Friday, September 29, 2017

Town of Orangeville 2016 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2016 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Town of Orangeville (released March 31th, 2017). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 53. The total salaries on the list is $6,048,228.80, with the average salary for someone on the list of $114,117.52.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other municipalities can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,403,537.38

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Edward Brennan $174,027.65
2. Wayne Kalinski $155,954.30
3. Christopher Dryden $144,727.69
4. Douglas Fry $137,360.38
5. Michael Richardson $137,181.49
6. Lindsay White $131,783.93
7. Douglas Jones $131,239.59
8. Susan Greatrix $131,239.40
9. Nancy Tuckett $131,239.40
10. Daniel Maloney $128,783.55

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
1st Class Constable 18 $104,435.05
Fire Fighter 8 $111,248.73
Police Sergeant 6 $123,200.25
Staff Sergeant 2 $130,283.74

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits
Colleen Adams 32 Fire Fighter $105,067.56 $766.32
Mary Lou Archer 25 Police Sergeant $110,592.46 $884.01
Chris Barlas 17 1st Class Constable $115,800.43 $783.48
Bruce Beatty 26 Training Officer $109,252.15 $955.04
Edward Brennan 1 Chief Administrative Officer $174,027.65 $1,376.79
Hugh Brennen 41 1st Class Constable $103,682.71 $741.58
Charles Cosgrove 27 Manager of Facilities and Parks $108,941.96 $861.57
Shane Cunningham 34 Fire Fighter $104,683.45 $766.32
Scott Davis 53 1st Class Constable $100,340.86 $783.48
Thomas Dellelce 19 1st Class Constable $113,528.16 $783.48
Christopher Dryden 3 Police Sergeant $144,727.69 $884.01
Stephen Fisher 36 1st Class Constable $104,243.77 $783.48
Darla Fraser 11 Chief Librarian $126,216.20 $1,030.40
Douglas Fry 4 Police Sergeant $137,360.38 $884.01
Thomas Gillies 24 Fire Fighter $110,679.97 $877.92
James Giovannetti 51 1st Class Constable $100,827.34 $783.48
Del Godin 15 Fire Fighter $119,045.89 $766.32
Jennifer Gohn 21 Human Resources Manager $111,469.14 $882.08
Susan Greatrix 8 Clerk $131,239.40 $1,039.88
Jason Hall 22 Information Technology Manager $111,346.86 $912.32
Jeffrey Hardy 49 Supervisor Wastewater $101,219.02 $737.24
Douglas Jones 7 Director of Public Works $131,239.59 $1,070.12
Matthew Kachik 18 Police Sergeant $114,577.41 $884.01
Wayne Kalinski 2 Police Chief $155,954.30 $1,116.60
Jonathan Kennedy 47 1st Class Constable $101,617.95 $783.48
Ryan Kett 42 1st Class Constable $103,244.45 $783.48
R. John Lackey 13 Manager Operations and Development $119,873.88 $0.00
Troy Larose 35 1st Class Constable $104,618.12 $783.48
Trevor Little 45 1st Class Constable $101,984.11 $783.48
Laurie Lloyd 46 1st Class Constable $101,804.62 $783.48
Daniel Maloney 10 Staff Sergeant $128,783.55 $980.07
Andrew May 37 1st Class Constable $104,236.04 $783.48
Heather Mcginnity 23 Manager Environmental Services $111,346.86 $912.32
David Mclagan 20 Police Sergeant $112,218.13 $884.01
Nikolas Michlouski 43 1st Class Constable $103,117.11 $783.48
Karen Mills 52 Deputy Treasurer $100,741.12 $786.32
Jason Moore 40 1st Class Constable $103,780.15 $783.48
Ronald Morden 12 Fire Chief $122,531.23 $965.37
Frank Myers 30 Chief Fire Prevention Officer $106,282.68 $877.92
E. Raymond Osmond 16 Director of Parks and Recreation $117,792.35 $0.00
Brian Parkes 31 1st Class Constable $106,217.45 $783.48
David Pater 38 Fire Fighter $103,887.61 $766.32
John Phelps 39 1st Class Constable $103,813.02 $783.48
M. Ruth Phillips 29 Manager Economic Development $106,887.82 $876.44
Steven Phillips 14 Police Sergeant $119,725.41 $1,642.64
Sean Pryce 28 Fire Fighter $107,993.50 $766.32
Michael Richardson 5 Fire Fighter $137,181.49 $915.31
Timothy Snider 48 Fire Fighter $101,450.38 $766.32
Nancy Tuckett 9 Director of Economic Development, Planning and Innovation $131,239.40 $1,070.12
Dwight Van Alstine 50 Fire Prevention Officer $101,037.56 $779.88
Lindsay White 6 Staff Sergeant $131,783.93 $980.07
Blair Wile 33 1st Class Constable $104,801.75 $783.48
Matthew Wrigley 44 1st Class Constable $102,172.78 $783.48

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