Total Salary earned by the top ten: $2,264,961.75
Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. ROBERT VINSON $566,738.20 |
2. DONG FENG LIU $339,733.77 |
3. PETER ENGBERS $270,084.36 |
4. NATASA VELJOVIC $246,417.68 |
5. PERRY LANG $180,876.64 |
6. JAYNE MENARD $159,584.95 |
7. DEEPANI PERERA $151,002.67 |
8. FATIMA VIEIRA-CABRAL $123,574.75 |
9. MELANIE KELLY $113,518.69 |
10. WENDY ABBAS $113,430.04 |
Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Registered Nurse/Infirmière | 4 | $103,086.42 |
Pathologist/Pathologiste | 2 | $304,909.07 |
Psychologist/Psychologue | 2 | $108,729.54 |
Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name | Salary Ranking | Position | Salary | Benefits |
WENDY ABBAS | 10 | Director of Patient Car for Long Term Care and Inpatient Rehabilitation/Directeur des soins aux patients pour les soins de longue durée et de réadaptation pour patients hospitalisés | $113,430.04 | $641.85 |
TRACY BOS | 28 | Registered Nurse/Infirmière | $100,443.22 | $491.70 |
DEREK COENEN | 27 | Manager of Diagnostic Imaging/Responsable de l'imagerie diagnostique | $101,512.58 | $585.72 |
BARBARA CRANDALL | 19 | Registered Nurse/Infirmière | $106,276.91 | $0.00 |
HEIDI DANTES | 11 | Director of Patient Care/Emergency/Directeur du Patient des Soins d'Urgence | $112,009.30 | $647.28 |
PATRICIA ELLIOTT | 12 | Director of Patient Care Operating Room/Anaesthetic Care Unit/DayCare/ Endoscopy/Directeur des Soins Patient Salle d'Opération /Anesthésie Unité de Soins/Garderie/Endoscopie | $112,009.30 | $647.28 |
PETER ENGBERS | 3 | Pathologist/Pathologiste | $270,084.36 | $1,415.88 |
JANET FARLEY | 23 | Registered Nurse/Infirmière | $103,810.19 | $500.76 |
RANDY HICKS | 17 | Director of Patient Care for Intensive Care Unit and Dialysis/Director des soins aux patients de l'Unité de soins intensifs et de dialyse | $109,001.07 | $631.03 |
BLAKE HUGHES | 13 | Director of Capital Projects/Directeur des Projets d'Immobilisations | $112,009.30 | $647.28 |
SUSAN INNIS | 16 | Director Patient Care/Maternal Child/Women’s Health/Patient Registration/ Enregistrement de Santé-Patient Directeur Patient Care/Tapis Enfant/Féminin | $111,864.00 | $647.28 |
MELANIE KELLY | 9 | Psychologist/Psychologue | $113,518.69 | $660.66 |
ELIZABETH LAMERS | 20 | Director of Finance/Directeur des finances | $105,005.96 | $608.26 |
PERRY LANG | 5 | Chief Operating Officer/Chef De L'exploitation | $180,876.64 | $1,043.16 |
DONG FENG LIU | 2 | Pathologist/Pathologiste | $339,733.77 | $1,907.16 |
JACKIE MACKENZIE | 14 | Director of Patient Care Medical Surgical Units/Directeur du Patient aux Soins Médicale des Unités Chirurgicales | $112,009.30 | $647.28 |
JAYNE MENARD | 6 | Vice President of Patient Care/Chief Nursing Officer/Vice Président de Patient Care/Chef d'Agent de Soins Infirmiers | $159,584.95 | $913.08 |
DAVID ODER | 21 | Technical Analyst/Analyste technique | $104,726.10 | $468.48 |
DEEPANI PERERA | 7 | Vice President of Finance/Vice Président des Finances | $151,002.67 | $729.13 |
DIANE RUNNING | 26 | Registered Nurse/Infirmière | $101,815.37 | $500.76 |
KEVIN SOMERVILLE | 18 | Manager of Information Technology/Gestionnaire des technologies de l'information | $107,518.75 | $621.77 |
NATASA VELJOVIC | 4 | Chief Executive Officer/Chief Executive Officer | $246,417.68 | $11,688.61 |
FATIMA VIEIRA-CABRAL | 8 | Director of Pharmacy/Directeur de la Pharmacie | $123,574.75 | $714.55 |
ROBERT VINSON | 1 | Radiologist/Radiologue | $566,738.20 | $2,865.56 |
ARLENE WHITEHEAD | 24 | Director of Ambulatory Rehabilitation in Physiotherapy/Directeur de la réhabilitation ambulatoire en physiothérapie | $102,936.21 | $595.87 |
MICHELLE WORSFOLD | 25 | Director of Mental Health/Directeur de la Santé Mentale | $102,853.14 | $597.90 |
JASON YOUNG | 15 | Director of Regional Support Associates/Directeur Regional Support Associates | $112,009.30 | $1,164.48 |
KATHERINE YURCHESYN | 22 | Psychologist/Psychologue | $103,940.38 | $603.07 |
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