Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Ongwanada Hospital 2015 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2015 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Ongwanada Hospital (released March 24th, 2016). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 12. The total salaries on the list is $1,398,372.74, with the average salary for someone on the list of $116,531.06. Last year's list is available here.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,195,479.18

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Wade Durling $181,085.80
2. Robert Seaby $125,913.42
3. Carey Varga $118,393.43
4. Julie Carriere $113,671.06
5. Katherine Buell $113,402.06
6. Karen Menzies-Turner $110,354.20
7. Tom Collard $110,354.16
8. Alastair Lamb $110,354.15
9. Linda Murray $110,354.15
10. Joy Sullivan $101,596.75

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Psychologist / Psychologue2$101,446.78
Registered Nurse / Infirmiere autorisee2$109,995.09

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
NameSalary RankingPositionSalaryBenefits
Katherine Buell5Director - Psychology Services / Directrice - Services psychologiques$113,402.06$912.00
Julie Carriere4Director - Pharmacy Services / Directrice - Services pharmaceutiques$113,671.06$912.00
Tom Collard7Chief Finance & Administration Officer / Dirigeant principal du service des finances et de l'administration$110,354.16$912.00
Wade Durling1Chief Executive Officer / Directeur general$181,085.80$912.00
Sean Kerry12Psychologist / Psychologue$101,330.90$912.00
Alastair Lamb8Chief Human Resources & Information Officer / Dirigeant principal des ressources humaines et de l'information$110,354.15$912.00
Ghislaine Marcotte11Psychologist / Psychologue$101,562.66$912.00
Karen Menzies-Turner6Chief Clinical & Planning Officer / Dirigeante principale des services cliniques et de la planification$110,354.20$912.00
Linda Murray9Chief Residential & Community Services Officer / Dirigeante principale des services residentiels et communautaires$110,354.15$912.00
Robert Seaby2Executive Director / Directeur General$125,913.42$0.00
Joy Sullivan10Registered Nurse / Infirmiere autorisee$101,596.75$912.00
Carey Varga3Registered Nurse / Infirmiere autorisee$118,393.43$0.00

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