Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here
Total Salary earned by the top ten: $2,008,164.82
Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Mary Walsh $385,335.62 |
2. Peter Nord $306,096.48 |
3. James Fox $201,370.78 |
4. James Elliott $200,090.58 |
5. Marc Beaudry $183,063.53 |
6. Maggie Bruneau $168,795.77 |
7. Aileen Edwards $148,136.85 |
8. Thelma Horwitz $143,711.85 |
9. Elizabeth Johnson $137,992.26 |
10. Pasqualina Scatozza $133,571.10 |
Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients | 7 | $115,097.00 |
Pharmacist / Pharmacien | 3 | $104,990.37 |
Registered Nurse / Infirmiere autorisee | 2 | $108,327.02 |
Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name | Salary Ranking | Position | Salary | Benefits |
Allison Arnott | 13 | Director, Organizational Effectiveness / Directeur de l'efficacite organisationnelle | $128,783.48 | $1,132.23 |
Saba Ateyah | 12 | Director of Information and Performance / Directeur de l'Information et de la performance | $128,783.49 | $1,132.23 |
Marc Beaudry | 5 | Vice President of Corporate Services and Chief Human Resources Officer / Vice-president des Services corporatifs et chef de la direction des Ressources humaines | $183,063.53 | $1,582.16 |
Arnulfo Bernales | 31 | Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients | $107,012.78 | $939.30 |
Amanda Bjorn | 16 | Director, Learning and Development / Directeur de apprentissage et perfectionnement | $128,783.46 | $1,132.23 |
Shawn Brady | 14 | Director, Interprofessional Practice / Directeur de la pratique interprofessionnelle | $128,783.47 | $1,132.23 |
Maggie Bruneau | 6 | Vice President, Partnerships and Chief Nurse Executive / Vice-president, Partenariats et infirmiere en chef | $168,795.77 | $1,463.10 |
Wing-Tse Cheng | 34 | Pharmacist / Pharmacien | $102,539.51 | $564.90 |
Betty Cheng-Yau | 35 | Pharmacist / Pharmacien | $101,306.71 | $555.04 |
Tom Clancey | 15 | Director, Environmental Services and Energy Conservation Officer / Directeur des services environnementaux et Officier de conservation de l'energie | $128,783.47 | $1,132.23 |
Sharon Crossan | 23 | Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients | $116,532.29 | $947.60 |
Elizabeth Davison | 30 | Adult Day Program Manager / Gestionnaire de programmes de jour pour adultes | $107,900.31 | $947.60 |
Aileen Edwards | 7 | Director, Human Resources / Directeur des Ressources Humaines | $148,136.85 | $1,300.38 |
James Elliott | 4 | Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer / Vice-president des Finances et Chef des Finances | $200,090.58 | $0.00 |
James Fox | 3 | Vice President of Programs / Vice-president des programmes | $201,370.78 | $1,740.40 |
Thelma Horwitz | 8 | Director of Quality and Process Improvement / Directeur de l'amelioration de la qualite et processus | $143,711.85 | $1,050.43 |
Elizabeth Johnson | 9 | Chief Communications Officer / Chef de la communication | $137,992.26 | $1,197.56 |
Paul Karakolis | 29 | Pharmacist / Pharmacien | $111,124.90 | $617.72 |
Rahim Kurji | 27 | Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients | $112,216.25 | $947.60 |
Jean Labranche | 17 | Director, Nutrition and Food Services / Directeur, Services alimentaires et de nutrition | $128,783.44 | $1,066.77 |
Catherine Lacombe | 19 | Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients | $121,926.51 | $250.77 |
James Lam | 11 | Director, Clinical Services / Directeur des services cliniques | $128,783.50 | $1,132.23 |
Jacqueline Lumsden | 26 | Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients | $115,256.75 | $939.30 |
Johann McCormack | 18 | Director, Finance / Directrice des finances | $128,783.44 | $1,132.23 |
Caroline Monteiro-Pagliei | 32 | Registered Nurse / Infirmiere autorisee | $104,659.93 | $0.00 |
Linda Nasturzio | 24 | Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients | $116,202.09 | $947.60 |
Peter Nord | 2 | Vice President and Chief Medical Officer and Chief of Staff / Vice-president et directeur medical et chef du personnel | $306,096.48 | $2,197.50 |
Gene Norvaisa | 20 | Director, Risk Management and Chief Privacy Officer / Directeur, Gestion des risques et chef de la protection | $117,073.10 | $1,029.65 |
Kim Owens | 22 | Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients | $116,532.31 | $947.60 |
Monique Robichaud | 33 | Practice Consultant, Nursing / Consultante en pratique, des soins infirmiers | $104,040.74 | $597.63 |
Pasqualina Scatozza | 10 | Administrator, Houses of Providence / Administrateur, Maisons de la Providence | $133,571.10 | $1,173.81 |
Jube Walker | 21 | Director of Resident Care / Directeur des soins aux residents | $117,073.10 | $1,029.65 |
Mary Walsh | 1 | President and Chief Executive Officer / President et chef de la direction | $385,335.62 | $1,758.00 |
Lara Wisniewski | 25 | Director, Information and Communications Technology / Directeur, Information et des Communications Technology | $115,905.06 | $1,017.92 |
Yan Chun Zhang | 28 | Registered Nurse / Infirmiere autorisee | $111,994.12 | $138.00 |
Get Money Get Paid I guess!
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