Sunshine lists and statistics for other universities can be found here
Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,699,621.17
Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Katherine Bergman $220,000.08 |
2. Kieran Bonner $177,119.83 |
3. Gabriel Niccoli $175,808.95 |
4. Fred Desroches $174,680.83 |
5. David Perrin $174,011.99 |
6. Myroslaw Tataryn $173,860.27 |
7. John Rempel $155,507.99 |
8. Cristina Vanin $150,538.95 |
9. Darren Becks $149,704.78 |
10. David Seljak $148,387.50 |
Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Associate Professor | 13 | $127,305.70 |
Professor | 8 | $162,245.58 |
Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name | Salary Ranking | Position | Salary | Benefits |
Carol Acton | 18 | Associate Professor | $127,944.63 | $353.60 |
Darren Becks | 9 | Vice President, Administration | $149,704.78 | $554.64 |
Steven Bednarski | 15 | Associate Professor | $131,181.29 | $184.17 |
Katherine Bergman | 1 | President & Vice Chancellor | $220,000.08 | $851.76 |
Kieran Bonner | 2 | Professor | $177,119.83 | $669.36 |
Chris Burris | 12 | Professor | $142,168.14 | $235.68 |
Tristanne Connolly | 22 | Associate Professor | $117,329.62 | $210.09 |
Fred Desroches | 4 | Professor | $174,680.83 | $676.17 |
Maureen Drysdale | 16 | Associate Professor | $130,449.58 | $504.88 |
Stephanie Gregoire | 20 | Associate Professor | $119,055.35 | $197.45 |
Norman Klassen | 13 | Associate Professor | $138,539.03 | $536.32 |
Scott Kline | 11 | Interim Vice President Academic & Dean | $145,000.08 | $400.80 |
P. Whitney Lackenbauer | 19 | Professor | $124,806.64 | $205.36 |
Kerry Lappin-Fortin | 23 | Associate Professor | $109,024.30 | $301.44 |
Gabriel Niccoli | 3 | Professor | $175,808.95 | $278.64 |
David Perrin | 5 | Professor | $174,011.99 | $288.56 |
John Rempel | 7 | Professor | $155,507.99 | $601.93 |
Barbara Rye | 14 | Associate Professor | $134,393.51 | $520.16 |
David Seljak | 10 | Associate Professor | $148,387.50 | $574.40 |
Antonietta Serafini | 24 | Associate Professor | $100,057.90 | $165.92 |
Myroslaw Tataryn | 6 | Professor | $173,860.27 | $672.96 |
Bruno Tremblay | 17 | Associate Professor | $129,017.11 | $499.44 |
Cristina Vanin | 8 | Associate Professor | $150,538.95 | $236.32 |
Nikolaj Zunic | 21 | Associate Professor | $119,055.35 | $460.88 |
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