Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here
Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,994,931.10
Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Anne-Marie Malek $410,550.00 |
2. Donna A. Renzetti $214,834.41 |
3. Edward R. Jay Cooper $213,026.73 |
4. Shelley Ditty $191,136.60 |
5. Jodi Starkman-Mendelsohn $187,160.60 |
6. Barbara Bell $165,446.82 |
7. Liliana Catapano $157,514.69 |
8. Michael J. Bonnah $157,497.27 |
9. Christianne Abou Saab $155,792.74 |
10. Jan Walker $141,971.24 |
Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Service Manager | 4 | $117,324.18 |
Director, Program Operations | 2 | $117,690.79 |
Registered Nurse | 2 | $102,691.21 |
Advanced Practice Nurse | 2 | $107,033.78 |
Nurse Practitioner | 2 | $106,546.96 |
Clinical Pharmacist | 2 | $103,959.32 |
Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name | Salary Ranking | Position | Salary | Benefits |
Christianne Abou Saab | 9 | Director, Finance | $155,792.74 | $975.08 |
Carlos Bautista | 13 | Director, Program Operations | $125,646.14 | $781.12 |
Barbara Bell | 6 | Chief Nursing Executive and Health Professions Officer | $165,446.82 | $987.36 |
Krystyna L. Bogus | 27 | Registered Nurse | $104,898.95 | $473.58 |
Michael J. Bonnah | 8 | Director, Operations and Logistics and Chief Energy Conservation Officer | $157,497.27 | $986.09 |
K. Shannon Burke | 35 | Advanced Practice Nurse | $102,078.46 | $637.54 |
Liliana Catapano | 7 | Chief Human Resources Officer | $157,514.69 | $986.09 |
Edward R. Jay Cooper | 3 | Vice-President, Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer | $213,026.73 | $1,174.08 |
Barbara Cowie | 21 | Advanced Practice Nurse | $111,989.10 | $700.64 |
Shelley Ditty | 4 | Vice-President, Planning and Development | $191,136.60 | $1,174.08 |
John Federico | 22 | Manager of Environmental Services | $111,397.79 | $648.68 |
Laura L. Forma | 25 | Director, Program Operations | $109,735.43 | $594.05 |
David Garlin | 31 | Corporate Planner | $103,632.83 | $648.68 |
Winfried Heim | 15 | Manager of Prosthetics / Orthotics | $119,834.71 | $749.83 |
Radu Iancu | 24 | Senior Technical Architect | $109,893.73 | $648.68 |
Nadine Janes | 11 | Director, Interprofessional Practice and Clinical Education | $136,276.91 | $710.72 |
Sharon Jankey | 12 | Clinical Director, Acquired Brain Injury | $126,108.50 | $437.38 |
Patricia Kahle | 14 | Service Manager | $125,004.39 | $718.56 |
Gulzar Karmali | 17 | Manager of Pharmacy and Infection Prevention and Control | $115,610.85 | $718.56 |
Miranda Kutnjak | 29 | Manager of Quality Risk and Patient Safety | $103,632.88 | $648.68 |
Leslie Victoria Le Gresley | 19 | Service Manager | $114,762.01 | $718.56 |
Pamela J. Madan-Sharma | 18 | Service Manager | $114,768.30 | $718.56 |
Anne-Marie Malek | 1 | President and Chief Executive Officer | $410,550.00 | $2,153.48 |
Krystyna May | 36 | Registered Nurse | $100,483.46 | $0.00 |
Jane McNamee | 23 | Nurse Practitioner | $110,658.41 | $692.55 |
Cynthia Mostacho | 28 | Clinical Pharmacist | $104,377.52 | $611.02 |
Janet M. Mulgrave | 20 | Service Manager | $114,762.00 | $718.56 |
Pooja Patel | 32 | Clinical Pharmacist | $103,541.11 | $611.02 |
Tim V. Pauley | 30 | Manager of Research and Evaluation | $103,632.84 | $648.68 |
Irina Poletaev | 33 | Nurse Practitioner | $102,435.51 | $644.80 |
Shirley Laura Price | 26 | Manager of West Park Rehabilitation Plus | $109,239.85 | $683.12 |
Donna A. Renzetti | 2 | Vice-President, Programs | $214,834.41 | $1,174.08 |
Vince Rice | 16 | Director, Public Relations | $116,268.58 | $672.71 |
Jodi Starkman-Mendelsohn | 5 | Director, West Park Healthcare Enterprises | $187,160.60 | $899.95 |
Shellee Van Der Vinne | 34 | Business Development Specialist | $102,124.65 | $611.02 |
Jan Walker | 10 | Vice-President, Strategy and Chief Information Officer | $141,971.24 | $0.00 |
This was really an interesting topic and I kinda agree what you have mentioned here!
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