Thursday, May 26, 2016

Hotel Dieu Hospital 2015 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2015 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Hotel Dieu Hospital (released March 24th, 2016). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 29. The total salaries on the list is $3,897,587.68, with the average salary for someone on the list of $134,399.58. Last year's list is available here.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,780,139.20

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Dr. David Hurlbut $269,989.43
2. Dr. David Pichora $257,373.02
3. Steve Miller $192,050.61
4. Dr. Marosh Manduch $180,502.40
5. Dr. Christopher Davidson $167,150.04
6. Mike McDonald $166,752.01
7. Dr. Michael Fitzpatrick $155,250.79
8. Scott Macinnes $139,739.93
9. Janine Schweitzer $125,665.49
10. Elizabeth Bardon $125,665.48

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title. 
Psychologist / Psychologue4$119,657.32
Nurse Practitioner - Infirmiere praticienne3$106,560.82
Laboratory Pathologist / Pathologiste du laboratoire3$205,880.62

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
NameSalary RankingPositionSalaryBenefits
Elizabeth Bardon10Chief of Public Relations and Community Engagement / Directrice des relations publiques et de la mobilisation communautaire$125,665.48$476.76
Julie Blais15Psychologist / Psychologue$117,750.94$459.66
Beverly Blaney14Psychometrist / Psychometricienne$118,444.89$333.48
Lucy Bonanno17Senior Director, Patient Care Services / Directrice Principal, Soins aux patients$116,346.43$451.44
Kristine Canty25Nurse Practitioner - Infirmiere praticienne$106,266.79$447.15
Dr. Christopher Davidson5Laboratory Pathologist / Pathologiste du laboratoire$167,150.04$699.81
Wendy Earle26Nurse Practitioner - Infirmiere praticienne$105,889.06$447.15
Larry Erwin12Director, Facilities Management / Directeur de la gestation des installations$121,378.10$450.00
Dr. Michael Fitzpatrick7Chief of Staff / Medecin-chef$155,250.79$0.00
Elizabeth Hill24Nurse Practitioner - Infirmiere praticienne$107,526.60$448.68
Dr. David Hurlbut1Laboratory Pathologist / Pathologiste du laboratoire$269,989.43$628.18
Scott Macinnes8Chief Human Resources Officer / Dirigeant principal des ressources humaines$139,739.93$501.72
Bradly Macneil16Psychologist / Psychologue$117,555.09$459.66
Dr. Marosh Manduch4Laboratory Pathologist / Pathologiste du laboratoire$180,502.40$753.24
Mike McDonald6Chief of Patient Care and Chief Nursing Executive / Directeur des soins aux patients et directeur des soins infirmiers$166,752.01$605.16
Steve Miller3Chief Operations Officer and Chief Financial Officer / Dirigeant principal des operations et dirigeant principal des finances$192,050.61$696.84
Kelly Monaghan22Director, Occupational Health & Safety and Infection Prevention and Control / Directrice de la sante et de la securite au travail, et pour la securite des patients / des emplois et de la prevention des infections$108,198.62$450.00
Dr. David Pichora2Chief Executive Officer / Directeur general$257,373.02$933.72
Caroline Reid19Director of Finance / Directrice du Service des finances$109,447.04$450.00
Midge Rouse23Director, Weeneebayko Patient Services / Directrice du Programme de services aux patients de Weeneebayko$108,162.57$395.74
Robert Rowe11Psychologist / Psychologue$122,216.72$459.66
Vic Sahai29Director, Research Institute and Business Development / Directeur de lInstitut de recherche et du developpement$100,921.96$421.56
Janine Schweitzer9Chief of Quality Management and Organizational Improvement / Chef de la gestion de la qualite et de lamelioration organisationnelle$125,665.49$476.76
Kerry Smith28Director, Strategic Alliances & Logistics / Directeur des alliances strategiques et de la logistique$103,364.97$424.95
Patricia Staples21Clinical Nurse Specialist / Infirmiere clinicienne specialisee$109,285.82$456.48
Margaret Van Beers27Director, Child Development Centre / Directrice de la Centre pour le developpement de l'enfant$104,627.16$425.56
Jane Warner18Director - Professional Practice / Directrice de la pratique professionnelle$109,512.17$450.00
Christine Wasson13Psychologist / Psychologue$121,106.52$459.66
Clarence Patrick Willms20Director of Human Resources and Payroll / Directeur du Service des ressources humaines et de la paie$109,447.03$450.00

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