Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,209,075.63
Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. TERRY SHIELDS $199,128.00 |
2. ROBERTA JARECSNI $140,445.06 |
3. EJAZ GHUMMAN $114,991.61 |
4. SUSAN GIBSON $113,967.79 |
5. ROSE-MARIE COSTA $113,368.50 |
6. ALLAN GALBRAITH $113,183.52 |
7. CHERYL DETER $104,124.33 |
8. KEN DUNN $103,692.64 |
9. THOMAS HEINZ $103,092.78 |
10. FRANK CINICOLO $103,081.40 |
Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name | Salary Ranking | Position | Salary | Benefits |
ADAM BIESZK | 11 | Pharmacy Manager / Directeur de la Pharmacie | $103,007.03 | $375.40 |
FRANK CINICOLO | 10 | Registered Nurse / Infirmière Autorisée | $103,081.40 | $381.27 |
ROSE-MARIE COSTA | 5 | Senior Director Corporate Services / Directrice Principale des Services Généraux | $113,368.50 | $514.68 |
CHERYL DETER | 7 | Clinical Director / Directrice de Clinique | $104,124.33 | $463.26 |
KEN DUNN | 8 | Registered Respiratory Therapist / Thérapeute Respiratoire | $103,692.64 | $356.91 |
ALLAN GALBRAITH | 6 | Director Financial Services / Directeur des Finances | $113,183.52 | $473.55 |
EJAZ GHUMMAN | 3 | Chief of Staff / Chef d'État Major | $114,991.61 | $522.33 |
SUSAN GIBSON | 4 | Chief Financial Officer / Chef de la Direction Financière | $113,967.79 | $254.87 |
GINA GILLEN | 13 | Nurse Practitioner / Infirmière Praticienne | $101,166.51 | $459.12 |
KATHERINE GROENEWEGEN | 12 | Director of Nursing Services / Directrice des services infirmiers | $101,703.46 | $459.12 |
THOMAS HEINZ | 9 | Director Human Resources / Directeur des Ressources Humaines | $103,092.78 | $467.79 |
ROBERTA JARECSNI | 2 | Vice President Patient Services & Chief Nursing Executive / Vice-président des services aux patients et chef des soins infirmiers | $140,445.06 | $637.80 |
TERRY SHIELDS | 1 | Chief Executive Officer / Chef de la direction | $199,128.00 | $6,794.85 |
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