Thursday, May 26, 2016

Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare 2015 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2015 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (released March 24th, 2016). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 36. The total salaries on the list is $4,519,028.99, with the average salary for someone on the list of $125,528.58. Last year's list is available here.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,659,943.46

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Janice Kaffer $300,007.60
2. Marie Campagna $224,991.00
3. Sonja Grbevski $175,305.00
4. Biagio Marra $166,330.10
5. Mary Benson-Albers $156,273.00
6. Mary Broga $149,810.52
7. Kimberly Stockinger $123,510.64
8. Anne L. McLachlan $121,414.46
9. Nancy Frieson $121,176.53
10. Trevor P. Hjertaas $121,124.61

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title. 
Registered nurse / infirmiere diplomee7$104,269.62
Nurse practitioner / infirmiere praticienne3$114,221.54
Psychologist / psychologue2$121,295.49

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
NameSalary RankingPositionSalaryBenefits
Susan Bastable23Pharmacy manager / manager de pharmacie$109,132.67$500.16
Mary Benson-Albers5Chief human resources officer / chef des ressources humaines$156,273.00$1,062.95
Mary Broga6Executive director, lead agency / directeur executif principal, lead agency$149,810.52$1,050.78
Marie Campagna2Vice president corporate services and business development and chief financial officer / vice-president et chef de la direction financiere$224,991.00$1,459.35
Margareta Campigotto18Director interprofessional practice / practice directeur interprofessional$114,297.23$506.99
Shauna Carter24Nurse practitioner / infirmiere praticienne$109,030.50$567.11
W. Peter Cragg35Registered nurse / infirmiere diplomee$100,925.14$417.89
Joseph D. Diegues26Registered nurse / infirmiere diplomee$108,639.18$341.71
Andrea Drummond14Director complex medical care / directeur de soins continus complexes$117,585.00$537.94
Victorina Exaltacion34Social worker / travailleur social$101,125.28$0.00
Nancy Frieson9Psychologist / psychologue$121,176.53$544.68
Sara M. Girimonte29Registered nurse / infirmiere diplomee$106,171.83$369.24
Sonja Grbevski3Vice president clinical operations / operations cliniques vice-president$175,305.00$1,195.24
Trevor P. Hjertaas10Neuropsychologist / neuropsychologue$121,124.61$544.68
Ruel B. Hufano36Registered nurse / infirmiere diplomee$100,539.03$450.81
Lisa Jazvac25Pharmacist / pharmacien$108,765.37$459.30
Tatjana Jovanovic33Registered nurse / infirmiere diplomee$104,067.64$450.81
Janice Kaffer1President and chief executive officer / president et directeur general$300,007.60$11,645.04
Joey Karb15Director mental health and addiction / directeur de la sante mentale et des toxicomanies$117,585.00$537.94
Sherri Laframboise11Director, finance / le directeur, la Finance$117,709.05$539.07
Ester Lipnicki20Chief nursing officer and executive director patient experience / chef des soins infirmiers et directeur executif experience du patient$113,120.30$776.40
Maria Macneil22Nurse practitioner / infirmiere praticienne$110,123.47$530.99
Biagio Marra4Vice president external government affairs, innovation and philanthropy / vice-president des affaires exterieures government, innovation et philanthropie$166,330.10$1,132.22
Joan Mavrinac30Physician recruitment / recrutement de medecins$105,067.56$480.69
Sheri McGeen16Director, occupational health safety and human resources / directeur, la sante humaine et resource travailes$117,585.00$537.94
Anne L. McLachlan8Psychologist / psychologue$121,414.46$544.68
Robert Moroz17Director, mental health, crisis and transitional stability centre / directeur, la sante mentale, de crise et de transition centre de stabilite$115,669.10$529.77
Alison Murray13Director, health information management and technology / directeur, les dossiers de sante et technologie$117,708.86$539.07
John R. Norton21Director rehabilitation services / directeur, rehabilitation$110,151.71$533.92
Kathleen D. Palermo31Registered nurse / infirmiere diplomee$104,942.10$147.24
Sarah J. Sasso28Manager, people development / gestionnaire, developpement personnel$106,413.46$487.53
Cory Saunders19Director, children and youth services / directeur, enfants et a la jeunesse$114,006.27$556.75
Natalia L. Serrano32Registered nurse / infirmiere diplomee$104,602.42$425.21
Kimberly Stockinger7Nurse practitioner / infirmiere praticienne$123,510.64$0.00
Shannon Tompkins12Director, risk management and chief privacy officer / directeur, gestion du risque et chef de la confidentialite$117,708.88$539.07
Richard White27Director, facilities / directeur, installations$106,413.48$487.53

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