Monday, April 18, 2016

Algoma University 2015 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2015 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Algoma University (released March 24th, 2016). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 43. The total salaries on the list is $5,326,495.43, with the average salary for someone on the list of $123,871.99. Last year's list is available here.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other universities can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,571,775.94

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Richard Myers $199,000.08
2. Sean Dwyer $186,858.12
3. David Schantz $163,000.08
4. Richard McCutcheon $159,178.24
5. Pelham Matthews $158,783.97
6. Nicola Shaw $150,825.07
7. William Osei $143,856.98
8. Gayle Broad $139,197.43
9. Arthur Perlini $137,419.54
10. Shaochun Xu $133,656.43

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Associate Professor21$120,413.91
Assistant Professor7$109,903.07
Full Professor4$131,408.40

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
NameSalary RankingPositionSalaryBenefits
Pedro Antunes26Associate Professor$113,885.54$8,390.27
Laurie Bloomfield36Associate Professor$105,959.33$7,383.28
Noni Boyle33Associate Professor$107,097.35$7,835.15
Gayle Broad8Associate Professor$139,197.43$0.00
David Brodbeck16Associate Professor$126,391.11$0.00
Linda Burnett35Associate Professor$106,429.35$0.00
Craig Chamberlin19President and Vice-Chancellor$118,000.08$9,440.04
Neil Cruickshank25Assistant Professor$114,037.52$1,745.82
Gerald Davies42Assistant Professor$103,044.38$0.00
Cathy Denomme40Associate Professor$103,717.63$8,286.91
Jonathan Dewar37Director of Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre$105,840.37$8,387.31
Paul Dupuis27Assistant Professor$113,349.85$7,370.39
Sean Dwyer2Vice President Finance and Administration$186,858.12$13,279.92
Jennifer Foote38Assistant Professor$105,049.35$6,705.96
David Galotta12Associate Professor$130,298.67$0.00
Miguel Garcia-Ruiz28Assistant Professor$112,078.46$8,003.59
Julian Hermida18Associate Professor$118,989.00$8,739.04
Ken Hernden17University Librarian$123,851.26$4,861.16
Istvan Imre34Associate Professor$106,671.28$7,880.99
Edna James32Assistant Professor$107,251.83$0.00
Warren Johnston43Associate Professor$101,195.79$8,095.67
Krishna Kadiyala21Full Professor$116,701.07$0.00
David Marasco13Registrar$128,093.79$8,387.31
Pelham Matthews5Associate Professor$158,783.97$0.00
Tom Mauro39Director of Ancillary and Student Services$104,493.72$8,359.54
Richard McCutcheon4Vice President Academic and Research$159,178.24$0.00
Richard Myers1Past President$199,000.08$15,919.92
William Newbigging14Full Professor$127,656.00$0.00
Tom O'Flanagan20Associate Professor$117,946.35$0.00
William Osei7Full Professor$143,856.98$0.00
Arthur Perlini9Full Professor$137,419.54$0.00
Darla Pirillo41Director of Human Resources$103,140.89$8,251.29
Cheryl Reed-Elder15Associate Professor$127,589.33$0.00
Daniel Reid29Director of Information Technology Services$111,391.58$8,911.34
Celia Ross11Associate Professor$130,489.33$0.00
Robert Rutherdale22Associate Professor$115,930.87$0.00
David Schantz3Past Vice President Academic and Research$163,000.08$13,039.92
Nicola Shaw6Associate Professor$150,825.07$10,137.51
George Townsend30Associate Professor$111,026.76$0.00
Edward Turgeon23Associate Professor$114,618.31$8,287.02
Howard Webkamigad31Associate Professor$107,993.21$0.00
Deborah Woodman24Assistant Professor$114,510.13$8,003.48
Shaochun Xu10Associate Professor$133,656.43$0.00

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