Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Providence Healthcare 2015 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2015 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Providence Healthcare (released March 24th, 2016). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 35. The total salaries on the list is $4,937,729.03, with the average salary for someone on the list of $141,077.97. Last year's list is available here.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $2,008,164.82

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Mary Walsh $385,335.62
2. Peter Nord $306,096.48
3. James Fox $201,370.78
4. James Elliott $200,090.58
5. Marc Beaudry $183,063.53
6. Maggie Bruneau $168,795.77
7. Aileen Edwards $148,136.85
8. Thelma Horwitz $143,711.85
9. Elizabeth Johnson $137,992.26
10. Pasqualina Scatozza $133,571.10

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients7$115,097.00
Pharmacist / Pharmacien3$104,990.37
Registered Nurse / Infirmiere autorisee2$108,327.02

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
NameSalary RankingPositionSalaryBenefits
Allison Arnott13Director, Organizational Effectiveness / Directeur de l'efficacite organisationnelle$128,783.48$1,132.23
Saba Ateyah12Director of Information and Performance / Directeur de l'Information et de la performance$128,783.49$1,132.23
Marc Beaudry5Vice President of Corporate Services and Chief Human Resources Officer / Vice-president des Services corporatifs et chef de la direction des Ressources humaines$183,063.53$1,582.16
Arnulfo Bernales31Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients$107,012.78$939.30
Amanda Bjorn16Director, Learning and Development / Directeur de apprentissage et perfectionnement$128,783.46$1,132.23
Shawn Brady14Director, Interprofessional Practice / Directeur de la pratique interprofessionnelle$128,783.47$1,132.23
Maggie Bruneau6Vice President, Partnerships and Chief Nurse Executive / Vice-president, Partenariats et infirmiere en chef$168,795.77$1,463.10
Wing-Tse Cheng34Pharmacist / Pharmacien$102,539.51$564.90
Betty Cheng-Yau35Pharmacist / Pharmacien$101,306.71$555.04
Tom Clancey15Director, Environmental Services and Energy Conservation Officer / Directeur des services environnementaux et Officier de conservation de l'energie$128,783.47$1,132.23
Sharon Crossan23Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients$116,532.29$947.60
Elizabeth Davison30Adult Day Program Manager / Gestionnaire de programmes de jour pour adultes$107,900.31$947.60
Aileen Edwards7Director, Human Resources / Directeur des Ressources Humaines$148,136.85$1,300.38
James Elliott4Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer / Vice-president des Finances et Chef des Finances$200,090.58$0.00
James Fox3Vice President of Programs / Vice-president des programmes$201,370.78$1,740.40
Thelma Horwitz8Director of Quality and Process Improvement / Directeur de l'amelioration de la qualite et processus$143,711.85$1,050.43
Elizabeth Johnson9Chief Communications Officer / Chef de la communication$137,992.26$1,197.56
Paul Karakolis29Pharmacist / Pharmacien$111,124.90$617.72
Rahim Kurji27Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients$112,216.25$947.60
Jean Labranche17Director, Nutrition and Food Services / Directeur, Services alimentaires et de nutrition$128,783.44$1,066.77
Catherine Lacombe19Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients$121,926.51$250.77
James Lam11Director, Clinical Services / Directeur des services cliniques$128,783.50$1,132.23
Jacqueline Lumsden26Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients$115,256.75$939.30
Johann McCormack18Director, Finance / Directrice des finances$128,783.44$1,132.23
Caroline Monteiro-Pagliei32Registered Nurse / Infirmiere autorisee$104,659.93$0.00
Linda Nasturzio24Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients$116,202.09$947.60
Peter Nord2Vice President and Chief Medical Officer and Chief of Staff / Vice-president et directeur medical et chef du personnel$306,096.48$2,197.50
Gene Norvaisa20Director, Risk Management and Chief Privacy Officer / Directeur, Gestion des risques et chef de la protection$117,073.10$1,029.65
Kim Owens22Patient Care Manager / Gestionnaire des soins aux patients$116,532.31$947.60
Monique Robichaud33Practice Consultant, Nursing / Consultante en pratique, des soins infirmiers$104,040.74$597.63
Pasqualina Scatozza10Administrator, Houses of Providence / Administrateur, Maisons de la Providence$133,571.10$1,173.81
Jube Walker21Director of Resident Care / Directeur des soins aux residents$117,073.10$1,029.65
Mary Walsh1President and Chief Executive Officer / President et chef de la direction$385,335.62$1,758.00
Lara Wisniewski25Director, Information and Communications Technology / Directeur, Information et des Communications Technology$115,905.06$1,017.92
Yan Chun Zhang28Registered Nurse / Infirmiere autorisee$111,994.12$138.00

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