Laurie Lloyd | 46 | 1st Class Constable | $101,804.62 | $783.48 |
Daniel Maloney | 10 | Staff Sergeant | $128,783.55 | $980.07 |
Andrew May | 37 | 1st Class Constable | $104,236.04 | $783.48 |
Heather Mcginnity | 23 | Manager Environmental Services | $111,346.86 | $912.32 |
David Mclagan | 20 | Police Sergeant | $112,218.13 | $884.01 |
Nikolas Michlouski | 43 | 1st Class Constable | $103,117.11 | $783.48 |
Karen Mills | 52 | Deputy Treasurer | $100,741.12 | $786.32 |
Jason Moore | 40 | 1st Class Constable | $103,780.15 | $783.48 |
Ronald Morden | 12 | Fire Chief | $122,531.23 | $965.37 |
Frank Myers | 30 | Chief Fire Prevention Officer | $106,282.68 | $877.92 |
E. Raymond Osmond | 16 | Director of Parks and Recreation | $117,792.35 | $0.00 |
Brian Parkes | 31 | 1st Class Constable | $106,217.45 | $783.48 |
David Pater | 38 | Fire Fighter | $103,887.61 | $766.32 |
John Phelps | 39 | 1st Class Constable | $103,813.02 | $783.48 |
M. Ruth Phillips | 29 | Manager Economic Development | $106,887.82 | $876.44 |
Steven Phillips | 14 | Police Sergeant | $119,725.41 | $1,642.64 |
Sean Pryce | 28 | Fire Fighter | $107,993.50 | $766.32 |
Michael Richardson | 5 | Fire Fighter | $137,181.49 | $915.31 |
Timothy Snider | 48 | Fire Fighter | $101,450.38 | $766.32 |
Nancy Tuckett | 9 | Director of Economic Development, Planning and Innovation | $131,239.40 | $1,070.12 |
Dwight Van Alstine | 50 | Fire Prevention Officer | $101,037.56 | $779.88 |
Lindsay White | 6 | Staff Sergeant | $131,783.93 | $980.07 |
Blair Wile | 33 | 1st Class Constable | $104,801.75 | $783.48 |
Matthew Wrigley | 44 | 1st Class Constable | $102,172.78 | $783.48 |
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