Tuesday, May 31, 2016

West Park Healthcare Centre 2015 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2015 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for West Park Healthcare Centre (released March 24th, 2016). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 36. The total salaries on the list is $4,897,726.01, with the average salary for someone on the list of $136,047.94. Last year's list is available here.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,994,931.10

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Anne-Marie Malek $410,550.00
2. Donna A. Renzetti $214,834.41
3. Edward R. Jay Cooper $213,026.73
4. Shelley Ditty $191,136.60
5. Jodi Starkman-Mendelsohn $187,160.60
6. Barbara Bell $165,446.82
7. Liliana Catapano $157,514.69
8. Michael J. Bonnah $157,497.27
9. Christianne Abou Saab $155,792.74
10. Jan Walker $141,971.24

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Service Manager4$117,324.18
Director, Program Operations2$117,690.79
Registered Nurse2$102,691.21
Advanced Practice Nurse2$107,033.78
Nurse Practitioner2$106,546.96
Clinical Pharmacist2$103,959.32

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
NameSalary RankingPositionSalaryBenefits
Christianne Abou Saab9Director, Finance$155,792.74$975.08
Carlos Bautista13Director, Program Operations$125,646.14$781.12
Barbara Bell6Chief Nursing Executive and Health Professions Officer$165,446.82$987.36
Krystyna L. Bogus27Registered Nurse$104,898.95$473.58
Michael J. Bonnah8Director, Operations and Logistics and Chief Energy Conservation Officer$157,497.27$986.09
K. Shannon Burke35Advanced Practice Nurse$102,078.46$637.54
Liliana Catapano7Chief Human Resources Officer$157,514.69$986.09
Edward R. Jay Cooper3Vice-President, Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer$213,026.73$1,174.08
Barbara Cowie21Advanced Practice Nurse$111,989.10$700.64
Shelley Ditty4Vice-President, Planning and Development$191,136.60$1,174.08
John Federico22Manager of Environmental Services$111,397.79$648.68
Laura L. Forma25Director, Program Operations$109,735.43$594.05
David Garlin31Corporate Planner$103,632.83$648.68
Winfried Heim15Manager of Prosthetics / Orthotics$119,834.71$749.83
Radu Iancu24Senior Technical Architect$109,893.73$648.68
Nadine Janes11Director, Interprofessional Practice and Clinical Education$136,276.91$710.72
Sharon Jankey12Clinical Director, Acquired Brain Injury$126,108.50$437.38
Patricia Kahle14Service Manager$125,004.39$718.56
Gulzar Karmali17Manager of Pharmacy and Infection Prevention and Control$115,610.85$718.56
Miranda Kutnjak29Manager of Quality Risk and Patient Safety$103,632.88$648.68
Leslie Victoria Le Gresley19Service Manager$114,762.01$718.56
Pamela J. Madan-Sharma18Service Manager$114,768.30$718.56
Anne-Marie Malek1President and Chief Executive Officer$410,550.00$2,153.48
Krystyna May36Registered Nurse$100,483.46$0.00
Jane McNamee23Nurse Practitioner$110,658.41$692.55
Cynthia Mostacho28Clinical Pharmacist$104,377.52$611.02
Janet M. Mulgrave20Service Manager$114,762.00$718.56
Pooja Patel32Clinical Pharmacist$103,541.11$611.02
Tim V. Pauley30Manager of Research and Evaluation$103,632.84$648.68
Irina Poletaev33Nurse Practitioner$102,435.51$644.80
Shirley Laura Price26Manager of West Park Rehabilitation Plus$109,239.85$683.12
Donna A. Renzetti2Vice-President, Programs$214,834.41$1,174.08
Vince Rice16Director, Public Relations$116,268.58$672.71
Jodi Starkman-Mendelsohn5Director, West Park Healthcare Enterprises$187,160.60$899.95
Shellee Van Der Vinne34Business Development Specialist$102,124.65$611.02
Jan Walker10Vice-President, Strategy and Chief Information Officer$141,971.24$0.00

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