Sunday, May 29, 2016

Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare 2015 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2015 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare (released March 24th, 2016). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 41. The total salaries on the list is $4,702,211.00, with the average salary for someone on the list of $114,688.07. Last year's list is available here.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,421,300.28

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Natalie Bubela $264,501.49
2. Timothy Smith $143,062.35
3. Karen Fleming $142,192.94
4. Harold Featherston $131,309.27
5. Robert Alldred-Hughes $129,597.28
6. Kelly Coker $127,046.03
7. Luke Seward $126,956.04
8. Alanna Major $122,970.40
9. Marla McKenzie $116,891.40
10. Aimee Brodie $116,773.08

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title. 
Registered Nurse22$107,074.55
Imaging Technologist4$106,818.60
Clinical Pharmacist Supervisor4$112,701.27
Charge Laboratory Technologist2$102,019.39

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
NameSalary RankingPositionSalaryBenefits
Robert Alldred-Hughes5Chief Executive, Human Resources & Support Services$129,597.28$492.24
Mary Boyer23Registered Nurse$105,757.90$32.14
Lisa Boyes27Registered Nurse$104,781.26$387.10
Aimee Brodie10Imaging Technologist$116,773.08$0.00
Natalie Bubela1Chief Executive Officer$264,501.49$928.22
Erica Cahill16Clinical Pharmacist Supervisor$110,462.42$403.94
Cynthia Chilton35Registered Nurse$102,404.10$387.10
Laurie Christie-Veitch34Registered Nurse$102,434.16$387.10
Helen Coe12Registered Nurse$113,231.46$157.90
Kelly Coker6Clinical Pharmacist Supervisor$127,046.03$0.00
Brandon Coulombe13Registered Nurse$112,316.11$0.00
Riitta Cronkright11Registered Nurse$116,238.58$31.58
Heidi Dorion36Registered Nurse$102,308.99$380.32
Harold Featherston4Chief Executive, Diagnostic Imaging, Ambulatory and Planning$131,309.27$492.24
Lynn Feaver32Charge Laboratory Technologist$102,952.71$389.16
Sherri Fleet26Registered Nurse$105,150.41$380.32
Karen Fleming3Chief, Quality & Nursing Executive$142,192.94$546.36
Tracey Fry29Registered Nurse$103,547.04$380.32
Diane George31Registered Nurse$103,168.60$431.49
Roxanne Gravelle24Imaging Technologist$105,331.89$0.00
Ursula Hamilton22Registered Nurse$106,322.31$387.10
Kenneth Haslehurst18Manager, Plant and Facilities$109,332.49$1,275.00
Pamela Houle30Registered Nurse$103,334.21$380.32
Michelle Irvine37Imaging Technologist$101,214.53$347.46
Carla Lang41Registered Nurse$100,575.87$386.52
Susan Lang25Clinical Pharmacist Supervisor$105,308.43$0.00
Valerie Liu20Clinical Pharmacist Supervisor$107,988.21$0.00
Alanna Major8Registered Nurse$122,970.40$387.10
Alana McCabe40Laboratory Technologist$100,609.40$0.00
Anna McDermott21Registered Nurse$107,439.10$0.00
Marla McKenzie9Charge Imaging Technologist$116,891.40$389.16
Daniel Moore28Imaging Technologist$103,954.89$0.00
Sheila Quinton14Registered Nurse$110,682.85$387.10
Jane Radey33Registered Nurse$102,851.26$437.27
Cheryl Rainey17Registered Nurse$110,165.65$380.32
Brenda Robichaud15Registered Nurse$110,646.61$380.32
Darlene Rosbottom38Charge Laboratory Technologist$101,086.06$352.26
Kim Schmitz39Registered Nurse$100,639.62$380.32
Luke Seward7Senior Computed Tomography Technologist$126,956.04$333.18
Timothy Smith2Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Services and Risk$143,062.35$546.36
Kathryn Thompson19Registered Nurse$108,673.60$387.10

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