Thursday, June 23, 2016

Town of Aurora 2015 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2015 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Town of Aurora (released March 24th, 2016). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 31. The total salaries on the list is $3,797,589.22, with the average salary for someone on the list of $122,502.88.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other municipalities can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,534,522.66

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Allan Downey $169,202.53
2. Daniel Elliott $169,202.53
3. Marco Ramunno $169,202.53
4. Ilmar Simanovskis $169,202.53
5. Marie Van Leeuwen $169,202.53
6. Warren Mar $168,702.73
7. Jill Foster $156,027.13
8. Phillip Galin $134,367.13
9. Michael Kemp $114,854.31
10. Anthony Ierullo $114,558.71

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title. 

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
NameSalary RankingPositionSalaryBenefits
Karen Bates-Denney13Manager, Information Technology$111,963.11$582.22
Luigi Colangelo31Manager, Operation Services$100,431.85$492.58
Stuart Curtis30Supervisor, Roads and Traffic$101,499.16$461.13
Patricia Damphouse24Manager of Library Services$103,561.01$538.89
Paul Dillman21Manager, Accounting and Revenue$108,284.47$551.92
Allan Downey1Director of Parks and Recreation$169,202.53$2,172.51
Daniel Elliott2Director of Corporate and Financial Services$169,202.53$2,172.51
John Firman28Manager, Business Support$103,512.22$528.72
Jill Foster7Chief Executive Officer of Aurora Public Library$156,027.13$2,171.55
Jason Gaertner14Manager, Financial Planning$111,963.11$582.22
Phillip Galin8Manager, Facilities, Property and Fleet$134,367.13$555.87
Neil Garbe11Chief Administrative Officer$114,321.89$5,844.14
J. Lindsay Hayworth29Supervisor, Water and Wastewater$102,401.44$456.07
Ivy Henriksen22Manager, Customer Service$106,042.16$546.39
Stephen Huycke20Town Clerk$109,979.20$571.38
Anthony Ierullo10Manager, Long Range and Strategic Planning$114,558.71$582.22
Jo-Anne Jordan25Manager, Children and Young Adult Information Services, Library$103,561.01$538.89
Michael Kemp9Manager, Corporate Communications$114,854.31$462.09
Jim Kyle19Program Manager, Special Projects$110,902.26$582.22
Glen Letman15Manager, Development Planning$111,963.11$582.22
Dan Levesque16Manager, Human Resources$111,963.11$582.22
Reccia Mandelcorn26Manager, Circulation and Customer Services, Library$103,561.01$538.89
Warren Mar6Director of Legal and Legislative Services$168,702.73$2,172.51
Anca Mihail17Manager, Engineering$111,963.11$582.22
Marco Ramunno3Director, Planning and Development Services$169,202.53$2,172.51
Dale Robson12Manager, Code Review and Inspections$113,659.11$537.40
Khuan Seow27Manager, Systems and Support Services, Library$103,561.01$538.89
Ilmar Simanovskis4Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services$169,202.53$2,172.51
Slawomir Szlapczynski23Associate Solicitor$106,010.10$551.13
James Tree18Manager, Parks$111,963.11$582.22
Marie Van Leeuwen5Director of Building and Bylaw Services$169,202.53$2,172.51

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this, I am working on some issues in Aurora at
