Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,447,079.95
Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. PIERRE NOEL $293,576.02 |
2. JOHN WREN $173,616.01 |
3. SABINE MERSMANN $144,763.00 |
4. FRANCOIS LEMAIRE $136,098.01 |
5. DEBORAH TIMPSON $135,404.07 |
6. KAREN GALIPEAU $119,168.83 |
7. DANIELLE THOMAS $112,653.75 |
8. JANET KRAEMER $111,995.67 |
9. GAMIL SHAHEIN $110,797.54 |
10. MARILYN ADAM $109,007.05 |
Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Registered Nurse / Infirmière autoriseé | 3 | $111,687.47 |
Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name | Salary Ranking | Position | Salary | Benefits |
MARILYN ADAM | 10 | Registered Nurse / Infirmière autoriseé | $109,007.05 | $0.00 |
SUSAN BLAKENEY | 15 | Director of Quality & Risk Management / Directrice de la qualité et gestion de risques | $104,201.55 | $643.14 |
BETH BROWNLEE | 18 | Director of Medical Programs / Directrice des programmes médicaux | $102,689.50 | $627.02 |
LYNN CHESTER | 12 | Registered Nurse / Infirmière autoriseé | $106,886.53 | $541.08 |
TINA DAVIDSON | 17 | Pharmacist / Pharmacienne | $103,431.75 | $579.68 |
ELAINE ELLIOTT | 20 | Clinical Manager Rehabilitation / Gestionnaire de la réadaptation | $101,034.90 | $715.14 |
KAREN GALIPEAU | 6 | Registered Nurse / Infirmière autoriseé | $119,168.83 | $0.00 |
LYNN KEON | 11 | Director of Pharmacy / Directrice de la Pharmacie | $107,014.30 | $660.18 |
JANET KRAEMER | 8 | Director of Surgical & Maternal Care / Directrice des soins chirurgicaux et maternels | $111,995.67 | $684.48 |
FRANCOIS LEMAIRE | 4 | Vice President Patient Services Acute Care & Chief Nursing Executive / Vice-président des services hospitaliers et chef de direction des soins infirmiers | $136,098.01 | $1,229.03 |
KAREN MCEWEN | 16 | Director Professional Practice & Policy / Directrice de la pratique professionnelle, la politique et de l'éducation | $104,183.81 | $643.14 |
SABINE MERSMANN | 3 | Vice President Patient Services-Seniors & Community / Vice-présidents des services aux aînés et soins communautaires | $144,763.00 | $1,344.82 |
PIERRE NOEL | 1 | President & Chief Executive Officer / Président et chef de la direction | $293,576.02 | $2,706.03 |
BERNIE ROOSEN | 13 | Director Information Technology / Directeur des technologies de l'information | $106,798.50 | $659.82 |
KAREN SCHREADER | 14 | Manager Labour Delivery Recovery and Post-Partum/Gestionnaire des soins maternels | $104,506.32 | $937.02 |
GAMIL SHAHEIN | 9 | Director Decision Support / Directeur de la décision de soutien | $110,797.54 | $684.48 |
DANIELLE THOMAS | 7 | Director Human Resources / Directrice des ressources humaines | $112,653.75 | $695.34 |
DEBORAH TIMPSON | 5 | Physiatrist / Physiatre | $135,404.07 | $832.86 |
BERNADETTE WREN | 19 | Director Mental Health Programs / Directrice des programmes de santé mentale | $101,102.87 | $568.40 |
JOHN WREN | 2 | Vice President Corporate & Support Services / Vice-président principal, finances et services corporatifs | $173,616.01 | $1,606.98 |
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