Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here
Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,690,919.69
Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. James Kerry Macdonald $391,917.03 |
2. John Kelly Macdonald $320,376.14 |
3. Mark Balcaen $183,058.37 |
4. Angela Schussler $124,111.03 |
5. Cindy Gasparini $118,928.71 |
6. Kathy Dawe $118,928.69 |
7. Bruce Siciliano $118,928.68 |
8. Mary Kathleen Fitzgerald $106,794.95 |
9. Cheryl Oflaherty $104,004.05 |
10. Bradley Edie $103,872.04 |
Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Registered Nurse | 3 | $101,687.31 |
Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name | Salary Ranking | Position | Salary | Benefits |
Mark Balcaen | 3 | President and Chief Executive Officer | $183,058.37 | $921.84 |
Debra Bastone | 13 | Registered Nurse | $100,587.12 | $439.00 |
Judy Beckworth | 11 | Registered Nurse | $103,314.65 | $439.00 |
Angela Davidson | 12 | Registered Nurse | $101,160.16 | $0.00 |
Kathy Dawe | 6 | Vice President Patient Services and Chief Nursing Officer | $118,928.69 | $599.44 |
Bradley Edie | 10 | Manager, Pharmacy | $103,872.04 | $480.96 |
Mary Kathleen Fitzgerald | 8 | Patient Care Manager | $106,794.95 | $437.60 |
Cindy Gasparini | 5 | Vice President Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer | $118,928.71 | $599.44 |
James Kerry Macdonald | 1 | Pathologist, Laboratory Medical Director and Chief of Medical Staff | $391,917.03 | $1,234.16 |
John Kelly Macdonald | 2 | Pathologist | $320,376.14 | $1,115.60 |
Cheryl Oflaherty | 9 | Manager, Finance, Health Records and Patient Registration | $104,004.05 | $480.96 |
Angela Schussler | 4 | Manager, Diagnostic Imaging | $124,111.03 | $410.88 |
Bruce Siciliano | 7 | Vice President Mental Health and Addictions Programs | $118,928.68 | $599.44 |
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