Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Town Of Smiths Falls

Here is the 2019 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Town Of Smiths Falls (released March 2020). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 31. The total salaries on the list is $3,581,717.65, with the average salary for someone on the list of $115,539.28.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other municipalities can be found at

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,311,476.23

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Mark Macgillivray $159,888.16
2. Malcolm Morris $143,029.32
3. Richard Labelle $142,933.92
4. Paul Klassen $140,938.74
5. Nadine Wilson $127,798.54
6. Jody Empey $127,468.51
7. Thomas Blanchard $120,271.81
8. Randy Normandin $118,439.45
9. David Rakobowchuk $116,319.44
10. Tyler Brett $114,388.34

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Constable 12 $108,822.68
Sergeant 4 $129,119.40
1st Class Firefighter 2 $107,202.48
Detective Constable 2 $110,633.43

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits Jason Barlow 27 Manager Water/Wastewater Treatment $102,808.96 $851.73

Paul Bisonette 13 1st Class Firefighter $112,397.49 $708.00

Thomas Blanchard 7 Sergeant $120,271.81 $792.12

Tyler Brett 10 Constable $114,388.34 $757.80

Christopher Coon 25 Constable $105,875.09 $792.12

Kerry Anne Costello 18 Director of Corporate Services/Clerk $110,377.96 $792.12

Jason Dalgleish 23 Supervisor of Public Works $108,331.14 $715.61

Jason Droeske 15 Constable $111,509.31 $730.32

William Troy Dunlop 21 Director of Public Works and Utilities $110,102.86 $792.12

Jody Empey 6 Sergeant $127,468.51 $792.12

Hogan Fitzgerald 29 1st Class Firefighter $102,007.47 $604.80

Michael Gallagher 30 Constable $100,914.24 $784.56

Danny David King 12 Constable $113,741.03 $784.56

Paul Klassen 4 Sergeant $140,938.74 $792.12

Derek Klawitter 31 Constable $100,059.87 $792.12

Janet Koziel 24 Treasurer $107,398.88 $792.12

Richard Labelle 3 Deputy Police Chief $142,933.92 $792.12

Mark Macgillivray 1 Police Chief $159,888.16 $792.12

Art Manhire 19 Director of Community Services $110,377.96 $792.12

David Edwin Morris 28 Constable $102,019.08 $773.04

Malcolm Morris 2 Chief Administrative Officer $143,029.32 $792.12

David Murphy 14 Constable $111,828.25 $792.12

Randy Normandin 8 Lieutenant Fire Prevention $118,439.45 $792.12

Brent Michael Pellett 11 Constable $114,007.82 $784.56

David Rakobowchuk 9 Detective Constable $116,319.44 $792.12

Glenn Smith 20 Constable $110,245.15 $784.56

Jason Smith 22 Lieutenant Logistics $110,007.51 $750.12

Aaron Tompkins 16 Constable $110,897.05 $784.56

Bradley J Walker 26 Detective Constable $104,947.42 $764.64

Nadine Wilson 5 Sergeant $127,798.54 $792.12

Brock Woods 17 Constable $110,386.88 $730.32

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