A blog about Hamilton and Ontario politics and economy. Or whatever I find interesting.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Seneca College 2011 Sunshine List and Analysis
The total number of individuals on the 2011 sunshine list for Seneca College is 383. Of those 296 have the title Professor. Seven have the title dean and there are five vice presidents. The president is David Agnew with a salary of $395,360.03.
The total salary paid out to those on the sunshine list was $41,151,967.44 with an average salary of $107446.39 for those on the list.
Here's the top ten:
Seneca College AGNEW DAVID President $395,360.03 $16,484.60
Seneca College HAZELL CINDY DUNDON Senior Vice President $259,881.26 $8,094.89
Seneca College ATLIN DANIEL Vice President of Strategy & College Affairs $246,459.36 $8,076.60
Seneca College DIAS D'SOUZA JEANETTE Vice President of Finance & Administration $209,612.29 $8,544.30
Seneca College DECOCK HENRY Associate Vice President of Academic Research & Planning $171,767.17 $616.87
Seneca College SCHOLLEN LAUREL Associate Vice President of Academic Educational Excellence $168,886.43 $339.26
Seneca College TALESNICK STANLEY Dean of Faculty Workforce Skills Development $163,397.53 $558.89
Seneca College ZIMMERMAN SUSAN Dean of Faculty of Business $161,840.29 $558.89
Seneca College GUNTER LAURA JO Dean of Faculty Communication, Art & Design $160,151.52 $558.89
Seneca College GRAHAM SUSAN Dean of Faculty Continuing Education & Training $157,397.51 $463.57
Links to other Community Colleges:
George Brown
La Cite
Sir Sandford Fleming
St. Clair
St. Lawrence
And here is the entire list:
Seneca College ADAMEK NADINE Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College AGNEW DAVID President $395,360.03 $16,484.60
Seneca College AGNEW THIA-BETH Professor $103,102.48 $214.03
Seneca College ALAVIE REZA Professor $100,451.68 $194.47
Seneca College ALLARD MARTINE Director of English Language Institute $113,817.81 $391.19
Seneca College AMUCHASTEGUI BEATRIZ E. Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College ANASTASIADE JORDAN Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College ANTONACCI DELIA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College ARCHER MALCOLM Professor $100,601.68 $120.54
Seneca College ARTOPOULO APHRODITE Professor $100,663.21 $120.54
Seneca College ASH IRV Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College ASSIRI HASSAN Director of Enterprise Services Management $119,836.44 $146.94
Seneca College ATKINS-KRAVSHIK LISA Professor $103,102.48 $186.78
Seneca College ATLIN DANIEL Vice President of Strategy & College Affairs $246,459.36 $8,076.60
Seneca College AUSTIN PETER Professor $100,541.84 $167.44
Seneca College AYERST TIMOTHY Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College BABABEIGI SHAHROUZ (SEAN) Technical Support Specialist $108,973.96 $114.57
Seneca College BADER MARGARET Professor $103,102.48 $120.54
Seneca College BADIALI LINDA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College BAIN-GREENWOOD FIONA Chair of Faculty Continuing Education & Training $127,033.98 $350.95
Seneca College BAKER GUY Professor $103,102.48 $186.78
Seneca College BAKER PAMELA Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College BATH DAVID Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College BAUMAN SUSAN Professor $100,451.68 $221.88
Seneca College BEATTIE BEVERLEY Professor $100,451.68 $175.74
Seneca College BEVACQUA ANTHONY Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College BLAKE-DURIE CHRISTINE Director of Student Services $115,663.10 $141.52
Seneca College BLEIER-WATERS DEBBIE Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College BLOXHAM SHEREE LEE Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College BORG-OLIVIER MARIA Manager of Co-Operative Education & Internships $100,487.83 $271.84
Seneca College BOTTOMLEY JOHN C. R. Professor $103,102.48 $186.78
Seneca College BOURGON MAUREEN Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College BOYCZUK ROBERT Professor $100,535.83 $120.54
Seneca College BRAJ BETTINA Professor $100,451.68 $131.58
Seneca College BREWER BEVERLEY Professor $100,608.02 $131.58
Seneca College BROADWAY BRIAN Professor $102,255.34 $203.99
Seneca College BROWN MARCIA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College BROWN NANCY Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College BURMAN JACK Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College CAMERON JUDITH Professor $101,139.56 $120.54
Seneca College CAMPBELL WAYNE Professor $101,472.52 $186.78
Seneca College CAPRARA ANNUNZIATA Professor $103,102.48 $186.78
Seneca College CARASQUERO ALDITH Professor $104,384.27 $186.78
Seneca College CARLISLE TERESA Director of College Services $114,179.54 $416.12
Seneca College CARROLL ROBERT C. Professor $102,959.77 $186.78
Seneca College CARRUTHERS CAROL Professor $105,753.27 $186.78
Seneca College CELIC MIRSAD MIKE Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College CHAN DENISE Associate Director of Employee & Labour Relations $134,362.92 $305.29
Seneca College CHAN RAYMOND Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College CHEUNG COLIN Senior Manager of Energy, Projects & Capital Planning $100,294.20 $122.82
Seneca College CHEUNG MONISA Associate Registrar of College Information Systems, Scheduling, Registration & Records $103,279.87 $386.81
Seneca College CHOLKAN OLA Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College CHUN ANNE Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College CLARK PATRICIA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College COHEN SUSAN Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College CONKIC NEBOJSA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College COOPER NORINE Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College CRISP JOHN Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College CROSS ROBERT Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College CROWLEY JANET Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College CULLINGHAM JAMES Professor $105,543.11 $186.78
Seneca College CZEGEL BARBARA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College CZEGEL LES Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College DACOSTA LEROY Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College DAISLEY LARRY Professor $105,919.74 $186.78
Seneca College DALY JOHN P. Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College DANICKI WILLIAM Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College DAOUST JOHANNE Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College DECOCK HENRY Associate Vice President of Academic Research & Planning $171,767.17 $616.87
Seneca College DECOCK OLGA Professor $103,044.53 $186.78
Seneca College DERBYSHIRE GLENN Professor $102,073.37 $186.78
Seneca College DI SIMONE TINA L. Dean of Faculty Applied Arts & Health Sciences $153,634.49 $188.47
Seneca College DIAS D'SOUZA JEANETTE Vice President of Finance & Administration $209,612.29 $8,544.30
Seneca College DIAZ ANDRES Professor $101,066.84 $186.78
Seneca College DIREZZE ANNA Registrar $115,677.82 $415.52
Seneca College DOODY-HAMILTON CHRISTINE Professor $103,102.48 $175.74
Seneca College DOUGHTY HOWARD Professor $100,451.68 $164.71
Seneca College DOUGLAS EVA Professor $100,451.68 $157.35
Seneca College DOUGLAS RICHARD Manager of Communications $106,735.41 $130.52
Seneca College DOULOFF NICHOLAS Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College DUDLEY CHRIS Chair of School of Business Management & Centre for Human Resources $127,188.04 $342.88
Seneca College DUFFY RICHARD Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College DUNSMUIR HAROLD Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College DURST BETTY Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College EAMES DAVID Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College EISA MOHAMED Professor $103,102.48 $120.54
Seneca College ELLIOTT DIANNE Professor $105,753.27 $120.54
Seneca College ELLIS KENNETH Chair of School Fire Protection & Engineering & Centre for Advanced Technology $132,936.51 $258.39
Seneca College ELRODESLY AHMED Professor $101,181.01 $186.78
Seneca College EMMANS JOAN Professor $100,451.68 $153.66
Seneca College EMMANS ROSS Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College ENG KENNEDY Professor $101,181.02 $120.54
Seneca College ENGELKING MARINA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College ESPINET RAMABAI Professor $100,451.68 $241.58
Seneca College EVANS STUART Professor $104,058.99 $164.71
Seneca College FARQUHARSON BESS Associate Registrar $100,667.78 $122.77
Seneca College FARREN VANESSA Professor $100,451.68 $167.49
Seneca College FEARON CAROL Professor $103,102.48 $186.78
Seneca College FERNANDEZ CARLOS Professor $101,145.95 $186.78
Seneca College FINK TANIS Director of Seneca Libraries $129,023.76 $439.95
Seneca College FINLAY DAVID Professor $102,145.96 $186.78
Seneca College FINLAY MARY Professor $100,613.98 $186.78
Seneca College FISHER MARY Chair of School of Early Childhood Education $127,188.04 $149.68
Seneca College FISHMAN STEVE Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College FORBES MARGARET Professor $100,469.71 $153.66
Seneca College FORSTER DON Senior Manager of Environmental Sustainability $102,851.55 $206.95
Seneca College FORSYTHE WANDA Chair of School of Legal & Public Administration & Office Administration $127,188.04 $439.95
Seneca College FRANK DONNA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College FREY DONALD Professor $100,556.87 $186.78
Seneca College GABOR ITAMAR Professor $100,451.68 $167.44
Seneca College GARZA JULIO Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College GATES MICHAEL Professor $101,031.07 $120.54
Seneca College GAYLE-ANYIWE BRENDA Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College GERRITSMA MARY Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College GLASS JOHN Professor $100,872.45 $186.78
Seneca College GORTANA SIMON Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College GOSSIN ENID Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College GRAHAM SUSAN Dean of Faculty Continuing Education & Training $157,397.51 $463.57
Seneca College GRAY SIDNEY Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College GREEN CINDY Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College GREENSHIELDS CAROL ANN Associate Registrar $105,146.75 $292.75
Seneca College GREGORY ROBERT Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College GRIMMOND YVETTE Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College GUHA ARTHUR Professor $101,720.83 $186.78
Seneca College GULYCZ MICHAEL Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College GUNN JUDY Associate Registrar $105,146.75 $374.21
Seneca College GUNTER LAURA JO Dean of Faculty Communication, Art & Design $160,151.52 $558.89
Seneca College HALL ALEX Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College HALLQUIST DIANE Professor $105,753.27 $120.54
Seneca College HAND LAWRENCE Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College HANLON MARTA Professor $101,136.13 $120.54
Seneca College HANSEN BIRGITTE Chair of School of Fashion $127,188.04 $149.68
Seneca College HARRIS STEPHEN Professor $102,318.09 $186.78
Seneca College HARSHAW ROBERT Professor $104,058.99 $120.54
Seneca College HAUER GISELA Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College HAY THERESA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College HAZELL CINDY DUNDON Senior Vice President $259,881.26 $8,094.89
Seneca College HELLER RICKI Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College HENDRICKS LEOLYN Chair of Government Programs $125,208.59 $439.95
Seneca College HENNEKAM JENNIFER Professor $100,451.68 $175.74
Seneca College HENRY CAROL Director of Leadership & Employee Development $126,270.18 $439.95
Seneca College HENRY COURTNEY Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College HETI GABRIEL Professor $100,717.01 $164.71
Seneca College HITCHINS MICHAEL Professor $108,519.15 $186.78
Seneca College HO VERONICA Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College HOBSON GEETHA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College HOFFMAN DAVID Professor $103,102.48 $142.62
Seneca College HOPPS DENNIS Professor $101,570.44 $120.54
Seneca College HORNE SUSAN Chair of Faculty Continuing Education & Training $127,188.04 $439.95
Seneca College HUANG JUNXIONG Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College HUANG NICK Director of International Recruitment, Student Services & Central Support $113,097.35 $219.39
Seneca College HUMBER WILLIAM Director of ECO-Seneca Initiatives $127,896.79 $342.88
Seneca College HUMPHREYS JAMES Professor $110,187.74 $171.21
Seneca College HUNT DOUGLAS Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College HUNTER BRUCE Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College HUREZEANU ATHENA Professor $103,292.74 $186.78
Seneca College HURST LARRY Professor $103,102.48 $186.78
Seneca College ISRAEL FLORENCE Professor $102,255.34 $120.54
Seneca College JABBI LAMIN Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College JACARD-KEELEY LUZ-MERY Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College JAFFER MASUMA Professor $102,654.58 $131.58
Seneca College JAGLOWITZ MICHAEL Professor $100,577.91 $186.78
Seneca College JAGLOWITZ RUTH Professor $103,543.24 $186.78
Seneca College JAMES DEBBY ANN Professor $100,451.68 $175.74
Seneca College JAMES TERRY Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College JANJIC DAN Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College JARVIS KERRY Professor $103,102.48 $186.78
Seneca College JOHN BIBI Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College JOHNSON GARY Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College JOHNSON TERENCE Professor $101,298.81 $186.78
Seneca College JOHNSTON PAUL Network Support Specialist $103,395.28 $58.67
Seneca College JONES MARK Chair of School Creative Arts & Animation $114,915.50 $139.35
Seneca College JOUDREY DAVID Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College JULIEN TODD Network Support Specialist $117,327.31 $80.98
Seneca College JUPP LOUISE Professor $100,826.68 $133.04
Seneca College JURCZYNSKI CHRISTOPHER Professor $101,705.14 $120.54
Seneca College KADURI HARVEY Professor $100,393.72 $186.78
Seneca College KALAMUT ANTHONY Professor $100,451.68 $195.50
Seneca College KANURKAS IRENE Professor $105,753.27 $186.78
Seneca College KASHIN DIANE Professor $101,052.26 $153.66
Seneca College KAY DEBORAH Professor $105,753.27 $120.54
Seneca College KEENAN-LINDSAY LISA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College KELLY MARY ANN Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College KELOS VASIE Professor $100,921.52 $175.74
Seneca College KENNEDY BAKER MAUREEN Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College KINRADE JOHN Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College KIST MARION Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College KOUTSOVITIS LOUIS Chief Technology Officer $119,836.44 $241.81
Seneca College KURAS JOANA Professor $100,952.77 $120.54
Seneca College KURTZ JO ANN Professor $103,102.48 $186.78
Seneca College LABIB ADEL Professor $115,405.97 $120.54
Seneca College LAM CAROLYN Associate Director of Seneca Libraries $100,487.83 $152.02
Seneca College LANDY LAURIE Professor $105,695.32 $120.54
Seneca College LANGER LIBBY ANN Professor $105,753.27 $186.78
Seneca College LAURIN CINDY Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College LEA IAN Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College LEARNEY SUSAN Professor $103,001.07 $120.54
Seneca College LECOMPTE MARLENE Professor $104,058.99 $186.78
Seneca College LEE SIMON Professor $103,102.48 $120.54
Seneca College LEIGH STUART Professor $103,260.67 $186.78
Seneca College LENNON MAUREEN Professor $100,451.68 $142.62
Seneca College LETTERIO WILLIAM Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College LEVINE BONNIE Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College LIANG RONALD Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College LINDLEY GERALDINE Professor $100,672.40 $186.78
Seneca College LIPTON BARBARA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College LIU ALICE Manager of Budgets & Financial Planning $102,421.63 $118.78
Seneca College LONG DALE Professor $103,102.48 $186.78
Seneca College LONGMAN SANDRA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College LONGWORTH MICHAEL Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College LOPES VALERIE Professor $100,038.34 $186.78
Seneca College LOUIE WILLIAM Network Support Specialist $104,914.57 $133.02
Seneca College LOVEDAY JANET Professor $101,296.23 $186.78
Seneca College LOWE-NURSE DORIS Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College LOWRIE MARTHA Director of Marketing & Communications $142,765.57 $8,297.01
Seneca College LUTHRA PUNEET Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College MACBRIDE JOHN Professor $102,275.01 $251.14
Seneca College MAGAS-ZAMARIA DARIA Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College MALONEY JAMES Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College MANTON MARY LYNN Chair of School of Information & Communication Technology $105,753.27 $165.39
Seneca College MANTTARI TINA Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College MARANDO MARIANNE Chair of School Media & Marketing $111,318.60 $135.98
Seneca College MARKSON ELLIOTT Professor $101,169.03 $120.54
Seneca College MASTRO MIKE Professor $104,234.60 $186.78
Seneca College MATSON PAUL Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College MAY MARIA Chair of School Health Sciences $122,033.98 $245.14
Seneca College MAYERS CATHERINE Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College MCCONNELL ANDREW Professor $105,753.27 $186.78
Seneca College MCDERMID DAVID Professor $105,727.54 $120.54
Seneca College MCGILL DAVID Professor $107,130.55 $186.78
Seneca College MCGRATH CHRIS Dean of Students $100,384.41 $300.16
Seneca College MCINTYRE PETER Professor $105,753.27 $186.78
Seneca College MCKENNA MURIEL-ANN Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College MCMULLEN MARY LYNNE Chair of School of Aviation & Flight Technology $107,368.28 $186.78
Seneca College MCPHERSON GLORIA Professor $103,249.81 $186.78
Seneca College MEEHAN PETER Chair of School Liberal Arts & Academic Partnerships $112,091.18 $402.27
Seneca College MEHTA KRISHAN Executive Director of Advancement & Alumni $151,811.04 $541.08
Seneca College MEULENDYKS JOHN Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College MICELI VALERIE Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College MICKOVSKI GORDON Senior Manager of Operations & Maintenance $113,097.35 $305.29
Seneca College MILLER PETER Professor $105,753.27 $120.54
Seneca College MIRANDA ANGELO Director of Capital Projects & Facilities $155,625.72 $169.74
Seneca College MITERA PRAVEEN Professor $103,059.02 $175.74
Seneca College MOANE CLAIRE Chair of School English & Liberal Studies $104,806.65 $424.25
Seneca College MOCK EDWARD Professor $101,702.97 $186.78
Seneca College MODEL DAVID EARL Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College MONTGOMERY EDWARD Professor $100,451.68 $164.70
Seneca College MOORHOUSE ANNE Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College MORRIS FELICITY Professor $101,449.85 $186.78
Seneca College MORRISON JOHN Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College MULLER JOY Manager of Seneca Libraries $102,421.63 $118.78
Seneca College MULRONEY KIMBERLY ANN Director of Recruitment & Human Resources Consulting $132,620.19 $163.00
Seneca College MUNRO PATRICIA Professor $100,451.68 $131.58
Seneca College MURKAR KAREN Chair of School Accounting & Financial Services $126,458.85 $246.75
Seneca College NG CARY Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College NOBLE SANDRA Chair of Faculty Continuing Education & Training $104,128.71 $424.76
Seneca College NOLAN KAREN Professor $103,102.48 $186.78
Seneca College NORTHAM ELEONORE Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College NUCIFORA SANTO Associate Director of Systems Architecture & Innovation $113,097.35 $133.28
Seneca College NUDELMAN LARISA Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College O'BRIEN CINDY Service Operations Manager $100,487.83 $277.40
Seneca College OHAN EMILE Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College O'HARA MARY LOUISE Professor $100,060.49 $186.78
Seneca College OLIVO LAURENCE Professor $100,451.68 $167.44
Seneca College O'NEILL MICHAEL Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College ONSEKIZOGLU MEHMET Professor $100,451.68 $170.24
Seneca College ORR LUELLA Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College OSBORNE MARGARET Professor $100,920.71 $246.40
Seneca College O'SULLIVAN DANIEL Director of Information Systems $119,836.44 $336.50
Seneca College PALUOJA RUHO Chair of Centre for the Built Environment & School of Civil Engineering $107,713.42 $186.78
Seneca College PARKER JENNIFER Professor $111,588.63 $186.78
Seneca College PARKER LYNDA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College PARKINS SHERRI Professor $104,022.06 $164.70
Seneca College PARR MICHAEL Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College PASQUALE EDWARD Professor $102,218.76 $175.74
Seneca College PASTERNAK LINDA Professor $105,753.27 $120.54
Seneca College PATEL ASH Professor $101,573.19 $187.14
Seneca College PEARL MICHAEL Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College PEERS DALE Professor $105,753.27 $142.62
Seneca College PEGLER TERRY Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College PERSAUD LOKHRAJIE Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College PESME WILLIAM Professor $100,451.68 $230.99
Seneca College PITTS KEVIN Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College PIZZIN JOHN Aircraft Maintenance Engineer $100,825.28 $114.57
Seneca College PRATT BETTY Professor $100,950.59 $120.54
Seneca College PURCELL JO ANN Professor $105,456.28 $186.78
Seneca College QIN ZHENZHOU Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College QUAN-MCGIMPSEY SHARON Professor $103,044.53 $153.66
Seneca College QUINN COLLEEN Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College RAMM LARRY Technical Support Specialist $105,689.35 $114.57
Seneca College READE MICHAEL Professor $100,911.52 $186.78
Seneca College REEVES PATRICIA Professor $101,435.19 $186.78
Seneca College RICHARDS PETER Professor $101,131.90 $229.38
Seneca College RICHARDSON W. TIM Professor $100,053.24 $364.13
Seneca College ROACH JEFF Professor $110,541.20 $0.00
Seneca College ROADBURG SUSAN Professor $103,102.48 $186.78
Seneca College ROBERTS CAROL-ANN Telecommunications Analyst $118,017.40 $114.57
Seneca College ROBERTSON JOHN Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College ROBERTSON PATRICIA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College RODGERS CHRISTOPHER Professor $102,190.86 $182.04
Seneca College ROHLEHR MARK Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College ROSS DAVID Professor $100,451.68 $196.68
Seneca College ROTH RHONDA Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College ROY DANNY Professor $103,370.12 $195.79
Seneca College RUDOLPH-SMITH CINDY Professor $104,162.60 $186.78
Seneca College RYAN DAVID Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College SAENZ GLADYS Director of Compensation, Benefits & Human Resources Information System $106,485.36 $296.06
Seneca College SAMS CHERYL ANN Professor $103,102.48 $186.78
Seneca College SCHMITZ ANDREW Chair of School English & Liberal Studies $120,525.76 $432.21
Seneca College SCHOLLEN LAUREL Associate Vice President of Academic Educational Excellence $168,886.43 $339.26
Seneca College SCHWARTZENTRUBER GLORIA Professor $101,489.54 $186.78
Seneca College SCOTT NOEL Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College SELMYS JOHN Professor $100,451.68 $164.70
Seneca College SERNICK DAVID Professor $105,753.27 $120.54
Seneca College SHANNON BARBARA Chair of Faculty Continuing Education & Training $127,188.04 $246.75
Seneca College SHANNON RODERICK Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College SHEFLER VENIAMIN Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College SHERIDAN ELISE Chair of Government Programs $113,469.05 $217.18
Seneca College SHERMAN NEILIA Professor $100,451.68 $191.01
Seneca College SINGH JENNIFER Dean of Faculty of International Studies $138,620.85 $493.66
Seneca College SKLIARENKO ELENA Professor $100,451.68 $214.55
Seneca College SLOGGETT PAUL Professor $105,753.27 $186.78
Seneca College SMYTH FRANCES Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College SOMERS LISA Chair of Faculty Continuing Education & Training $127,188.04 $149.68
Seneca College SPROUL KENNETH Professor $100,562.04 $186.78
Seneca College STAPLETON LINDA Director of Sports & Recreation $115,754.31 $325.34
Seneca College STEVENS MURRAY Technical Support Specialist $110,057.67 $92.26
Seneca College STREET PATRICIA Professor $100,901.68 $186.78
Seneca College STRINGER-HANSEN WENDY Professor $100,451.68 $175.74
Seneca College STRUTHERS JOHN Chair of School of Community Studies & School of English & Liberal Studies $127,188.04 $439.95
Seneca College SUDLOW JON Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College SUHONJIC DALILA Director of International Recruitment, Student Services & Central Support $104,475.04 $294.28
Seneca College SURENDRA SAKETARAM (SAM) Professor $100,451.68 $142.62
Seneca College SVENK GORAN Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College SWITZER JOHN Professor $104,036.54 $120.54
Seneca College SZALWINSKI CHRISTOPHER Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College TALESNICK STANLEY Dean of Faculty Workforce Skills Development $163,397.53 $558.89
Seneca College TARR RONALD Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College TAYLOR BRYCE Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College TELFORD RANDALL Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College THOMS ELIZABETH Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College TIPPING JOHN Professor $109,312.67 $186.78
Seneca College TOM JAMES Professor $105,753.27 $186.78
Seneca College TOOTH BARBARA Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College TOTINO DOMINIC Director of Academic Operations $105,100.25 $30.91
Seneca College TRACY SHARON Associate Registrar of College Financial Aid & Scholarship/Bursary Plans $103,654.33 $428.84
Seneca College TRANT MARY Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College TURNBULL DAVID Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College TURNER RODERICK Professor $111,269.61 $186.78
Seneca College TUZI MARINO Professor $105,753.27 $120.54
Seneca College VAN BEEK MICHAEL Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College VAN ODYK ANTHONY Professor $105,753.27 $120.54
Seneca College VANDEBELT GEERT (GEORGE) Professor $100,451.68 $153.66
Seneca College VASILIOU WILLIAM Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College VOZZA CLARE Associate Director of Client Services $113,097.35 $391.19
Seneca College WACHNA TERRY Director of Purchasing $100,487.83 $118.78
Seneca College WADE RICHARD Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College WALLER ROSALIE Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College WALLEY JOHN Professor $100,601.68 $186.78
Seneca College WALTERS JOHN Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College WALTON MARY MARGARET Professor $100,451.68 $198.42
Seneca College WAN PETER Professor $103,102.48 $186.78
Seneca College WANG JASON Professor $100,451.68 $131.58
Seneca College WATADA TERENCE Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College WEAVER EVAN Chair of School of Information & Communication Technology $127,188.04 $149.68
Seneca College WEESE RONALD Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College WHITE DIANE Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College WHITE LARRY Chair of School of Public Safety & Campus Programs $100,290.90 $280.54
Seneca College WHYTE-EARNSHAW CHRISTINA Professor $103,142.23 $186.78
Seneca College WICKENS BRIAN Professor $101,567.19 $186.78
Seneca College WILLIAMS ANGELA Director of International Recruitment, Student Services & Central Support $116,317.83 $219.39
Seneca College WILSON CHRISTOPHER Professor $106,416.48 $186.78
Seneca College WILSON JANE Director of Resolution, Equity and Diversity Centre & Interim Director, Counselling, Disability & Health Services $121,811.15 $104.34
Seneca College WINSTANLEY SHARON Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College WOODWARD ALBERT Chair of Faculty Continuing Education & Training $127,843.70 $435.59
Seneca College WRIGHT DAVID Professor $103,102.48 $186.78
Seneca College YEE FRANK Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College YOUNG JUDITH Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College YUEN PIERRE Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
Seneca College ZATOWKANIUK BOHDAN Professor $100,451.68 $186.78
Seneca College ZIGRAS ANGELA Chair of School International Business & School of Tourism $127,188.04 $439.95
Seneca College ZIMMERMAN SUSAN Dean of Faculty of Business $161,840.29 $558.89
Seneca College ZUKOWSKI MARIE Professor $100,451.68 $120.54
seneca college,
sunshine list
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