Saturday, November 7, 2020

Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board Homicide Canada - Information on Canadian Homicides and Statistics

Here is the 2019 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board (released March 2020). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 96. The total salaries on the list is $10,660,186.01, with the average salary for someone on the list of $111,043.60.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other school boards can be found at

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,453,226.65

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Giuseppe Tassone $207,578.12
2. Omer Belisle $166,082.08
3. Sheila Chiodo $159,584.75
4. Jean-Paul Tennier $159,584.75
5. Allison Sargent $140,074.35
6. Michael Filipetti $128,133.18
7. Kevin Koster $128,133.18
8. Rory Hygaard $124,940.08
9. Dorothy Basaraba $119,558.08
10. Janice Bazaluk $119,558.08

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Teacher 57 $103,447.83
Principal 21 $119,624.34
Vice Principal 6 $108,387.03
Superintendent Of Education 3 $155,247.06

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits James Angus 86 Teacher $100,508.51 $0.00

Maria Antaki 83 Teacher $100,549.95 $0.00

Kathleen Arena 39 Teacher $106,504.75 $0.00

Les Arnone 34 Principal $108,518.13 $0.00

Catherine Bakich 72 Teacher $102,621.38 $0.00

Marcy Barry 62 Teacher $104,366.64 $0.00

Dorothy Basaraba 9 Principal $119,558.08 $0.00

Janice Bazaluk 10 Principal $119,558.08 $0.00

Omer Belisle 2 Superintendent Of Education $166,082.08 $0.00

Joel Biesenthal 93 Teacher $100,272.26 $0.00

Melanie Biesenthal 76 Teacher $101,972.65 $0.00

Heather Bragnalo 65 Teacher $103,409.33 $0.00

Judith Bragnalo 51 Special Education Consultant $105,661.57 $0.00

Khristopher Bragnalo 24 Principal $118,929.37 $0.00

Alexandra Busch 67 Teacher $103,232.57 $0.00

Michael Busch 40 Teacher $106,121.83 $0.00

Dino Buset 41 Teacher $106,032.68 $0.00

Carlo Cappello 33 Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association President Secondary $109,543.20 $0.00

Francesco Carpino 87 Teacher $100,451.67 $0.00

Lori-Ann Carpino 90 Teacher $100,304.67 $0.00

Sheila Chiodo 3 Superintendent Of Business and Corporate Services $159,584.75 $0.00

Andrew Coggin 29 Principal $111,915.09 $0.00

Tony Colistro 30 Coordinator Secondary Programs $111,765.11 $0.00

Catherine Corbett 61 Teacher $104,376.89 $0.00

Christina Corness 31 Coordinator Of Special Education $111,765.11 $0.00

Ada Costanzo 54 Teacher $105,447.86 $0.00

Sharon Coulter 79 Teacher $101,478.85 $0.00

Carla Crupi 91 Teacher $100,304.67 $0.00

Steven Diana 32 Teacher $110,195.72 $0.00

Michelle Donato 88 Vice Principal $100,338.33 $0.00

Joseph Drcar 59 Manager Of Plant Services $104,451.03 $0.00

Lance Dysievick 92 Teacher $100,274.32 $0.00

Tesa Fiddler 55 Teacher $104,980.69 $0.00

Julie Filipetti 69 Teacher $102,798.53 $0.00

Michael Filipetti 6 Principal $128,133.18 $0.00

Jacqueline Fredrickson 11 Principal $119,558.08 $0.00

Martin Furtado 47 Teacher $105,801.66 $0.00

Sherri-Lynn Garieri 81 Teacher $101,371.49 $0.00

Ryan Gatto 12 Principal $119,558.08 $0.00

Cynthia Gordon 13 Principal $119,558.08 $0.00

Don Grant 14 Principal $119,558.08 $0.00

Aldo Grillo 23 Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association President $119,474.68 $0.00

Emily Hartman 38 Teacher $107,037.58 $0.00

Rory Hygaard 8 Principal $124,940.08 $0.00

John Ianni 15 Principal $119,558.08 $0.00

Jerry Izydorczak 50 Teacher $105,668.44 $0.00

Thomas Joseph 53 Teacher $105,565.01 $0.00

Kevin Koster 7 Principal $128,133.18 $0.00

Frank Lacaria 16 Principal $119,558.08 $0.00

Dale Lane 85 Teacher $100,536.97 $0.00

Deborah Leschuk 42 Teacher $106,032.68 $0.00

Flora Love-Jedruch 17 Principal $119,558.08 $0.00

Antonella Lysak 35 Vice Principal $108,518.13 $0.00

Paul Mackett 52 Technology Consultant $105,661.57 $0.00

Silvana Marchese 37 Vice Principal $107,961.34 $0.00

Kimberlea Mason 89 Teacher $100,307.56 $0.00

Patrick Mcwhirter 63 Teacher $103,505.39 $0.00

Ryan Mcwhirter 18 Principal $119,558.08 $0.00

Traci O'Hara 66 Teacher $103,331.13 $0.00

Lisa Opas 68 Teacher $103,204.50 $0.00

Chris Opaski 96 Teacher $100,001.10 $0.00

Eric Oster 26 Vice Principal $112,493.11 $0.00

Sheri-Lynn Ozbolt 43 Teacher $106,032.68 $0.00

Barbara Parnham 73 Teacher $102,349.07 $0.00

Carol Pascuzzo 36 Vice Principal $108,518.13 $0.00

Martino Perzan 44 Teacher $106,032.68 $0.00

Grace Pocion 82 Teacher $100,597.84 $0.00

Sarah Polowski 75 Teacher $102,003.44 $0.00

John Power 57 Teacher $104,731.66 $0.00

Alma Provenzano 19 Principal $119,558.08 $0.00

Dino Pugliese 49 Teacher $105,726.03 $0.00

Tracey Rabachuk 25 Principal $117,729.05 $0.00

Anthony Rizzo 20 Principal $119,558.08 $0.00

Frank Ruberto 27 Vice Principal $112,493.11 $0.00

Donna Rudnicka-Spiess 77 Teacher $101,676.18 $0.00

Christopher Rybar 56 Teacher $104,732.86 $0.00

Allison Sargent 5 Superintendent Of Education $140,074.35 $0.00

Roger Slomke 64 Teacher $103,489.16 $0.00

Maria Soulias 78 Teacher $101,623.05 $0.00

Barb Strickland 21 Principal $119,558.08 $0.00

Nicole Sutherland 95 Teacher $100,167.83 $0.00

Shannon Taddeo 80 Teacher $101,416.88 $0.00

Giuseppe Tassone 1 Director Of Education $207,578.12 $0.00

Jean-Paul Tennier 4 Superintendent Of Education $159,584.75 $0.00

Angela Timko 28 Teacher $112,246.80 $0.00

Stephanie Timko 71 Teacher $102,670.26 $0.00

Anita Treesh 22 Principal $119,558.08 $0.00

Kris Turcotte 45 Teacher $106,032.68 $0.00

Robert Vanderwey 60 Teacher $104,420.40 $0.00

Ramon Verardo 48 Teacher $105,760.37 $0.00

Sara Vidotto 46 Teacher $106,032.68 $0.00

Franca Watral 70 Teacher $102,715.95 $0.00

Tyler Williamson 84 Teacher $100,541.27 $0.00

Jennifer Wiseman 94 Teacher $100,212.33 $0.00

Leigh Wood 74 Teacher $102,108.81 $0.00

Dina Yeo 58 Teacher $104,635.50 $0.00

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