Sunshine lists and statistics for other universities can be found here
Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,120,957.65
Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. John Huels $119,829.67 |
2. Chantal Beauvais $119,150.87 |
3. Jean-Marc Barrette $117,664.32 |
4. Ramon Martinez-de-Pison $114,147.03 |
5. Normand Beaulieu $113,364.00 |
6. Andri Freishyn-Chirovsky $110,123.41 |
7. Gregory L. Bloomquist $109,092.63 |
8. John Renken $108,418.94 |
9. Vivianne Khayat $105,416.56 |
10. Jobe Abbass $103,750.22 |
Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Professeur/Professor | 9 | $107,326.30 |
Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name | Salary Ranking | Position | Salary | Benefits |
Jobe Abbass | 10 | Professeur/Professor | $103,750.22 | $318.12 |
Jean-Marc Barrette | 3 | Vice-Recteur Enseignement et Recherche / Vice-Rector, Academic and Research | $117,664.32 | $359.88 |
Andre Beaudry | 11 | Directeur Bureau des diplomes et du developpement / Director Alumni and Development Office | $103,718.55 | $824.88 |
Normand Beaulieu | 5 | Vice Recteur a l'Administration / Vice-Rector Administration | $113,364.00 | $824.88 |
Chantal Beauvais | 2 | Rectrice/Rector | $119,150.87 | $411.00 |
Martin Blais | 16 | Professeur/Professor | $101,442.10 | $824.88 |
Gregory L. Bloomquist | 7 | Professeur/Professor | $109,092.63 | $379.32 |
Christian Dionne | 14 | Professeur/Professor | $102,629.90 | $257.96 |
Andri Freishyn-Chirovsky | 6 | Professeur/Professor | $110,123.41 | $381.40 |
Peter Galadza | 12 | Professeur/Professor | $103,052.63 | $824.88 |
Manal Guirguis-Younger | 13 | Doyenne/Dean | $102,728.62 | $345.76 |
John Huels | 1 | Professeur/Professor | $119,829.67 | $231.28 |
Vivianne Khayat | 9 | Registraire/Registrar | $105,416.56 | $824.88 |
Judith Malette | 15 | Professeur/Professor | $101,869.08 | $279.04 |
Ramon Martinez-de-Pison | 4 | Professeur/Professor | $114,147.03 | $348.64 |
John Renken | 8 | Doyen/Dean | $108,418.94 | $256.36 |
Andre Seguin | 17 | Directeur, Service de l'informatique et de l'enseignement a distance/Director Computer and Distance Education Services | $100,961.05 | $824.88 |
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